Is Your State Protecting Financial Freedom? Get The Full Breakdown Here
By The Sharp Edge As the national debt approaches 32 trillion, and the Biden regime commits billions to Ukraine despite reports of embezzled funds, the American financial system is failing. Already, the 2023 banking collapse is bigger than 2008, with the combined assets of three big banks that failed in 2023 dwarfing the assets of 25 banks that failed in 2008. Meanwhile, the public is strapped with historic levels of consumer debt and inflation, driven by federal spending, as Americans struggle to make ends meet. Congress has, so far, failed to restrain the out-of-control federal budget, by passing trillion-dollar packages, continuing the money flow to weaponized agencies riddled with fraud, waste and abuse. Though this financial debacle may appear on the surface to be a destructive combination of incompetence and circumstance, in reality, the controlled demolition of the financial system as we know it is all part of the World…
I Want to Stop CBDCs – What Can I Do?
The following report, originally published on The Solari Report, provides helpful tips to bring a halt to Central Bank Digital Currencies. By Catherine Austin Fitts and Carolyn Betts Many subscribers and readers of the Solari Report have asked how they can stop the implementation of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) in the U.S. and other countries. It is important to recognize that there is a great deal that each one of us can do to take action. In a highly leveraged financial system such as we have, a single individual counts for a lot. Here are actions that each of us can take: (1) USE CASH whenever possible—and let everyone know why you are using cash. Walk out on establishments that refuse to accept cash. When using remote facilities where cash is not possible, use checks if you can. We understand from one subscriber that check companies are scrambling to fill…
National Strategy to Develop Distributed Ledger Technology for Digital ID Tucked into 2023 Defense Budget
By The Sharp Edge The corrupt DC uniparty has conspired against voters who elected a Republican majority in the House to put a stop to wasteful spending driving inflation, by pushing for a massive omnibus bill as the Christmas holiday deadline looms. In a setup for the vote on the omnibus bill, on December 15, 2022, Congress passed a one-week Continuing Resolution along with the National Defense Authorization Act of 2023 (NDAA), which is the defense budget for next year. The NDAA is headed to Biden’s desk for signature. Members on both sides of the isle have praised their efforts on the passage of the NDAA, which includes repealing the Covid injection mandate for service members. While revoking the Covid jab mandate for military members is a victory garnering much of the focus, other aspects of the $858 billion dollar defense bill have gone completely unnoticed. The devil is always…
Don’t Let Your Mortgage Servicer “BlackRock” You with Verint’s Scary ESG Survey + BlackRock Under Fire
It’s no secret that BlackRock CEO, Larry Fink, has been the key driver in pushing financial institutions and companies into “changing their behavior” and how they operate so as to comply with the grand ESG scheme. Environmental, Social, and Governance are the buzzwords making their way into every major corporation, and some states aren’t on board with this. More on that in a moment. While this heated debate is transpiring, New York Community Bank just acquired Flagstar Bank, both whose top shareholder is BlackRock, and both of whom service millions of residential mortgages and multi-family lending for non-luxury apartments. Of course they want to work ESG into their new control model, so they brought on scandalous Verint to provide the framed “survey” intended to manipulate people into adopting their plan. The questions on the so-called survey, aren’t questions at all, as seen below in this article. If there was ever…
The Solution Series: Transitioning into Real Money with Franklin Sanders
“The fact is, over time if you stay in dollars they’re stealing from you. That’s the whole point of inflation … they’re stealing from you, and if you keep your wealth in that system, you’re strengthening that system.”~ Franklin Sanders Preview Full episode Download the full transcript in pdf format here. By Corey Lynn and James White What is money? Depending on who you ask, you will receive a variety of different answers to that very important question. Currency, often confused with real money, is the paper notes we hold in our pockets and use for day-to-day transactions; but do those characteristics make that dollar in your pocket, otherwise known as a Federal Reserve Note, money? Throughout history, governments have used their control of the nation’s currency to not only keep populations in line but also consolidate power by enriching themselves and their associates. Precious metals, however, are a different…