The Solution Series
  • BlackRock CEO Larry Fink’s Family Tree Was A Mystery Until Now – Bookshop

    Over 30 family members, not including spouses, are documented in this family tree, representing some of the branches of the Fink family. Their family has been completely scrubbed from media, split apart and marked private in other areas, and is not documented anywhere on the internet – until now. It’s very likely that only a small percentage of people even know who BlackRock is, despite the fact that they are the world’s largest asset management company with over $9 trillion in assets, is one of the top two shareholders of over 1,600 American firms, was involved in the clean up of the 2008 financial meltdown, pulled off the biggest scandal in history with the Federal Reserve last year, and is changing the way banks and financial institutions monitor your money while creating a new climate scoring system as another way to control your funds. Their finger isn’t just on the…

  • Lab Grown Meat To Hit U.S. in 2022, Backed By FDA & USDA, Along with “Smarter Food Safety Blueprint” and Traceability All Underway – Bookshop

    Corey’s Digs first reported on cultured lab grown meat back in 2018, alerting people that this would soon become a reality, as the globalists chip away at our food security. Now, Future Meat Technologies, a company out of Israel is nearly set to begin shipping its lab grown meat to the U.S. in 2022. This was a blip in the news, missing everyone’s radar, and yet their connections and the potential repercussions of this is alarming. But they are not the only company involved with this, and the industry is rapidly gaining traction while the FDA and USDA are getting everything lined up, along with their “Smart Food Safety Blueprint” with food traceability technology. This is their strategy to control the food industry and everyone’s food security, going far beyond the meat industry. Who is backing all of this, what’s really in this “meat,” and how will this impact farmers…

  • How To Challenge A School Board in 3-5 Minutes – Bookshop

    Are you a little shy and find it difficult speaking in a room full of people? I get it. But, these are your children we are talking about, so let’s put that aside and find that fiery in you, and rally others to challenge the board with you. I’ve put together some talking points to help you formulate your 3-5 minute speech, as well as other tips, tools, resources, and videos to motivate you. This report provides talking points on the following topics: mask mandates, Covid injection, gender identity and sexualization of children, and critical race theory. It also has a lot of statistical data, information on school boards in general, motivational videos, and a lot of other helpful resources, plus a take action plan.

  • TAKE ACTION: Financial Takeover & Your Bank Account – BlackRock, Envestnet/Yodlee, and The Federal Reserve- Bookshop

    Ever hear of Yodlee? Neither had I, until I discovered it was aggregating my data in my bank account, and likely selling it to third parties. This quickly became a personal dig, until I found staggering connections that I realized the public needs to be made aware of. Before you determine this has nothing to do with you, I urge you to review this article in its entirety and pay close attention to the timeline actions, because this affects ALL OF YOU, and it’s being rolled out in multiple countries. Then, I encourage you to check with your bank and find out exactly which third parties are wrapped up in your accounts, and consider the option of moving your funds to a smaller local bank. This isn’t just about spying and data aggregating, this is a structural setup to move us into the social/climate score system and beyond, and Biden…

  • Amazon’s Impending Takeover: The One-Stop Shop for Smart Cities with Digital Currency Control

    This 20-page report contains information you are likely unaware of. It is the big picture, everything that Amazon is involved in, and how it all connects. This sounds like a dystopian science fiction movie, but unfortunately, it’s already in the works, they are just putting the final touches on their master plan. A “smart city?” The only shop for products, food, and healthcare while tracking us? A biometrics palm scanner? All autonomous vehicles and public transit? No more cash or credit cards – all digital currency? The ability to freeze our accounts or prevent us from purchasing certain items? Does this sound crazy? It should! Let’s take a look at the rollout and possible ways to navigate and combat some of this. Amazon’s been quite busy progressing in areas most people are unaware of. This goes far beyond taking out the little guys – they’re going for the middlemen, and…

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