6 Viral Misconceptions and Clickbait
Repetition doesn’t make it true. Facts do matter when trying to assess the big picture. There are countless psychological campaigns rolling out simultaneously, most of which are done to induce fear and cognitive dissonance while other goals are achieved. Alongside those are hyped up clickbait posts on social media that are meant to create a false sense of hope, fear, anger, confusion, or generate ad revenue. The problem is, a lot of people tend to react from emotion and share the information without even taking a closer look or doing a little bit of research. Some of the most annoying clickbait has been circulating the internet for years, even decades, and this article is intended to end those misconceptions once and for all.
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1) “Wikileaks Just Released A Massive Dump Of Files!”

No, they really didn’t.
Wikileaks did not “just” release a massive dump of files, so when you see a hyped up post on social media claiming “OMG! Wikileaks just released a massive data dump on Clintons and…..,” it’s untrue. The link people are sharing is Wikileaks main index file page to all links on their site, which has always been there, and there is a mountain of information to sift through.
For added confirmation, simply pull up the index file page archived from 2014 (ten years ago) and a character count, excluding spaces, will show 92,797 characters. In comparison, the current index page shows 93,252 characters. The difference? Over the course of ten years, 455 characters have been added, which wouldn’t account for more than a small handful of files added since 2014. Furthermore, all of their leaks show the release date on their site.
2) “Deagel Is A Deep State Military Site Claiming The U.S. Population Will Be At 99 Million In 2025!”
Totally false.
Deagel is not the same as Deagle, as in Edwin Deagle. The posts, articles, and videos that have been circulating for over a decade are drawing people’s focus to a man that has absolutely nothing to do with Deagel.com. Nor is the site run by deep state. A quick glance through the website itself is a good indicator of that.
Though it is currently set to private, a search through the archives shows that the website was registered on August 31, 2003 from an address in Spain by “Gas Deagel.”
The website posts updates on various military related projects and equipment with links to the source sites they found the info on. They also post a chart of each country’s population. At one time the site was posting projected populations into the future, such as their 2007 forecast about 2017, or their 2019 forecast about 2025. This is why the viral posts began in the first place, because the site suggested the U.S. population would drop significantly as the years ticked by, and even had 2025 at a population of 99 million.
They had a short disclaimer at the top of the page stating, “There are 179 countries listed with a forecast for 2025. Click on the icons to sort the list. This website is non-profit, built on spare time and we provide our information and services AS IS without further explanations and/or guarantees. We are not linked to any government. Take into account that the forecast is nothing more than a game of numbers whether flawed or correct based upon some speculative assumptions.” They also had a more lengthy disclaimer at the bottom in pink which comes with type errors and no affiliation to military. It’s a whole lot of nonsense, which is probably why they removed it from their site, not to mention the fact that they’ve been way off with their “forecasts.”
This site is nothing but an aggregator of military news from other sites, that published an absurd “population forecast” based on a whole lot of nothing. After reviewing this and digging into it, I came across James Corbett’s report on it and gave it a quick listen. He drew the same conclusions.
There are numerous articles, social media threads, videos, and even claims in books that have been telling folks for years that Edwin Deagle is behind this website, all because of the spelling of his name – which is incorrect from the domain name and registrar. There are no other data points linking him to this website.
3) “China Is Buying Up All The Farmland In The U.S.!”

That’s quite an exaggeration.
Though China has indeed purchased U.S. farmland, and even schemed with lawmakers to purchase acreage in Missouri (more on this below), Canada owns over 14 million acres, whereas China owns less than a half million acres of U.S. farmland.
There are 880 million acres of farmland in the U.S. Investment firms and individuals of Canada own more U.S. farmland than any other foreign country. In total, 43.4 million acres of U.S. forest and farmland, or 3.4% of ag land, is foreign owned as of Dec. 31, 2022.
Of the 43.4 million acres that are foreign owned, here are some of the top ones:
Canada = 32%
Netherlands = 12%
Italy = 6%
UK = 6%
Germany = 5%
China owns less than 1%
According to the USDA, Brazos Highland and Murphy Brown LLC, a subsidiary of Smithfield Foods, are the two biggest Chinese-owned companies that own land in the U.S. Brazos Highland accounts for 102,345 acres, and Smithfield owns 97,975 as of December, 2022.
The top five states with the biggest Chinese holdings are Texas, North Carolina, Missouri, Utah and Virginia.
For perspective, from 2021 to 2022, there was an increase in 2.58 million U.S. ag acres acquired by foreign countries. These charts provide a good visual for all U.S.-owned ag land as of 2021.

None of this dismisses concerns over Chinese-owned companies or citizens acquiring U.S. farmland. Quite the contrary. In fact, in a 2020 report by Corey Lynn, there is a section specifically on Smithfield Foods, the largest pork producer in the world. What’s most concerning is the fact that it was acquired by the Chinese company WH Group back in 2013, which included Premium Standard Farms in Princeton, Missouri, yet at that time Missouri law banned all foreign ownership of land. Curiously, just one week prior to this acquisition Missouri legislature amended the law to allow for 1% of Missouri farmland to be owned by foreign investors (roughly 289,000 acres), clearing the way for WH Group to acquire 40,000 acres. Before WH Group took on its new name, it was called CDH, founded by Wu Shangzhi, former senior investment officer at the World Bank Group’s IFC, and boy is it a twisted tale of connections that people must read. WH Group is also the majority shareholder in Henan Shuanghui Investment & Development Co. which is China’s top meat producer.
Hence, is this case, it would seem the food supply – specifically pork – may just be more of a concern than U.S. land holdings itself.
On another note, a lot of people believe Bill Gates owns more U.S. farmland than any other U.S. citizen, but his 260,000 acres of U.S. farmland doesn’t even put him close to the top 20. According to the Land Report’s top 100 U.S. landowners, Bill Gates falls in 42nd place, while Jeff Bezos sits in 25th place. This doesn’t negate the fact that no one is happy about Bill Gates owning so much farmland in the U.S. because he’s always up to something nefarious.
4) “China Owns TikTok! We Need To Ban It Now!”
China does in fact own a stake in TikTok, but it’s American private equity and venture capital firms that hold the cards.
Catherine Austin Fitts explained in a Solari Report titled Netanyahus Mass Atrocity Machinery: What Will You Do?, as follows:
“The real stories of mass atrocity in Gaza keep sneaking out on TikTok. American private equity and venture capital firms, including KKR, own approximately 60% of ByteDance, the company that owns the TikTok app. The Congress—filled with legislators alleged to be dual-passport citizens—is now trying to make sure that the criminal syndicate can assert control over ByteDance, which will allow them to squeeze out the Chinese founders and investors by picking up their much smaller 20% equity position for cheap.
The criminal syndicates love to use the Chinese foreign bogeyman as a stalking horse. They love to use politicians to lower the price at which they can buy—and raise the price at which they can sell. Those capital gains fund political contributions and kickbacks.”
5) “China Owns The U.S.! They Hold All Of Our Debt!”
Sure, China holds a lot of U.S. debt – $770.7 billion in Treasury holdings as of April 2024, but why doesn’t anyone ever mention the fact that Japan holds far more U.S. debt than China, to the tune of $1.15 trillion in Treasury securities? Or, why doesn’t anyone mention the fact that the United Kingdom is trailing just behind China at $710.2 billion? Luxembourg and Canada hold the 4th and 5th largest U.S. debt. Don’t people want all the facts, or do they just like to scream “China, China, China!”?
Who is actually the largest owner of U.S. debt? That would be the U.S. government. They hold Treasury securities in government accounts and pension funds.
As of June 28, 2024, the U.S. national debt was at $34.83 trillion. That is an increase of nearly $12 trillion since 2019, just before the Covid plandemic hit. In fact, between 2019 and 2020, it jumped $4.7 trillion.
But who’s counting? Certainly not the Pentagon who has failed six consecutive internal audits. Over $21 trillion has gone missing from U.S. federal accounts at HUD and the Department of Defense.
Be sure to read “Who Are THEY?” by Corey Lynn, to understand the depths and complexities of just how deep this corruption is and who is behind it all.
6) “Tom Hanks, Bill Gates, And Hillary Clinton Were Executed!” (And if not, they must be in GITMO!) And, “JFK Jr. And Jeffrey Epstein Are Still Alive!”
This is an all time favorite clickbait because it’s just amazing how many people concur and share it with the world as though it is 100% fact, and will spend hours debating people on it. The information was assuredly passed through a high-up military insider that leaked it to a friend and they passed it on to another, and another, and another. It doesn’t matter if any of them are seen in person or on television because those would be immediately dismissed as either clones or deep fakes.
The reality is, a lot of people will believe what they want to believe if it induces a specific emotion they wish to feel, or if it gives them a sense of hope or “winning” as many like to put it. Yet, they have no solid proof and state it as fact. They expend time and energy on pondering it, fantasizing about it, debating people over it, and sharing it with others. What does this accomplish? What does it achieve? If they are in fact dead – has anything changed for the better because of those outcomes? No. So why the big debate and distraction?
The same goes for JFK Jr. and Jeffrey Epstein being alive. Despite all of the evidence pointing to their deaths, some people are adamant that they are alive, without a shred of proof. It’s one thing to discuss such things, it’s another to declare it as fact. Sure, there are plenty of bot farms that fuel these tales, but there are plenty of regular folks who have jumped on the bandwagon to give it more life – or death.
Tips And Tactics
How do you want to spend your time? Do you want to feed the enemy instead of feeding your soul? Human beings have 24 hours a day, 8,760 hours a year to enjoy life, minus 2,920 hours required for sleep alone. According to a Datareportal Global Overview Report in January, worldwide internet users between the ages of 16 to 64 spend an average of nearly 7 hours a day online, across all devices. The U.S. is even worse, exceeding 7 hours per day. The report states that “Scientists have measured the amount of data that enter the brain and found that an average person living today processes as much as 74 GB in information a day (that is as much as watching 16 movies), through TV, computers, cell phones, tablets, billboards, and many other gadgets. Every year it is about 5% more than the previous year.”
In Corey Lynn’s 2021 report titled Covid-19 Pt. 5: Psychologists, Scientists and The CIA Tell Us Fear is The Real Killer, the report goes in depth on the following topics:
• Capitalizing on Fear
• Fear’s Effect on The Brain and Health
• CIA Documents on Brainwashing and “Learned Helplessness”
• Expert in Deception, Psychological Operations & National Security Speaks to Cadets at West Point
This is an incredibly important read to understand the psychological games, how the brain works, and more importantly – how brainwashing works. Once people have reached a point of exhaustion, which most have at this point, the mind becomes far more suggestive and it’s easy to fall into clickbait traps.
A few quotes from a CIA document covered in this report:
“When reduced to extreme dependency and confusion, the individual is ready to react favorably to any person or idea which promises to end his painfully confused state. At this point, the re-education begins.”
“The process of brainwashing is essentially one in which two paths are being followed. One is the demoralizing process, the result of which is to reduce the victim’s critical faculties to the point where he no longer discriminates clearly between true and false, logical and illogical. The other is the reorganizing process, in which he is required to construct his confessions, elaborate it, defend it, and believe it.”
“Communist control of the individual and the masses is little different from controls exercised by virtually all absolute forms of government, past and present.”
Here are two helpful articles Corey Lynn wrote to assist people with discerning truth from lies:
• Confused? How to Compartmentalize Fact from Fiction and Plausibility
Corey’s Digs hosts an extensive list of resources for fact checking and deep research. There are well over 100 free resources to explore and get to the bottom of things.
Perhaps the best way to stay on top of things is to narrow time spent online, narrow the focus to the important things, and then narrow those things down by researching the facts before drawing conclusions based on emotional reactions. All industries are taking a hit or a twist from food supply to financial, technology, surveillance, housing, farming, and many others. Maybe selecting two or three of those that seem to have the most impact in one’s life, is a simpler approach to wading through the gigabytes of information one’s brain is downloading on a daily basis.
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les online
“Convenience Enslaves !” … (anon) …
Corruption is the glue that holds the government and business worlds together…
(Public-Private Partnerships In Crime) …
Thank you for this article. All of your articles are absolutely fantastic. You are so well researched. In I was a “normie”. When I first started reading all of the rhings that I was asleep to, it would take me days to process the information. Now, I just shrug my shoulders n think most everything is true. That is not good. There is a lot of wrong information out there I’m trying to get the stories right.
One recent thing is all the side effects of Ozempic I have read about. well a friend sent me videos praising it’s benefits. Which one is true? no idea. I guess when it comes to big pharma, I’m safe staying away from their products.
Thanks Corey, plenty to consider here, i did clarify in a comment somewhere about the Deagel(e) confusion some time ago, and the expose-news.com had provided the info that served as the substantial basis of my comment, i agree with ur points above, i have only had a smart device/’phone for approx three years, this is my third’ cause i accidentally smashed ’em…and i use it specifically to purpose, and i see this constant repetition and repackaging as part of that process u mention, and seen through most of the nefarious agents i feel; at it’ s best, online is a potential trap, among other things…in fact, the timing of this article coincides with my thoughts earlier today around some of these issues, and i’m pining for the old times of late night meditations and it’s prompting inclusive inspirational prayer, seated beside the bases of my favourite trees, beneath the stars, while negotiating to an appreciable degree those ‘inner pathways’ and their revealing labyrinths, while increasingly gaining respect for them and their inherent blessings in and of themselves, i mean, on their own account, and they’re allowing our conscious connection to the mysterious source of our beings and increasing our faith and possibility of acceptance of and receptivity to attendant mysteries such as grace…truly, we are intelligently supplied and only awaits our recognizing His gift of our immense spiritual faculties…anyway, i always try to throw out some information that may prove useful, so there’s this guy wrote under the pen name Paul Brunton, well, his book ‘The Wisdom of the Overself’ is a classic, and is preceded by ‘The Hidden Teachings Beyond Yoga’, among others…btw, in my first comment after ur last post, i meant i had been surprised when i saw the image of Albert Pike in the book years later, and hadn’t been (surprised) in the dream, which my comment unintentionally reads, and in regards to Alice Bailey, whatever her real status, she’s taken out of all context by some commentators, and anyone who has read any of her material knows that, as for the Lucis Trust i meant in the same comment which i poorly worded (t’was late and i was wrecked! ) that i dont have too many doubts that it has been hijacked to some extent, possibly, i don’t know…my sense of these things is that anyone genuinely ‘living the New Testament’ is on sure footing, the rest are details or supplementary, and in their soul they ought to be and are fearless. The cosmos pulsates with God’s (the simplest term in the context perhaps to communicate my meaning) humor, and while that isn’t very often perhaps, obvious to us, and there is meaning beyond that, it’s a good thing to be aware of, and especially if through experience. Thought provoking article, obviously Corey! God bless (and Edge!)!
Thanks for your refreshing comment
… if ur reply is directed to my comment, thanks Lisa!…
… there may be something in some of this… since so many people are feeling so many effects today, this may be worth a listen, reminds me of the chapters ‘Law of Miracles’ and ‘Science of Kriya Yoga’ in Yogananda’s Autobiography of a Yogi… https://youtu.be/flVqnWvCxFI?si=qbwx9J0QRNvxUvmK …
Universe Cover
It’s crucial to remember that repetition doesn’t equate to truth, and verifying facts is essential for understanding the bigger picture. Many psychological campaigns are designed to instill fear and confusion, often through misleading clickbait posts on social media. Unfortunately, many people react emotionally and share this information without proper research, perpetuating false narratives.
Most people believe and follow whatever lies the media and corrupt governments repeat long enough.
The propaganda served to us in the western world today is just unbelievable. Our forefathers would have never swallowed so much BS. take your pick:
-“science” pretends there was a “pandemic” with ‘covid”
– ” There are more genders than what nature created
– Co2 is creating climate change and must be decreased (while we are at an all time low)
– There is a climate emergency
– geo-engeenering is conpsiracy theory, despite the now permanent and omnipresent trails in our skies
– Israel defends itself against terrorists, not perpetrating genocide and etnhic cleansing
– White people are naturally bad and racist
– immigration is good (but only in white countries)
– Russia invaded Ukraine because Putin is Hitler (not because of the US deep state, coup in 2014, NATO and eastern Ukraine genocide by neo-nazis).
– Trump and Harris are two candidates of two different parties (as opposed to two paid actors by the same oligarchy) and these elections are valid and fair (like in2020)..
It’s just mindblowing what people believe today.
The CIA once bragged that their program will be achieved once everything the people believe is false. I must amdit that they succeeded.
Thank you Corey to enlighten us and ofr the huge amount of research, however, the masses saty ignorant and totally misinformed while having the arrogance to think they know better.