The Solution Series
  • Space: The New Frontier For The Central Control Grid – Bookshop

    What if you had the ability to construct the central operation center for the entire control grid from a location with no real jurisdiction and no accessibility or oversight? What if the massive power source you need to run this operation could be harnessed under the guise of “climate change” in an expedited manner? And, what if you could have full surveillance and weaponry at your disposal with an entire financial infrastructure in place whose data sits in the palm of your hand while you control the levers? This report will show how the central infrastructure for the all-seeing, all-assets control grid is being built, a giant leap with the digital currency agenda, and cites over 160 pieces of evidence: Brush Strokes: Important Stats and Dates of Significance   Deloitte’s Financial Services Industry PredictionsSpace: The New Frontier for The “All Assets” and Surveillance Control Grid   The Data: Space-Based Data Centers   The Power Supply: Space-Based…

  • 2030 Psychological Agenda – Obedience Training for PreK-Adults Already Global with Billions in Funding for Full Control: 9-Part Series – PDF

    The magnitude of the agenda being exposed in this report is so astounding, so expansive, and so detrimental to the entire global population, that I feel it is necessary for me to introduce it in first person before rolling out the chapters. Time is of the essence, so it is vital that this information reach all ends of the globe as quickly as possible. This is about a mind control, obedience training, and brainwashing operation that the globalists have been working on for a couple of decades, and began implementing it at full speed in 2016. With the exception of a small number of people touching on a fraction of the overall agenda, they have been rolling out their master plan while distracting us with much smaller battles. This is about the psychological culling of the population to bring everyone into the 2030 Agenda with a one mindset and level…

  • Global Landscape on Vaccine ID Passports Paperback Book

    To understand the full scope of where this agenda is really heading, this is a must read! This 160-page book contains extensive information on the following:   Chapter 1: The Global Landscape on Vaccine ID Passports and Where It’s Headed Chapter 2: How Your Digital Identity is Moving to the Blockchain for Full Control Over Humans Chapter 3: The Key Implementers of Your Digital Identity onto the Blockchain Chapter 4: BLOCKCHAINED Chapter 5: 22 Ways to Stop Vaccine ID Passports in 2022 and Why We Must! Endnotes: Contains over 350 cited sources of evidence Appendix A: Key Implementers of the Digital Identity Agenda – lists over 175 players Appendix B: Additional Relevant Materials   Back cover of book: Globalists are using vaccine ID passports as part of a coordinated push to implement digital identities and a global social credit system that would control every aspect of people’s lives—including their ability…

  • Global Landscape on Vaccine ID Passports Book – PDF Version

    This is the pdf version of the 6×9, 160-page printed book.   Pick up the paperback book here. Back cover of book: Globalists are using vaccine ID passports as part of a coordinated push to implement digital identities and a global social credit system that would control every aspect of people’s lives—including their ability to transact as well as their access to food, health care, energy, travel, and more. Investigative journalist Corey Lynn’s Global Landscape on Vaccine ID Passports takes a comprehensive look at this agenda, including its “who, what, when, where, why, and how,” providing a chilling portrait of the globalist aspiration to use vaccine ID passports, QR codes, blockchain digital identities, and central bank digital currencies to establish an all-digital control system. After powerfully summarizing what would amount to modern-day slavery, Lynn describes actions people can take to stop vaccine ID passports— with the most important one being…

  • 22 Ways to Stop Vaccine ID Passports in 2022 and Why We Must! (Bookshop)

    One day, when I was out of state, I ventured into a veterinarian’s office with my dog. Despite his need for immediate attention, the vet refused to see him without vaccination records to show he was “up-to-date” on his rabies shot. Weeks later I attempted to bring him to a dog groomer to have his nails trimmed and was faced with the same issue – no entry. When I returned back home, I had high hopes of taking my dog to a new 20-acre dog park, only to find that it required an annual pass for access, which of course was not possible without proof of the rabies shot. Sound familiar? What the corrupt establishment has done to our animals is what they are now rolling out for humans through the vaccine ID passport, only with far greater repercussions and control because they are heading straight for your bank account.…

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