Clintons Shipwrecked on Ten Islands Part IV: EXPOSED
New information has come to light in regard to the Clintons and Branson’s affairs with the Caribbean Islands. Several more players have boarded this ship, including Bill Gates, The World Bank, Virgin Unite, Digicel, The Nature Conservancy, Tides, and numerous others. Generating millions in funds to erect small solar farms, was just the appetizer. These folks have a 5-course meal planned, and the potential for dessert is concerning.
Having locked in negotiations with 26 governments along the drug and child trafficking transits, after fashioning all of their government buildings in solar panels as a “freebee,” it would seem full-scale tourism, smart cities, even underwater fiber optics connecting all of the islands for a hefty communications kickback to Digicel and friends, are next on the agenda – but to what end, and how did it get this far?
In Shipwrecked on Ten Islands with Clintons & Branson parts 1-3, their entire operation on these island nations is dissected with maps, financial details, a breakdown of each company involved, and a timeline beginning in 2012, that shows the Obama administration’s ties to boosting this island adventure in 2015, and bringing it current to 2018 when they broke ground on Saint Lucia. It is important to read parts 1-3 to understand the full backstory on their involvement with these islands. It also breaks down many other companies involved, including shipping companies, as well as Norway and an arm of the World Bank’s involvement in funding this extravaganza.
Who is Taking Control of The Caribbean?
Bill Clinton set the stage on October 1, 2018, when he addressed delegates at the Caribbean Tourism Organization’s State of the Industry Conference in Nassau via video, urging the Caribbean to continue to expand its tourism industry, while declaring the 2017 hurricane season resulted in a huge loss and it is critical to build this back up. Clinton stated:
We have seen already how hotels, for example, can act as models for businesses and other sectors by emphasizing sustainability, developing the local workforce, and forming partnerships with local farmers and small businesses. We have made a lot of progress, but there is so much more to be done. And with the apparent hurricane season already under way, we know the work is more urgent than ever.
The “we” in that sentence refers to the Caribbean Tourism Organization and the Clinton Foundation, under the guise of “Clinton Global Initiative Action Network on Post-Disaster Recovery.” See, back in 2012 they launched the Ten Island Challenge, whereby they bought into all of the island nations by providing free solar infrastructure to all government buildings, and obtained funding to setup solar farms for these islands. The pay-to-play would appear to reach far beyond this as time rolled on. They were also working on other developments, such as the Marriott Port-au-Prince in Haiti backed by Dennis O’Brien’s Digicel, to the tune of $45 million, which opened its doors in 2015. This was one of their grand plans for helping the people of Haiti after the earthquake decimated their land, left hundreds of thousands dead, while leaving thousands homeless and starved – a hotel.
That same year, in 2015, The Obama Administration’s U.S. Department of Energy releases the ‘Energy Transition Initiative – Islands Playbook,’ which is a 120-pg pdf action-oriented guide to successfully initiate, plan and complete a transition to an energy system that relies on local resources while eliminating one or two imported fuels. They state: “We anticipate that the first additions will result from joint efforts undertaken by the U.S. Department of Energy, the Rocky Mountain Institute, and the Carbon War Room, to support energy transition efforts in the Caribbean.” They go on to state that the document was made possible through the leadership and support of the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy, and that the Carbon War Room will also be using the ‘Playbook’ as the implementation strategy for its ‘Ten Island Challenge’. Along with the Island Playbook, they created individual “Energy Snapshot’s” on each of the islands, such as this one on Saint Lucia.
To be very clear, Carbon War Room is Richard Branson’s company that merged with the Rocky Mountain Institute and became a subsidiary under RMI, in 2014. These companies are in partnership with Clinton Global Initiative on the Ten Island Challenge.
Who was head of the DOE at that time, and where did this “Islands Playbook” derive from? Former Secretary of Energy Dr. Ernest Moniz was appointed by former President Obama to head the DOE in 2013, where he served until January 19, 2017 when President Trump took office. Moniz also served as the Under Secretary of the Department of Energy from 1997 – 2001, and as Associate Director for Science in the Office of Science and Technology Policy under former President Clinton. In June 2017, Moniz became Co-Chair and Chief Executive Officer of the Nuclear Threat Initiative (NTI), in addition to launching the not-for-profit “Energy Futures Initiative (EFI)” with Melanie Kenderdine and Joseph Hezir.
Moniz is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and of the International Advisory Board of the Atlantic Council. He championed the Paris Climate Accord, and he negotiated the Iran Nuclear Agreement, along with former Secretary of State John Kerry. Needless to say, he’s not a fan of Trump.
The Caribbean Tourism Agenda & Players
One year prior to Bill Clinton setting the stage at the tourism conference, another partnership had formed in 2017. The Caribbean Climate-Smart Accelerator, is a partnership of big names that emerged under the radar in December 2017. Their objective is to strengthen the region’s readiness and response to disasters by helping transform the economy. How? By fast-tracking public and private investment opportunities that support climate action. Their goal is to create the world’s first climate-smart zone. They state that their partners drive sustainability and develop solutions to tackle climate change and prevent further damage.
Who are the dream-makers of this “accelerator?” It sprung its wings out of President Macron’s Paris One Planet Summit, where Prime Minister Roosevelt Skerrit of Dominica, Keith Mitchell of Grenada, Allen Chastanet of Saint Lucia, and Virgin Group Founder Sir Richard Branson shared their vision. And by August 2018, the Inter-American Development Bank announced it was partnering with them and implementing $1 billion in funds it had pledged at the Paris Summit. Richard Branson was at the launch event in Jamaica, with Prime Minister Andrew Holness, on August 9, 2018.
In January 2019, eight years after Haitian farmers were displaced from their land being seized to build the Caracol Industrial Park in Haiti, the farmers won a settlement against Inter-American Development Bank and USAID-financed Caracol Industrial Park. Caracol was developed by some of the very same people involved in this Caribbean takeover. It’s a disgrace how they took advantage of the people and the land in Haiti. These same people are involved in these Caribbean agendas on 26 Islands, including Haiti.
Twenty-six Caribbean government heads sold out their people, to partner with public and private sector organizations so they can control the tourism industry. “Tourism” may sound uplifting, until one breaks down the underbelly.
Partner Countries
- Anguilla
- Antigua & Barbuda
- Aruba
- Bahamas
- Barbados
- Belize
- Bonaire
- British Virgin Islands
- Costa Rica
- Curacao
- Dominican Republic
- Dominica
- Grenada
- Guyana
- Haiti
- Honduras
- Jamaica
- Mexico
- Montserrat
- Panama
- St. Kitts & Nevis
- St. Lucia
- St Vincent & The Grenadines
- Suriname
- Turks and Caicos
- US Virgin Islands
Public Sector Partners
- Government of Canada
- CCRIF SPC (formerly the Caribbean Catastrophe Risk Insurance Facility)
- Caribbean Community (CARICOM)
- Caribbean Development Bank (CDB)
- Caribbean Disaster Emergency Management Agency (CDEMA)
- Global Facility for Disaster Reduction & Recovery (GFDRR)
- Green Climate Fund (GCF)
- Inter-American Development Bank Group (IDB)
- Organization of American States (OAS)
- Organization of Eastern Caribbean States (OECS)
- United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
- World Bank Group (WBG)
Private Sector Partners
- 8 Minute Energy
- Airbnb
- Algas Organics
- Bill Gates
- BMR Energy (Branson)
- Sir Richard Branson
- Breakthrough Energy Coalition (see below)
- Bridgeway Foundation
- Cave Shepherd & Co. Ltd.
- Clinton Foundation
- Committee on Sustainability Assessment
- Environmental Services Inc.
- Envision Energy
- Fahr LLC
- Global Affairs Canada (GAC)
- Mats Granryd, GSMA
- Harneys
- Chris Hohn, TCI Fund Management
- Ionian Management Inc.
- Long Haul Capital Group LLC
- Munich Climate Insurance
- PwC
- Risk Cooperative
- Rocky Mountain Institute
- Sister Cities International
- Sutter Securities
- Swiss Re
- The Nature Conservancy
- Tides
- Usain Bolt
- Virgin Group
- Willis Towers Watson
- Zero Mass Water
Breakthrough Energy Coalition is a group of 28 high-net-worth investors from 10 countries, including Bill Gates, Jeff Bezos, Richard Branson, George Soros, Tom Steyer, Mark Zuckerberg, Marc Benioff, Jack Ma, Reid Hoffman, Meg Whitman, Nat Simons, and wait for it… the University of California. They kicked this off in 2015, and in 2016 created a $1 billion fund called Breakthrough Energy Ventures Fund, with the intention of bolstering government assistance in renewable energy. One more recent project, dubbed “project Malta,” is with Google’s parent company Alphabet, to spin out molten-salt energy storage.
To break this down, the Clintons and Branson have been working with others on the Ten Island Challenge to build solar farms across the Caribbean, since 2012. Ten islands quickly became over twenty islands. In 2015, the Obama DOE worked with them to formulate an “Island Playbook” to bolster the renewable energy platform and lay out how it should be done. Following the hurricanes of 2017, the Clintons and Branson, along with Bill Gates and many others, decide to form the “Caribbean Accelerator” to kick this all into high-gear. In April 2018, the Clinton Foundation launched the CGI Action Network on Post-Disaster Recovery. By May 2018, CNN fell right in sync, with their new article stating how the 2017 hurricane season was not kind to the Caribbean, but look at the host of “14 best new Caribbean hotels and resorts” that have opened in 2018. Then, in October 2018, Bill Clinton gives a speech at the Caribbean Tourism Organization’s conference, stating that hotels are key in building things back up. What was Bill leading up to? Yet, another partnership was formed in 2019 – the Caribbean Coalition for Tourism (CCT). More on that further down.
So what exactly does this “Caribbean Accelerator” group focus on?
- Build Resilient Infrastructure & Smart Cities
- Accelerate broad-based socio-economic development
- Renewable Energy & Energy Efficiency
- Electric Vehicle Fleets
- Innovative Financing
- Disaster Preparedness, Recovery and Resilience
Relevant Points:
• Of the 26 governments on board – the Clintons were already working with 14 of them via their Ten Island Challenge.
• Of these 26 island nations, 13 are Tier-2 level and One is Tier-3 level. Tiers 1-3 pertain to the level of human trafficking, with three being the worst. More on that below.
In the Clintons and Branson’s GEF/UNDP ‘Project Document’ for the ‘Ten Island Challenge’, they specifically state “Renewable energy and energy efficiency strategies and assessments on selected islands with specific targets that are inclusive, gender responsive and human rights-based.”
The goal, and argument for the Clintons and Branson’s Ten Island Challenge was/is to convert the islands to renewable energy so as to reduce the use of fossil fuels. While Hillary was trying to reduce fossil fuels on the islands, she was simultaneously collecting over $2.6 million in contributions to her “Hillary for America” 2016 presidential campaign, from 65 fossil fuel lobbyists. $147,840 was received in direct contributions by fossil fuel lobbyists and $2,502,740 was bundled by fossil fuel lobbyists. Fossil fuels are a nonrenewable energy.
• Bill Gates owns Bugue Caye, the largest island in the Republic of Belize. In 2016, Gates purchased the Four Seasons Resort Nevis in the Caribbean, a resort that Oprah Winfrey, Meryl Streep, and Justin Trudeau like for its privacy. He also owns the Four Seasons Resort Punta Mita and Four Seasons Hotel Houston, separately from his 2007 purchase of Four Seasons with his friend, Saudi Prince Alwaleed Bin Talal. They jointly own 111 Four Seasons hotels and resorts and 41 residential properties around the world.
• Richard Branson owns Necker Island in the Caribbean, Moskito Island off the coast of Virgin Gorda, Makepeace Island in Queensland, Australia, and 33,000 acres with two camps hosting 20 rooms in Ulusuba, Africa. Branson launched his line of “Virgin Hotels” in 2015, with his first hotel in Chicago, and numerous others coming soon to San Francisco, Dallas, New York, Las Vegas, Silicon Valley, Endinburgh and more. Branson recently launched “Virgin Voyages,” an adults-only cruise line expected to kick off in April 2020 when the “Scarlet Lady” ship based in Miami, makes its way to various locations in the Caribbean. In addition, he owns Virgin Group, Virgin Airlines, Virgin Atlantic. He’s got the travel and tourism industry covered.
Re-branding The Caribbean for Tourism: Clintons Form CCT
In January 2019, the Clinton Foundation joined forces with the Caribbean Tourism Organization (CTO), Caribbean Hotel & Tourism Association (CHTA), Expedia Cares, and Kindustry to form the Caribbean Coalition for Tourism to develop a marketing brand based on “data and best practices,” as well as input from “critical tourism stakeholders” so as to re-brand the experience to strengthen tourism and make the market more resilient to future disasters. CCT will serve as the administrative, financial, and marketing communications lead for tourism in the region.
They make it very clear that they are running the show from here on out: “Fundamental to the commitment is the establishment of the Caribbean Coalition for Tourism (CCT), a public-private sector organization that will replace and enhance earlier collaborative efforts between the CTO and the CHTA, and that is a direct result of the realized need for a single marketing entity using the value of a public-private partnership to aggressively promote the Caribbean tourism product on an ongoing basis.”
Their goal is to bring in industry stakeholders from the public and private sectors, and it’s safe to assume who all of those folks might be. Expedia contributed seed funding to this venture, and will serve as an advisor, while Kindustry will develop a brand platform through “building a narrative and establishing guidelines.” Their timeline is to establish CCT as a legal entity by March 2019, secure partners and have the branding platform finalized by end of March. In addition, they are creating a replicable model that can be implemented in other regions.
Digicel is Powering The Communications to Most of These Islands

Friend and partner of Bill and Hillary Clinton – Denis O’Brien, owner of Digicel – is a significant partner and anchor client of Deep Blue Cable.
After O’Brien’s cellular monopoly in Haiti, which the Clintons still collect 10% on, Digicel has expanded to a full-fledged communications company, servicing both business and domestic customers across mobile, broadband and cable. Digicel is rolling out fiber in key markets, including the Caribbean. His recent endeavor is with Deep Blue Cable, who is constructing a new fiber-optic subsea cable system that will connect Americas to the Caribbean, with a completion date by the end of 2019. This underwater cable system will connect all of the islands to Florida.
In a 2018 interview, The CEO of Deep Blue Cable, Stephen Scott states:
Across the Caribbean, bandwidth demand is expected to increase and exceed 35% growth annually to 2025. However, the existing subsea infrastructure is not sufficient to meet the forecast demand. Moreover, some of the region’s primary undersea cable links are fast approaching their planned design life of 25 years. The advantages of Deep Blue’s cable over these older systems include significantly higher design capacity, lower unit costs, lower latency through direct connectivity, and the ability to leverage advancements in reliability, including improved route planning and installation techniques.
DIGICEL also acquired controlling interest in Prism Holdings in 2015
- Operates in 22 countries with headquarters in Barbados, offices in Bahamas, Jamaica, Trinidad & Tobago (same islands Clintons are working with)
- Part-owner of loyalty rewards company Magna Rewards
- Prism payment system, electronic financial processing
- Records and asset management company, Stronghold Data Solutions, which provides records management and storage solutions for customers across the Caribbean, including Barbados National Debit Switch, Barbados Automated Clearing House
- Deal included St Lucia based International Media Content (IMC) – CEEN-TV, which covers the US tri-state area and Canada
For those unfamiliar with Denis O’Brien’s Digicel, he founded it in 2001, incorporated in Bermuda, and based in Jamaica. It is a mobile phone network provider that now operates in 33 markets across the Caribbean, Central America, and Oceania regions. They first launched in Jamaica, then in Haiti in 2006, Honduras in 2007, and on and on until they scooped up multiple locations.
O’Brien has had a long-standing relationship with the Clintons and their foundation, working together on numerous projects together, as well as donating $10-25 million to their foundation. President Trump addressed his concern about these connections during his campaign, in a full roll-out titled ‘Follow The Money: Denis O’Brien – Another Corrupt Clinton Friend,’ whereby they strung together a couple dozen articles pointing to the corruption between O’Brien and the Clintons. Below is a screenshot representing the first ¼ of this article.

Human Trafficking is Rife in The Caribbean
The U.S. Department of State puts together an annual report on Human Trafficking and break down locations by Tier levels 1-3, three being the worst. This is a very extensive, in depth report consisting of 486 pages of statistics, maps, photos, graphs, and location-specific information on the various kinds of human trafficking taking place across the globe. Countries that do not cooperate in the fight against human trafficking, and are not actively trying to put a stop to it, are listed as Tier 3 and are subject to U.S. aid restrictions. The Tier 2 list represents governments who do not fully meet the minimum standards, but are making efforts to bring themselves in compliance with those standards. 13 of the 26 islands these folks are looking to build up tourism on, are Tier 2, and Belize is a Tier 3, as indicated on page 54 of the 2018 report.
In a report by the Congressional Research Service from 2016 on ‘Trafficking in Person in Latin America and the Caribbean’ they state:
“Human trafficking is a growing problem in Latin America and the Caribbean, a region that contains major source, transit, and destination countries for trafficking victims. Major forms of TIP in the region include commercial sexual exploitation of women and children, labor trafficking within national borders and among countries in the region. The two countries in Latin America and the Caribbean with the largest percentages of their populations subjected to “modern slavery,” a term associated with human trafficking, are Haiti and the Dominican Republic, according to the Walk Free Foundation.
Countries in Latin America serve as source, transit, and destination countries for trafficking in persons. Victims are exploited within their own countries and trafficked to other countries in the region. Latin America is also the primary source region for people trafficked to the United States, including by transnational organize crime group. In FY2015, Mexico was the primary country of origin for foreign trafficking victims certified as eligible to receive U.S. assistance.” Note, that Mexico is part of the 26 countries this group has partnered with.
The Caribbean is not just a drug trafficking hub, it is also a child trafficking and sex trafficking hub. According to the U.S. Department of State Trafficking in Persons June, 2018 report, this is what they have to say about Aruba specifically:
“As reported over the past five years, Aruba is a transit and destination country for women, men, and children subjected to sex trafficking and forced labor. Venezuelan women are subjected to sex trafficking in Aruba, and foreign men and women are vulnerable to forced labor in the service and construction industries.”
Just this past August 2018, 350 victims of human trafficking were rescued in the Caribbean. The Caribbean trafficking pipeline is a hot bed for drugs, child sex trafficking, prostitution and forced labor – and tourism is cover for all of it.
In February 2017, Haitian police arrested nine people in connection with sex trafficking involving girls as young as 13. Reuters reported on the “dangers facing children in the Caribbean nation where human trafficking is rife and the crime often goes unpunished.” The sting took place at the Kaliko Beach Club, a hotel resort near Port-au-Prince, which resulted in the rescue of at least 31 women and girls. Additionally, they seized drugs including cocaine, a computer with pornographic images of children, and both Haitian and U.S. cash.
Why U.S. cash? A group of American and Canadian “tourists” booked 22 rooms in the hotel and paid for day passes for the children to use. The hotel owner stated that “the children came in dribs and drabs under a day pass.” Reuters reported that in 2016, the U.S. State Department had downgraded Haiti to a tier 3 (the lowest grade), for human trafficking centers. It’s no surprise that these nine Americans and Canadians were let go and Kaliko Beach Club was exonerated.
In December 2018 it was reported by the Miami Herald that Colombia’s booming tourism industry has a dark underbelly. Authorities executed a series of raids, breaking up an “Israeli mafia” that allegedly promoted parties with drugs and sex with minors to international tourists. They detained six Israelis and two Colombians, one being a policeman accused of passing confidential information to the group. $50 million in assets and property including hotels in Santa Marta, Cartagena, Medellin, and Bogota, was seized. Coincidentally, the Clintons have an alleged business in Bogota and a training center in Cartagena (that doesn’t really exist).
And when the tourism locations aren’t adequate, they simply buy up islands where they can carry on freely without any on-lookers or oversight concerns. One such example is Jeffrey Epstein’s Little Saint James Island near Saint Thomas in the U.S. Virgin Islands, where Bill Cinton had visited 26 times, ditching his security detail on some occasions. Epstein was accused by more than 30 girls, most between the age of 13 and 16, of being lured to his mansion for sex acts. According to the Miami Herald, court and police records show that he then used those same girls to recruit more girls over a period of several years. This is an extensive, twisted case. More about that here.
Another example is Wakaya Island. NXIVM leaders Clare Bronfman owns 80% of Wakaya, a private island off the coast of Fiji. Based on court documents, Keith Raniere would appear to own the other 20%. Keith Raniere is in prison awaiting trial on multiple charges of racketeering, child pornography, visa fraud, sexual exploitation of a child. Bronfman is on house arrest awaiting trial on charges as well. This is another case with many arms. The Bronfman family is no stranger to Richard Branson. He knew Clare and Sara Bronfman’s father, and hosted the NXIVM cult on his island a couple of times.
The 26 governments – many of which don’t seem to be focused on cleaning up the mass-scale human trafficking in their countries – are seeking to build on tourism that will serve to escalate these issues, while partnering with people known to take advantage of other countries. This is a huge red flag. Furthermore, many of them accepted bribes by way of receiving free solar structures to all of their government buildings, so these folks could set up tiny solar farms, bank millions, and establish their “climate agenda” for phase two – Tourism.
In addition to this, these folks have been building up their portfolios of hotel resorts, planes, and ships, all set to go – making the Caribbean more of a hot spot for human trafficking. Why continue to traffic children and adults to the U.S. when one can bring those from the U.S. right to the central hub? With walls being built, sex cults being dismantled, online trafficking taking a huge hit, church pedophiles being exposed, busted massage parlors with trafficked women from China, and child sex trafficking rings being taken down – it’s getting more and more difficult for these diabolical creatures to exist in their usual stomping grounds.
It is a $150 billion dollar industry. Do not think for one moment they will simply give it up.
President Trump Met with Leaders of 5 Caribbean Island Nations on 3-22-19

Coincidentally, It was just announced on March 19, 2019 that President Trump would be meeting with five Caribbean leaders at Mar-a-Lago on Friday March 22, in an effort to strengthen cooperation on security and trade issues, and discuss potential opportunities for energy investment. Leaders from the Bahamas, the Dominican Republic, Jamaica, Saint Lucia, and Haiti would all be in attendance.
Haiti’s Prime Minister Jean Henry Céant was just fired on March 18th. Two days later, on March 20th, Senator Marco Rubio begins splashing his twitter page with photos of himself with President Jovenel Moise and other political figures in Haiti. Rubio suggests he is there to discuss their security, stability, elections, and stop the drug trafficking. Rubio seems a very odd choice to send to Haiti, since he recently voted to block President Trump’s southern border emergency to prevent human trafficking and drugs from flowing into the U.S.
It’s hard to imagine discussions between Trump and Haiti on trade issues and energy investments, without resolving Haiti’s biggest issues first – drug trafficking, corrupt leaders, ongoing ties to the Clintons and Soros, and removing Kenneth Merten from the State Department. Haitians have long been protesting to remove President Jovenel Moise and other corrupt officials.
Just before this meeting took place, Bernard Sansaricq, former President of the Haitian Senate, took to Facebook showing his disdain for Jovenel Moise, as well as his shock that this known drug trafficker would be in the same room with President Trump, rather than placed behind bars. He states that the DEA and the U.S. Embassy in Haiti are very aware of Moise’s dealings, and that Moise has been seen, photographed, dealing, and protecting every known drug trafficker in Haiti. This aligns with the letter Trey Gowdy and Elijah Cummings sent to IG Horowitz on May 14, 2018 requesting an investigation.

On March 21st, the OIG released a report titled ‘Audit of the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Management of Maritime Terrorism Threats’, along with a 90-second clip of IG Horowitz outlining several deficiencies in securing marine facilities, vessels and ports, and how they intend to address those.
The real question is, will the drug trafficking and human trafficking get cleaned up on these islands, which also have a direct impact on the U.S.? Did these meetings include discussions on the corruption, and all who are still involved, with their far-reaching tentacles?
Dock This Ship!
These islands are fraught with drug traffickers, human trafficking, children being used for sex and labor. And, what did these geniuses and so-called saviors do? Swoop in with their greedy pockets to bank money on their smart cities, underwater cable systems with on-going kickbacks, and “sustainable” hotel resorts to entertain all of their pay-to-play guests flying in, much the same as they did in Haiti. All, while painting a picture of creating jobs, connecting local farmers, and converting them to renewable energy. This is their game – this is the “Island PLAYBOOK.” The government leaders are equally complicit in selling out their people – they eat it all up, hook, line, and sinker.
If Hillary Clinton and Richard Branson are so concerned about missing and trafficked children, as documented extensively in Part 1 of Shipwrecked on Ten Islands, why is it they are so focused on solar farms, tourism, and resort hotels in the Caribbean where it is rife with human trafficking? MONEY. But why else? Is it a mere coincidence that they are focusing on these specific locations, especially during a time where it’s becoming more and more difficult to traffic humans into the U.S.? These are all very legitimate questions, and let’s face it – they love their money. This is a $150 billion-dollar industry, and this figure doesn’t even include the billions of dollars in the drug industry.
One thing is very clear – while these folks fly off in their private jets to party it up on each other’s islands, children and adults are being sexually and physically abused across the Caribbean – the very place they want to build sustainable infrastructures (hotel resorts) for pay-to-play while making money all day.
Download this full 4-part report in PDF format from the Bookshop. >

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Steve Ford
I am too overwhelmed to offer any objective comment. The depths of sin and degradation the world’s money people have stooped to is incomprehensible. As the phrase in the bible says, “…… the last days woe be unto the children.” And tourism being the cover for child exploitation. Who would have ever thought?
Pius Gabriel
I would like to learn more about this venture.
Peg Estelle
Omg it all fits together. Great work. I am sending to everyone I can.
andrew johnson
Could it be as simple as:
The dElites each want a private tropical island.
Surrounded by their personal sex slaves.
Until they can figure out a way,
To live forever, their sick pleasure forever.
And so escape Judgment.
Here something that fits.
Joseph Bernier
Those “people” Clinton and friends are not people or human they are creatures using humans for pleasure and gain, they have no empathy or care for any human on Earth. Their time is coming they will pay the price for the endless human misery they’ve been spreading.
You make the statement “Fossil fuels are a nonrenewable energy.”
Just to be fully informed, Fossil Fuel is not the only type of fuel the earth produces. Fossil type is more shallow in the earth, usually found up to depths of 18,000 feet or so…
ABIOTIC oil is produced twice as deep and is RENEWABLE as it seems the earth itself continuously generates it.
For evidence I can offer the most succinct description found in this report.
“Anatomy of a Con Job–Exposing the players and the scams behind the “sustainability” movement!”
My apologies if you were already well aware of this article or it appears in your work…as I am a newbee viewer.
You are RARE… a true–Investigative Journalist Reporter. A Chronicler of Truth.
Blessings be upon you from our one Heavenly GOD of Abraham, Moses, Noah, Issac…and that He protects you from evil doers plots and plans & invoked with the Power of GOD, in YashuaJesus name, Amen.
Oh my goodness, what a series! Is this where they will all go — to their own island — when the Communist hell-hole they planned for the rest of us fails because the world wakes up and stops it, or succeeds and they want no part of it?(After all, these dictators will need some R&R somewhere other than their socialist countries). Or are they also planning to add houses of prostitution to their “tourist attractions” where there are no laws prohibiting the age of the “prostitutes” and where they can satisfy every evil thought and desire on these innocents! This is a new form of an old form of slavery imposed on the natural residents of those islands. This must be revealed in all its gory and disgusting ramifications for all of us. God bless you, Corey, for having the intelligence, courage, and perseverance to bring this all into the open. Dark to Light!
Raymond E Comfort
go for it! i feel in the dark because I’m a missionary in Haiti and it’s heartbreaking for children to be so preyed upon by these pedo freaks. there was two missionaries last year, who got popped hard by DHS investigations and I’ve only heard rumor of the UN problems with their workers and contractors. you have my prayers and desires to crack on some of these knuckleheads…..this is the first I have heard of this clinton carribean tourist plan. anything they do is just to pad their own wealth at the expense of the poor.
This is the most enlightening journalism I’ve encountered in many, many years! This should be front page news all over the world, on every media platform, church pulpit, college/university campuses, any and everywhere God fearing people collect information! We are truly in a WAR between GOOD vs evil! Grab your guns, bullets, Bibles, keep your family close because it’s going too be a bumpy ride! These evil people have got to be stopped at NO cost and we must ALL come together as Christian Soldiers! God doesn’t see skin color only the goodness in ones heart! We all bleed red blood and UNITED WE STAND/divided we fall! We MUST FIGHT FOR GOD’S CHILDREN! Innocence must be saved! GO WITH GOD’s FULL ARMOR OF LOVE AND GRACE! Pray, pray, pray and never stop exposing the devil’s spawn! Boycott the Caribbean tourist industry until these issues are resolved, ask many questions, and demand answers from all of Congress/businesses that deal/donate/accept donations from these companies! EXPOSE-EXPOSE-EXPOSE! WE ARE THE NEWS NOW!!! dark to LIGHT! WWG1WGA! Peace be with each and every soldier that is joining in this epic battle!
Your research and thoroughness is commendable. By revealing your sources, it really helps to be able to start conversations to help wake up those who are so indoctrinated by mainstream media. Thank you so much for all of your efforts and I look forward to all of your future work.
Bill Clinton was given and island in Mexico years ago to drill for oil. He still owns it.
Barbara C Wannamaker
Comment Reply to:
APRIL 17, 2019 AT 10:16 AMREPLY
Bill Clinton was given an island in Mexico years ago to drill for oil. He still owns it.
Per D&A Investigations, Inc. (Fla)
Dominic Casey, Private Investigator Inc. and
The Emoluments Clauses & the Presidency – November 5, 2019 Report
The Isla of Bermeja, which had been 160 km off the coast of Yucatan and Campeche states but was no longer visible when the negotiations were concluded in 2000. See data below…
Congress Seeks Investigation of Disappearance Of Island In Gulf Of Mexico More Than A Decade Ago
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The mysterious disappearance of a small island off the coast of Yucatan more than a decade ago is being linked to a 2000 agreement negotiated between the US and Mexico that redefined the territorial limits in the Gulf of Mexico. The pact negotiated by former Presidents Ernesto Zedillo and Bill Clinton established boundaries in previously undefined areas in order to determine drilling rights for crude oil. Some Mexican legislators contend that the Mexican government ceded a large part of its territorial rights to the US during the negotiations. A key to determine Mexico’s boundary was the tiny Isla Bermeja, which had been 160 km off the coast of Yucatan and Campeche states but was no longer visible when the negotiations were concluded in 2000. Island was key to territorial accord with US Six senators from the governing Partido Accion Nacional (PAN) raised the question about Isla Bermeja on the floor of the Senate in early November, citing “plentiful suspicions” that the island may have been caused to vanish on purpose. The senators said the island disappeared “mysteriously” some time before the Zedillo and Clinton governments began negotiations on an agreement on the disputed area. Under the agreement, the US and Mexican governments divided a zone spanning 17,790 sq km in the Gulf of Mexico known as the Donut Hole.
Recommended Citation
SourceMex. “Congress Seeks Investigation of Disappearance Of Island In Gulf Of Mexico More Than A Decade Ago.” (2008).
Barbara C Wannamaker
D&A Investigations, Inc. (Fla)
Dominic Casey, Private Investigator and
Dominic Casey, Private Investigator
“Fossil Fuel is “renewable energy. Natural gas and uranium expand from its origin.”
What I don’t understand is how do they keep track with all these non-profits. Sure some are probably shell non profits but somebody needs to keep up with all of this. They’ll never be investigated. Sorry but that’s the way it’s going. Now Trump is out of office it all seems like a lost cause to even have hope.