VIDEO: Financial Takeover and Your Bank Account – BlackRock, Envestnet/Yodlee, and The Federal Reserve
On June 12, 2021 Corey’s Digs published the report ‘TAKE ACTION: Financial Takeover and Your Bank Account – BlackRock, Envestnet/Yodlee, and The Federal Reserve.’ This is a short 6-1/2 minute video summarizing the report, created by the brilliant Sharp Edge. Please watch this important video, then read the entire report and timeline on the financial takeover, who’s behind it, what’s happening with your bank account and investment portfolios, the social and climate scoring systems being implemented for a new credit score, and what you should do about it. The full report is also available in pdf download in The Bookshop, for those who wish to archive and print it. Read the full report now!
TAKE ACTION: Financial Takeover & Your Bank Account – BlackRock, Envestnet/Yodlee, and The Federal Reserve
Ever hear of Yodlee? Neither had I, until I discovered it was aggregating my data in my bank account, and likely selling it to third parties. This quickly became a personal dig, until I found staggering connections that I realized the public needs to be made aware of. Before you determine this has nothing to do with you, I urge you to review this article in its entirety and pay close attention to the timeline actions, because this affects ALL OF YOU, and it’s being rolled out in multiple countries. Then, I encourage you to check with your bank and find out exactly which third parties are wrapped up in your accounts, and consider the option of moving your funds to a smaller local bank. This isn’t just about spying and data aggregating, this is a structural setup to move us into the social/climate score system and beyond, and Biden…
Family Financial Disclosure Form for Covid-19 Injections
The Solari Report put together this brilliant financial disclosure form to assist families. It is an invaluable tool for everyone. From the Solari Report Disclaimer: This form is provided to facilitate effective family due diligence, communication, and planning. It is essential that each person and each family take responsibility to identify and access the information they believe to be most relevant to their situation and decisions, and take responsibility to assess and manage their individual and collective risk as they believe best. Introduction The goal of this Family Financial Form is to ensure that an adverse event or death of one family member does not translate into long-lived or permanent financial destruction for the entire family. This form was created to assist families to communicate regarding and to prepare for the family-wide financial impact of adverse events, if any, resulting from a Covid-19 injection. Examples of adverse events from Covid-19…
AMAZON’S IMPENDING TAKEOVER: The One-Stop Shop for Smart Cities with Digital Currency Control
This sounds like a dystopian science fiction movie, but unfortunately, it’s already in the works, they are just putting the final touches on their master plan. A “smart city?” The only shop for products, food, and healthcare while tracking us? A biometrics palm scanner? All autonomous vehicles and public transit? No more cash or credit cards – all digital currency? The ability to freeze our accounts or prevent us from purchasing certain items? Does this sound crazy? It should! Let’s take a look at the rollout and possible ways to navigate and combat some of this. Amazon’s been quite busy progressing in areas most people are unaware of. This goes far beyond taking out the little guys – they’re going for the middlemen, and heading straight for your family. How are they pulling all of this off? Don’t miss our weekly Dig It! Podcast on April 23rd where we discussed…