The Solution Series
  • bill gates, george soros, jeff bezos

    Shipwrecked on Ten Islands with Clintons & Branson (4-part series)

    Parts 1-3 cover the Clintons and Branson’s involvement with the Caribbean islands, as well as several other players. Part 4 exposes their bigger plan, as several more players have boarded this ship, including Bill Gates, The World Bank, Virgin Unite, Digicel, The Nature Conservancy, Tides, and numerous others. Generating millions in funds to erect small solar farms, was just the appetizer. Having locked in negotiations with 26 governments along the drug and child trafficking transits, it would seem full-scale tourism, smart cities, even underwater fiber optics connecting all of the islands for a hefty communications kickback to Digicel and friends, are next on the agenda – but to what end, and how did it get this far?

  • Church pedophiiles & child sex trafficking nests intersect by the thousands

    Church Pedophiles & Child Sex Trafficking Nests Intersect by The Thousands

    Pedophilia goes far beyond the walls of the church, and spreads much like the plague, infesting local communities and infiltrating daycares, schools, and foster care, while many remain protected by local community leaders and officials. This report will illustrate just how deep these nests go, the profoundly disturbing connections, detail of specific cases with numerous additional case links, show how communities are infiltrated, and what to pay very close attention to in one’s surroundings.

  • “Onward Together” Inside Hillary’s Latest Political Tax Scandal

    Most people are aware that “Onward Together” is a political organization to raise funds for the Democratic party, but what they don’t realize, is the fact that this tax-exempt 501(c)(4) is operating ILLEGALLY, on multiple levels. IRS laws, FEC documents, and Onward Together’s tax return create one heck of a recipe, burning for an investigation. Not only does Onward Together require scrutiny, it’s partner organizations need a closer look as well.

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