Who Really Owns The U.S. Housing Market? The Complete Roadmap

Is BlackRock really buying up all of the single-family homes in America? How involved is Blackstone? Are private equity firms and big investors taking over the housing market? Are “build-to-rent” communities becoming a trend? Are foreigners buying up U.S. residential properties? Who owns all of the vacation rentals, manufactured home communities, and student housing? Are we really going to own nothing and be happy?

Whether you are looking to buy, sell, rent, invest, relocate, or just want to keep your eye on the ball, this report will act as a roadmap, showing where individuals, mom-and-pop investors and large investors monopolize different sectors of the housing industry and where the hot locations are. It is packed with hundreds of statistics and charts to provide both context and visual aids for a comprehensive view of how the landscape of America is shifting. There have been some big misconceptions and many of these statistics will surprise people.

The Complete Roadmap:

Single-Family Homes and The Rental Market: Homeowners Versus Investors
The Top 6 Companies That Own Single-Family Home Rentals
Build-To-Rent Single-Family Home Communities
Foreign-Owned U.S. Residential Property
• Manufactured Housing Communities

Vacation Rental Homes Market
Student Housing Market
The Affordable Housing Scheme
Private Equity and Large Investors
The Biggest Takeaways

The most comprehensive housing market report available. Download it now!

Corey Lynn is an investigative journalist, co-host of the weekly Dig It! podcast, and co-host of The Solution Series. Follow her at coreysdigs.com, on Twitter, Gab, Truth, Rumble, and Telegram. Support her work by becoming a Patron, making a donation or buying a Book.

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