The Solution Series
  • Biological Weapons, China, SARS and Novel Coronavirus

    Burgeoning Asian Bioweapons

    Most of us know of the atrocities conducted at Auschwitz by Josef Mengele during World War II.  However, very few people are aware of the equally horrendous human experimentation conducted simultaneously by Japan. A clandestine program conducted by the Japanese during World War II was responsible for the experimentation and genocide of hundreds of thousands of Chinese citizens as well as others, and ultimately led the Chinese to develop their own robust biological weapons program which is in full swing presently.  In this report, we will look back at the Japanese biological weapons program that started it all, and fast forward to the burgeoning Chinese biological warfare program today, which arose from it. Special thanks to fellow researcher, The Speaker, for contributions to this report. By The Sharp Edge Biological Weapons of the Imperial Japanese Following World War I, the Japanese imperialist policy of expansion through military and political tactics,…


    Is AIDS US $90B Taxpayer Dollars A Global Slush Fund?

    Well over a hundred billion dollars has siphoned through the hands of individuals with scandalous histories, with over $90 billion from the U.S. Government (taxpayers) alone, via PEPFAR. • The U.S. Government’s PEPFAR is the largest funder of any nation to a single disease in the world, and the largest donor to the Global Fund, to the tune of over $90 billion to date. Despite this, due to the fact that the Global Fund is located in Geneva, Switzerland, it is not subject to U.S. taxation, jurisdiction, or law. George W. Bush’s 2006 executive order afforded the Global Fund additional exemptions, privileges, and immunities. • Three U.S. Presidents, over 35 governments, the UNDP, the Global Fund, GAVI, and over two dozen major non-profits along with countless smaller ones, have been cashing in for nearly two decades. • Bill and Melinda Gates, Jeffrey Sachs, Kofi Annan, and Amir Attaran are listed…

  • AI - Artifical Intelligence,  BIG TECH,  GLOBAL,  HEALTH & SCIENCE

    The Cancer Within Modern Medicine Part 5: Transhumanism

    There is a cancer within the world of modern medicine eating away at the very heart of its original design. Rather than healing humanity, this cancer seeks to destroy us from within. In this final part of our series, we will explore how transhumanism has shaped modern medicine from the mid-20th century to today. Special thanks to pathologist and friend, Dr. B, for contributions to this report. Read Parts 1–4: The Cancer Within Modern Medicine By The Sharp Edge Transhumanism: Eugenics Redefined The term originated from biologist and eugenicist, Julian Huxley, who wrote an essay entitled “Transhumanism” in 1957.  Huxley was the first Director General of UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization) in 1946, President of the British Eugenics Society from 1959 to 1962, and President of the British Humanist Association from 1963 to 1965. In the post-World War II era, Huxley sought to “reform eugenics” by separating…


    Nader, Khawaja, Clintons, Pope Francis, and Elite Converge in UAE & Africa

    Welcome to the jungle of elites, criminals, and Pope Francis who all seem to have their eyes set on South Africa, while Russia and China run naval drills off the coast. It’s an interesting intersection of events and individuals. What’s more interesting is the timetable of recently indicted George Nader and Andy Khawaja, along with the Clintons and Pope Francis, that leads to the United Arab Emirates (UAE), who also have a big interest in South Africa. With the recent African proverb spoken by Pope Francis, mixed in with cryptic messages of a “new humanism,” he is “reinventing” in a global pact, highlighted by Hillary Clinton’s similar African proverb used in her book “it takes a village,” one wonders what plans are underway in Africa? One also wonders what was really brokered when the Pope visited the UAE earlier this year, as the first ever pontiff to travel to the…

  • GLOBAL,  U.S.

    30 BIG Hoaxes & Lies Perpetrated on Americans

    Confused by what’s real and what’s a hoax or a flat-out lie? The magnitude of hoaxes and lies being perpetrated by Deep State is so expansive, they had to cover their tracks by having Google/YouTube conceal search results for “hoax,” “hoax crisis actors,” and “false flags.” Chew on that for a moment, then kick back with a cup of coffee and expand your consciousness with just how many hoaxes and lies have been perpetrated on the American people. Since the exposure of Google/YouTube, they have reversed their Blacklist, but make no mistake, they are owned. They have a narrative to fulfill, and power-hungry allegiances to serve. Tempted by money and control, feeding desires of wickedness and evil, they care not who they harm in the process. They care not who they steamroll, whose lives are shattered, and those who are raped or murdered along the way. They. Care. Not. Who…

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