The Solution Series

    UPDATED Form for Students Attending Colleges or Universities Requiring Covid-19 Injections

    10-5-22 Updated Form. Disregard below and CLICK HERE for form. The first version of this form was written in May by Corey’s Digs for The Solari Report, and has been updated this week by the Solari team to account for future events, as things evolve. Please review this important information, legal and medical resources, and form to submit to colleges or universities. [NOTE TO STUDENT: Be sure to document the date and time you submit the form to your school; also document the date and time and their response if they refuse to sign it. Note that three other Solari Report forms1,2,3 are also available as downloadable PDFs: the “Family Financial Disclosure Form for Covid-19 Injections”; “Notice and Declaration of Parental Authority Requirement of Disclosure and Safety of Medical Treatment/s”; and “Form for Employees Whose Employers Are Requiring Covid-19 Injections under Emergency Use Authorization.”] Introduction The situation with Covid-19 injections is fluid and evolving…


    How To Challenge A School Board in 3-5 Minutes

    Did you know that only 5-10% of people vote in school board elections across the country? Even worse, there are empty seats, and uncontested candidates, some of whom need to be kicked to the curb. How is it possible that we have over 56.6 million children attending school in the U.S., with only 5-10% of parents participating in the election of the people who hold the highest power over their education, or shall we say… indoctrination? Whereas, the home schooling rate has increased four-fold over the past year, some parents aren’t in a situation that allows them to homeschool just yet, and their children remain in public schools. The future generations will be so badly indoctrinated, if parents do not put a stop to this now, and that’s exactly what is happening. Continue this momentum! Are you a little shy and find it difficult speaking in a room full of…


    Bill Gates’ Influence Over The US Education System

    New curriculums are being implemented across the United States with the intent to stifle the academic achievement of exceptional students. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is the driving force behind them. Bill Gates almost single-handedly funded and implemented Common Core standards in 2010. The equity agendas are a continuation of those standards. By changing the way a single generation of Americans learn and think in school, Agenda 2030 will be much easier to implement at a global scale. L, an investigative journalist, recently published a report on the globalists control of the education system and Bill Gates involvement with Common Core, among other things. This is vital information for parents to be aware of. Below is L’s summary with direct links to her report. Across the United States, public schools seem to be in a race to see who can destroy their student’s futures the fastest. In the name…


    PARENTS: You Have The Power

    Parents across the country are worried about what their children are being taught in school, with subject matters such as critical race theory, the transgender agenda, and revisionist history being forced on them, not to mention the sexualizing of children that is taking place. Parents are also very concerned about their children being made to wear masks for upwards of seven hours a day, and battling school boards to remove the mandate. In fact, just do a quick search on the internet and witness how many parents are suing school boards across the country right now. Bring the fire! Fortunately, your voice is being heard on many of these agendas being pushed on children in school, and some states are taking action through legislation. Arkansas was the first state to pass a bill banning transgender hormone therapy and surgery in children under 18, and numerous other states have bills in…


    The U.S. Constitution vs The Communist Party USA Constitution Through The Eyes of a Teenager

    This is the most critical time in U.S. history. Right here. Right now. Election and voter fraud have reached a level of criminality that we will never come back from if this battle is not won. The constitution is being stomped on by authoritarian governors and people are losing their freedoms, rights, businesses, and sanity over an alleged virus with a 98.1% survival rate overall. There is ultimately no risk left, because we’ve already unwillingly sacrificed so much, so now more than ever people must stand firm, speak up, blow the whistle, take action, and fight like your life depends on it – because it does. If the constitution is not upheld, the U.S. is headed for communism. That’s not conspiracy, that is fact, well laid out by the World Economic Forum for a one world governance. They themselves like to refer to it as the “New World Order” and…

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