Protecting U.S. Bulk-Power System & Technology from Bad Actors – Bookshop
With all of the distractions taking place throughout the U.S., there are some critical developments in the electricity and energy power sector that people should be paying attention to. On May 1, 2020, President Trump signed executive order “Securing the United States Bulk-Power System,” which was one of the most important executive orders to date, yet it was a blip on most people’s radar. In fact, there have been a string of key executive orders and bills put in place regarding the power supply and technology sectors to protect the U.S. from potential harm. While all eyes have been on 5G and Huawei, few seem to be paying attention to the bigger picture – electricity, solar, “climate change” agendas, manufactured parts, foreign interference and outsourcing – essentially, our entire powered infrastructure.
There are three individuals who have played vital roles in taking advantage of the U.S., running specific deals to benefit China, and focusing on monopolizing the energy and technology industries, among others, from high positions of financial authority, two of whom have flown under the radar with most people.
This is a 30-page report with all links in tact, in pdf format for download. Be sure to download within 24 hrs of receiving the link.