Rogue Food Conference DFW Texas November 8th and 9th!
I’ve personally attended two of the Rogue Food Conferences (RFC) and found them to be very informative and beneficial, plus it is excellent for networking with others working toward food independence. It’s educational, fun, and inspiring all in one!
RFC in Texas!
Soaring food prices, radio frequency ID tracking of every animal in the country, bird flu to break raw milk demand, raids on food co-ops, vaccines in various vegetables…
Rogue Food was founded by Joel Salatin and John Moody to educate, equip, and encourage folks to say enough is enough, and do something to help restore food freedom and fairness to the food system. Are you a farmer, homesteader, or someone who eats on occasion? Most likely you are! Then come do something about what is happening to your plate.
We are bringing RFC to TX to help you help yourself or your farmers and homesteaders who feed you.
Join us this November to learn about creative circumvention and effective non-compliance, alternative food distribution like buying clubs and food churches, emotional support chickens, educational butchering options outside the meat inspection system, and so much more. Our special focus this November in Texas is stopping RFID (radio frequency ID) of animals and the bird flu scam that is targeting raw milk farmers around the country.
Learn from folks who have successfully fought the government and walked away winners.
Enjoy real food meals along with an array of attendee gifts from RFC sponsors and vendors, plus opportunities to expand your knowledge and your network to make food freedom a reality right where you are!
Use code “diggit10” for $10 off any one or two-day ticket!
Ticket info at
Hot Tips from Corey’s Digs
If you’re looking for an incredible source for delicious beef with no mRNA, hormones or antibiotics, this is where I get my beef. The ribeyes are my absolute favorite! I’ve been getting all of my USA made, non-toxic household necessities from this one source for three years now, and the beef since it launched one year ago. I cannot say enough positive things about this single source. It has been a game changer for me. You can check it out here to get more information.
Fall planting is just around the corner. Seeds for Generations is where I get my seeds and some fantastic info. I love this family-owned business because they provide tips, free tools, and tons of free webinars and resources for how to grow your own food. They even have a free garden planning calculator and companion planting matrix so you know which crops to plant next to one another. And, they have canning supplies, a great variety of books, and a medicinal herbs kit. I highly recommend checking them out.
Looking for good resources? Here is a terrific list of fresh food resources!

Subscribe to Corey’s Digs so you don’t miss a Dig!

Good luck to everyone intending to attend, it’s inspirational knowing about this development, and folk are refusing the idea and prospect of they’re being rendered helpless by the onslaught of contrived circumstances arrayed against ordinary people. We have so much to learn on every front, God forfend! Your last couple of articles are at the back of my mind, seeing so much of what you highlight unfolding. It’s far less overwhelming, having a sense of what’s goin on, and more palatable (pun? Just occurred to me!) than not knowing and tryin to understand. More power to you Cory, and dealing with your recent loss, as indeed so many of us, sadly are. We’ll strive to ‘sustain’ one another, i guess the contrivers deliberately omitted that one from their Sdgs! God speed to everyone!…🙏➕🙏…
RFC – I concur. Once a year I trek up to Staunton, VA and enjoy two uplifting days with the RFC team at Polyface Farm.
To be around young farmers, their families and homegrown food / craft folks – with a clear eye on their futures and tons of info to share… really helps anchor my resolve to continue to fight for freedom on every level.
…hi Corey, apologies to waste ur time on this point, and the comment space, however, at some point yesterday while reading ur great article at……and this is hilarious but darn frustrating…i followed some links, and flitted back and forth to a couple of other articles etc ad they arrived in my inbox, the point being i over eagerly clicked on a link, and some introductory text i think it’s title is ‘The Perfection of Man’… ? and preliminary text about the Great Pyramid…with the result that i did seem to access it, and i now have a download of the relevant book…it’s very strange, i checked back over ur article to the source and i don’t see it… i can’t seem to locate it’s source, which I feel must be ur article, i mean, i couldn’t have inadvertently had deleted it?… i know that sounds ridiculous!… however, until i resolve this, that seems the only explanation, and sounds ridiculous… if i didn’t have the download, i’d be regarding the entire circumstances as they must have constituted a dream!…btw that preliminary text was really interesting… it’s towards the front or early in the book…