The Solution Series
  • Bribing, Incentivizing, and Threatening Termination Over Covid Vaccines: Is It Legal?

    The question of the day: is it legal for companies and universities to be bribing, incentivizing, and downright threatening termination if someone doesn’t get the Covid-19 vaccine? Pushing the envelope doesn’t even begin to portray how these bought and paid for agencies are undermining our constitutional rights, skirting the law, and passing the buck to big corp. First, the Covid vaccines weren’t going to be mandatory. In fact, they are not even approved or licensed by the FDA, and are technically “investigational” with an emergency use authorization (EUA). Not only are they forcing these experimental vaccines on students, employees, and civilians if they want to keep their job or be a part of society, they are bribing and incentivizing you to get one. Step right up for your free vaccine and get a free sugary donut, $100 gift card, paid time off work, tickets to an NBA game, or enter…

  • COVID-19 Extensive 5-Part Report

    This extensive 54-page investigative report breaks down data, statistics, charts, videos, evidence, side-by-side comparisons, and reveals information the legacy media doesn’t report on. Every source is cited and linked. This is a wealth of information to understand the true facts about this virus vs misinformation. Part 1: Hospitalizations – Reality Check Part 2: CDC’s New “PIC” and The Hidden Data Part 3: Nursing Home and Long Term Care Facility Deaths “with” OR “from” Covid Part 4: The “Test” That Changed The World is Deeply Flawed Part 5: Psychologists, Scientists and The CIA Tell Us Fear is The Real Killer

  • PA Election Analysis: HUGE Anomalies & Indisputable Data

    The analysis represents data points that Corey’s Digs has been working on to show how this all adds up, how the probabilities are impossible, and how the “anomalies” are actually equivalent to controlled demolition. There were 18 of 67 counties in Pennsylvania, 10 democrat and 8 republican, utilized to show the consistencies, patterns, and anomalies. Biden ran at nearly a perfect 2.5 – 3.5% average increase from 2016 in 17 of 18 Pennsylvania counties studied in this analysis, including all 8 red counties Current PA voter registration list as of November 7th only accounts for 35% of actual reported votes, with a consistent 46% to Biden and 17% to Trump across 18 counties, including republican counties Biden received thousands more votes than actual registered Democrats Pennsylvania eligible registered voters is at 89.30%, with many counties over 94%, due to unmanaged, and potentially rigged voter rolls 6 of the 18 counties…

  • EXCLUSIVE: Seamus Bruner Provides Comprehensive Roadmap to Biden Family Corruption and Documents How VP Joe Biden Compromised U.S. National Security While Biden Family Profited from Deals with America’s Enemies – Bookshop

    This 53-pg report is the most comprehensive roadmap to the Biden family corruption that’s been released. Executive Summary of Seamus Bruner’s revelations below: This report is a one stop shop for all Biden Inc. email revelations. This roadmap to Biden corruption is full of information you won’t find in a single article anywhere else and contains brand new emails provided EXCLUSIVELY to Corey’s Digs Documents Reveal New Details Proving Biden Inc’s Cozy Ties with Chinese Communist Party Leadership Via Chinese Billionaires New messages show Joe Biden son’s expletive-laced rant that his lucrative Ukrainian pay was in jeopardy after father left office. Biden: “I was fighting for the only income I have left” Insider Documents Reveal How Hunter Biden Associates Helped Chinese Military Contractor Acquire Michigan Dual-Use Manufacturer Under a Secret Project the Chinese Code Named “Project Hanson” Biden Defector’s Emails Reveal Hunter’s Associates Viewed Direct ‘Pipeline’ to Obama-Biden Administration as…

  • FACT CHECK: “It’s a rosary that Biden wears that belonged to his son Beau Biden” – Bookshop

    The night of the first Presidential debate between President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden on September 29th created viral controversy over whether Joe Biden was wearing some sort of device on his left wrist, or the rosary from his deceased son Beau who passed away on May 30, 2015. The mainstream media quickly flooded the narrative with headlines about right-wing conspiracy theorists while exclaiming, “it’s his dead son’s rosary” and the social media trolls quickly pounced the scene to discredit anyone alleging otherwise. But the fact of the matter is – it wasn’t his dead son’s rosary – and the evidence is in this report. Whereas Biden may very well have been wearing his rosary, tucked away beneath his watch where he typically wears it, he doesn’t wear the rosary as often as people may think, he lied to Megyn Kelly on November 13, 2017, and at…

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