The Solution Series

    Social Disruption Contours

    The world is swirling in a tornado of social disruption, creating waves of cognitive dissonance through endless minds. The confusion in the masses is palpable. George Soros must be pleased. The mind knows the reality, or at least it thinks it does. Each street corner speaks a different message, every television channel ­spins a different web, every voice utters words of chaos. Where are your thoughts safe from impeding dissonance? In the privacy of your own home, or does the family all speak in different tones? Does it feel like the ground is shaking beneath you, like everything is rotating counterclockwise? Have your days bled together, and your nights seem shorter? Have you reached information overload or are you thirsty for more? More of what? What is it that you really seek? Truth? What is truth to you? Are you splintered into a million pieces of distortion, and you can’t…



    Expression – the one commonality all human beings embody, but so few are able to truly express themselves. It’s not because they lack the words, the imagery, or the ability to do so. It’s because the system has used the mute and pause buttons on society since the beginning of time. Be quiet, wait your turn, I’m talking, you can’t do that, that wasn’t the assignment, I don’t care what you think, you’re not an artist, wait in line, there’s no time for that, don’t speak, you have to do it this way, and on and on the “rules” go. For a child to be shut down when brilliance is about to emerge, can be detrimental, and for adults it can compound insecurities. One thing is for certain – everyone has been shut down hundreds, if not thousands of times throughout their life. Think about that for a moment. Expression…


    Unpack Your Mind for A New Way Forward

    Erase everything you thought you ever knew, observations you made along the way, and beliefs you came to believe as truth. Imagine yourself arriving on earth for the first time, only this time you arrive as an adult. Your soul is strong, your spirit elevated, and your mind has the capacity to filter through whatever comes your way. There are thousands of narratives moving at the speed of light, heading straight for you. But, it’s the first time you are seeing, hearing, and observing all of them. You’ve never witnessed or experienced any of the narratives spiraling toward you because you have just arrived on earth. Feel this space. Everything you are about to digest is new to you. You know nothing about this planet, but you are about to embark on an adventure that allows you to discern for yourself that which resonates as self-empowering in a positive light…


    The System Put You in a Box, But the Box Doesn’t Exist

    You weren’t born to be put into a box, yet here you are with invisible constraints. At every turn you are faced with a decision – to go along with the system or break free from it. From the moment you came out of the womb, you were put into the system, entered in databases, and soon to be vaccinated with doses upon doses of cocktails over the next two years of your life. While television commercials sought to fill parent’s minds with the dos and don’ts for their child, you were being downloaded with cartoons and children’s books filled with messages of fear, family separation, and dysfunction. By age five you entered the “education system,” which was really an indoctrination to keep your mind tooled around their agendas for hours on end, five days a week. As time went on, you were told what to learn, how to think,…

  • education system is indoctrinating children

    Turn The Page or Lose Your Children to Indoctrination

    The education system is supposed to engage children to open their minds and expand their knowledge. Unfortunately, the “system” is one of indoctrination rather than education. Schools all across the country, and the world for that matter, have been teaching children social and political agendas to raise them with beliefs that are unfounded, oftentimes fear mongering and completely distorted from truth, while breaking down the family unit. Books that once contained a moral lesson in 16 out of 25 pages from 1810 have decreased to less than one page out of 25 in 1950. It’s tragic, and it’s not going to stop until parents pay attention, create change, and turn the page. Turn The Page Before Your Children Have Nightmares & False Perceptions In a charter school fifteen miles outside of Denver, Colorado, a young boy has suffered sleepless nights and nightmares because of books he’s read in school. His…

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