Dig It! Podcast #124: Merry Christmas – Hope, Humor and Inspiration
In this special Christmas episode, we discuss some inspirational stories of little miracles from the Kentucky tornados, positive news on fighting mandates and building a parallel system, as well as a handful of Corey’s top picks for humor, educational, and inspirational videos by others.
Wishing you all a very Merry Christmas!
A special thank you to all of those who have worked so hard to bring awareness to others, bring truth to the surface, and shed light where it is so very needed. And thank you to all of those who continue to support alternative news sources and independent journalism. Without you, none of this would be possible.

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tom regan
This Xmas video was the first one I have seen from ‘coreydiggs’. I am not a young man by any stretch and it is no exagerration to say this first experience has been inspiritational. I am especially pleased you focussed on creating the alternate economy and highlighting the players doing it. Very cool, indeed. I could go on and on but I’ll leave it at that. So, in closing, let me say ‘thank you’. You are never to old to learn and grow. That is the message I have taken from this.
KK Down
Manchin’s commvelope 💌 isn’t big enough yet…
Bonnie Nelson
My husband and I just endured a fairly lengthy and a little bit harrowing trek through the British Columbian wilderness fro Calgary to be with family for Christmas. BC locked down pretty hard again but we are here and with our family on the coast and just keep on living anyway. In the world but not of the world!
I love you guys so much! Thank you for all your hard work and for being so darn HUMAN! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! God bless!❤️
Nancy Plummer
Reminder to put the links in for others. I had to keep reminding to grab the websites names. Not a biggie for me, but may be for others. Thanks!!
Corey Lynn
We always put them right under the video, so when you click on it in YouTube (or other sites we upload vids to), you can see all the links under it. 😉 Merry Christmas!