BIG SOLUTION: Shop with Patriots and Ditch Big Box Stores Now!
I can hardly contain myself. I’ve been on a solution mission for awhile now, and when I found some of these sources, I was so excited! Not just because we are pulling our business away from big box stores and Amazon, who is trying to take over all industries, but because the PRODUCTS ROCK! You’ve been asking for solutions, and in my opinion, this is one of the most important ones because it does a number of things: 1) No more giving money to the criminals, especially Amazon. 2) All of the resources are USA-made or grown, and some of them have their own manufacturing and distribution – bonus! 3) Improve your health: Many of these resources provide clean or chemical free products, and of course the farming ones means cleaner eating. 4) No need to worry about masks, id passports or other bogus mandates because you order online and…
100th Episode of Dig It! Podcast
This is our 100th episode of our Dig It! Podcast, with myself, The Speaker, and The Sharp Edge. Two full years, a heck of a lot of censorship, and we are still standing – 100 episodes later! A huge thank you to all of our patriot friends and supporters! You keep our spirits high, and we wouldn’t be here without you. We rolled in some good laughs, positive notes, covered Corey’s article on the Global Landscape on Vaccine ID Passports Part 1 (which also has some positives), her semi-comical article on America’s Multiple Personality Disorder, the Patriot Shopping Club, plus some other important news topics, and a big shout out to all of our fellow patriots. Kick back, give a listen, and have a safe and Happy 4th of July everyone! Dig It! Podcast also available on: GabTV: TheFoxHole: Pilled: Odysee: iHeart Radio: Stitcher:…
The Global Landscape on Vaccine ID Passports and Where It’s Headed: Part 1
Who would have thought just a couple years ago that we would be facing this level of unconstitutional surveillance, whereby your health is on full display and entry into civilization is thwarted by a little thing called “vaccine id passports?” Well, the fact is, many of us saw this coming, and have been warning of it for quite some time. One big tip off was ID2020, which was launched in 2016 by none other than Bill Gates’ Gavi, Microsoft, The Rockefeller Foundation, Accenture, and How prophetic of them to nail down the year ‘2020’ as a need for a “digital ID solution,” and launch their “certification mark” approval for stakeholders to get to work on technology apps as early as January 2019… ahead of schedule. All of this is part of their overall “Great Reset” agenda, with their full intention of implementing digital IDs that go far beyond the…
ALERT: They Are Using ‘Smart’ Devices to Entrain Your Children
By James Fitzgerald Children represent the great hope of any civilization, imbued as they are with a natural curiosity and awareness of the truth and charged with energy and vitality. In almost all indigenous traditions, the natural world represented the gateway to the cosmos, or higher realms of wisdom, and so new-borns were quickly offered exposure and freedom to explore this lush meta-physical inheritance. In the Americas, some communities would even allow giant eagles or condors to take toddlers on flights of wonder above the canopy of trees — the exaltation and awe induced by these experiences would open psychic gateways in the child’s brain that imbued it with a life-long connection to the ecological neural network of the planet. The technocratic custodians of history have of course recast these initiations as myths about giant birds abducting young children in a former wilderness that was laden with dangers in every…
The Floodgate is Open on Fauci’s Emails
“The tide is turning…The dam is about to burst…This is going to be a bad day for Dr. Fauci,” predicted Senator Paul in a statement last week. Little did we know a floodgate of Fauci’s emails would burst open to the public this week. Rand Paul’s statement couldn’t be more accurate, and based on the emails, it appears that Dr. Fauci has many more bad days ahead of him. The trove of Fauci emails released to the public, which came by way of a FOIA request by Buzzfeed, reveal patterns of cover-ups, censorship, coordination and control. Among the 3,234 pages, key insights have been gained, but there are surely more to come in the near future. Here are some of the findings from Fauci’s opened floodgate so far: The Cover-Up January 31, 2020 From: Kristian G. Anderson To: Anthony Fauci “The unusual features of the virus makes up a really…