The Solution Series

    Welcome to the Surveillance State: Biometrics Data Collection is All Around You

    By The Sharp Edge The worldwide digital panopticon isn’t coming – it’s already here.  While China has the most surveillance cameras in operation overall, reaching a total of 200 million throughout the country, most people would be shocked to know that the United States has the largest number of surveillance cameras per person than any other country in the world.  China may be considered the most advanced in their mass surveillance and control system, but with exports of this technology, regimes around the globe are quickly catching up.  In the age of information, “the world’s most valuable resource is no longer oil, but data.”  Biometric identifiers such as facial geometry, fingerprints, voiceprints, and even your DNA are now highly prized commodities.  Rapid developments in biometric data collection implemented in every aspect of our daily lives has made the public vulnerable, while lawmakers fall behind in protecting the private data of…


    I Have Nothing To Hide

    I don’t care if they are surveilling me through my smartphone, I have nothing to hide, he said. What do I care if government can spy on me, I have nothing to hide, she said. Why does it matter if Amazon can listen to me and see me coming and going from my house, I can see if there are intruders, and I have nothing to hide, he said. What difference does it make if organizations, globalists, and law enforcement can track my whereabouts through my vehicle, I have nothing to hide, she said. Who cares if big box stores aggregate data on everything I purchase and target me with ads on every device I own, I have nothing to hide, he said. These cameras installed throughout my home are to spy on intruders so if it means I get spied on through them what do I care, I have…


    Our Future Is At Stake: The Climate Agenda’s True Power & Supreme Court Ruling on EPA

    There are over 400 three-letter agencies in the U.S., many of which have been acting as their own government for over a hundred years, going unchecked while operating outside the Constitution. Their overreach has sought to control every industry from the top down, every consumer and small business, and blaze straight through the Federal Reserve and financial systems into everyone’s wallet. If there is one big takeaway from the Supreme Court ruling, it is the fact that it is far past time to put an end to this shadow government who has worked to remove the freedoms of the American people and undermine the Constitutional process. “Congress certainly has not conferred a like authority upon EPA anywhere else in the Clean Air Act. The last place one would expect to find it is in the previously little-used backwater of Section 111(d).” – Chief Justice Roberts Through their radical “climate change”…


    Dig It! with Special Guest Catherine Austin Fitts

    This week on Dig It! we brought my dear friend Catherine Austin Fitts on to discuss where the globalists are at with their Central Bank Digital Currency agenda, the overall financial and economic system, where we are heading, ways we can stop it, how to protect ourselves and build our communities, and so much more. You won’t want to miss this episode! WATCH HERE: Be sure to go to Catherine’s site and explore a wealth of information, tools, and resources at The Solari Report. Bookmark her handy silver and gold calculator. Dig It! Podcast also available on:GabTV: Radio: Subscribe to Corey’s Digs so you don’t miss a Dig!


    The Rise & Risks of Central Bank Digital Currencies

    By The Sharp Edge When asked if a United States CBDC would be used to control how, when and where the population spends their money, a senior vice president for the St. Louis Fed’s Research Division responded, “in life, one can’t give absolute assurance of anything…The best we can hope for, is for Congress to respond to the electorate’s concerns about privacy.”  However, signals by the Biden regime and the Federal Reserve indicate they intend to move forward on a CBDC, regardless of any approval from Congress, industry leaders or the public.  In fact, there are a growing number of research and pilot programs in various phases of development in America and around the world, despite public concerns of an impending digital currency enslavement system tied to a digital ID and social credit system. The Biden Regime Presses Forward On March 9, 2022, the Biden regime issued an Executive Order…

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