Sarah Westall & Others Suing Google for Censorship, Reach 9th Circuit Then Intend to Appeal to Supreme Court
Fifteen plaintiffs are suing Google, the parent company of Youtube, for blocking their channels during the 2020 election cycle. The plaintiffs listed by their Youtube channel names are: JustInformed Talk, SGT Report, X22 Report, SpaceShot 76, TruReporting, RedPill78, Edge of Wonder, Praying Medic, Amazing Polly, Woke Societies, Daniel Lee, Deception Byes, InTheMatrixxx, Destroying the Illusion and Sarah Westall.
Attorney Cris Armenta argued at the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals on behalf of the plaintiffs on October 17, 2022. Armenta stated, “I represent the plaintiffs who are conservative commentators and journalists, who for years published their works on Youtube – more than 15,000 videos, almost 800 million views, more than most mainstream media channels. That is until October 15, 2020, when they were summarily erased on that day.”
Armenta compared Google’s censorship of free speech to the “dystopian society” described in the novel Fahrenheit 451, in which “firemen, instead of putting out fires, they burned books and sometimes the people along with them, in the interest of creating conformity and squelching independent thought. In this case, Youtube is the book-burner, and it’s the government officials and the House of Representatives itself that identified for Youtube which books to burn.” The plaintiffs argue that government officials coerced Google and other big tech companies to censor content during the 2020 election cycle and that Section 230 immunities should not apply for those companies who were acting on behalf of the government.
The suit is making headway, but the legal battle is far from over. The plaintiffs are raising funds for legal fees as they make their way through the 9th Circuit. “Once we are through this hurdle, we are then positioned to appeal to the Supreme Court where this issue will once and for all be discussed,” their GiveSendGo page states. The plaintiffs in this suit against Google are taking action against censorship on behalf of all who value freedom of speech protected under the First Amendment.
Your support will help them continue to defend free speech. All donations will go directly to their Legal Fund. Please visit Defending Free Speech to make a contribution and learn more.

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How do you escape a system if Google gets fined …for censorship…who gets that fine? The government. They collect it.
So the circle continues.
Thank you for this information. I was subscribed to most of those channels. I will definitely make a donation.
And thank YOU for all that you do. I value your content. I used to follow you on Twitter until I was banned from twitter in 2020. God bless you.
Constitution of the United States
First Amendment
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.
Our Founding Fathers, in their foresight & wisdom, made the protection of our most essential right which serves as the bedrock of our Republic the very First Amendment of the US Constitution. For they knew without it Freedom would fall from the assault by tyranny/treachery of despots. We the Peaople are entrusted with this precious gem passed on to us through the centuries. May we find the strength, knowledge & courage to keep Liberty’s Torch lit for the generations to come.
J Ford
I have been listening to x22report now every day but Saturday, Dave has by far more relevant information than any political view or narrative that they want you to believe…and suppressing them all just makes people believe that what they say is true. We’re in an information war and the bad guys are losing or they wouldn’t block them..
I’m surprised LT of AndWeKnow isn’t listed on the plaintiffs list…he was also banned. I track Dave @X22report and LT of andweknow.. also been tracking Stew Peter’s Network on Rumble for jab related news. Stew is releasing a video named “Died Suddenly” on Nov 21st…he has previews out. And their quite shocking!!! But the truth must get out.
The corporate entities have become bigger than government and are replacing governance. Literally, these corporations are bypassing government. There is no congressional oversight. Look at Wray blow off Congress. Look at Mayorkas’ responses; these men flat out lie and our wimply little noodles in suits verbally joust in jest. Ultra vires needs to be reinstated in the corporate code and secretaries of states need to start limiting corporate activity. The sovereigns have spoken. Not their “representatives.” Vote with your money and vote with your feet. And toss out your cellular telephones.