Laundering with Immunity: The Control Framework Part 2 – A Powerhouse of Ruin

There are 76 international organizations who hold extensive immunities and privileges, in addition to the Bank for International Settlements along with 63 central banks and financial institutions that function with BIS, to create a complete control framework that operates entirely outside the law from what all other organizations must adhere to. While they all tout they are about “transparency,” that couldn’t be further from the truth. This framework began in the 1930’s, was formally established in the 1940’s, and has evolved into the most powerful globalist regime, with arms extending beyond 190 countries.

Part one revealed who those organizations and banks are, the general immunities and privileges they receive, and when those immunities were given to them. These aren’t just ordinary organizations. They happen to be the prime organizations that run the new world order globalists’ agendas against humanity, and they have hundreds of NGOs working with and through them. Part two will explore the depths of which this goes, key organizations building the control grid that pull a lot of strings, treaties, contracts, and extended immunities that afford them the ability to operate as ghosts without transparency or accountability. Hold onto your seats.


A Quick Explanation of The Layers of Immunities and Privileges

The Organization of American States (OAS)
– A Condensed History
– The Organs of OAS
– OAS Immunities and Privileges
– Agreements, NDAs, and Immunities Between OAS & Big Tech, and Beyond
– OAS Involvement with Elections
– US-Backed OAS’ New Center for Media Integrity of the Americas Co-Founded by The Washington Post
– Inter-American Development Bank
– Inter-American Defense Board
– Funding The OAS

United Nations Immunities and Privileges

A Powerhouse of Ruin

Listen to Corey Lynn and Edge discuss part 2 of this report in our Dig It! podcast.

Full audio version of part 2:

The armies of liberation today are bringing to an end Hitler’s ghastly threat to dominate the world. Tokyo rocks under the weight of our bombs.

The grand strategy of the United Nations’ war has been determined — due in no small measure to the vision of our departed Commander in Chief. We are now carrying out our part of that strategy under the able direction of Admiral Leahy, General Marshall, Admiral King, General Arnold, General Eisenhower, Admiral Nimitz and General MacArthur.

I want the entire world to know that this direction must and will remain—unchanged and unhampered!

.. Within an hour after I took the oath of office, I announced that the San Francisco Conference would proceed. We will face the problems of peace with the same courage that we have faced and mastered the problems of war.

It is not enough to yearn for peace. We must work, and if necessary, fight for it. The task of creating a sound international organization is complicated and difficult. Yet, without such organization, the rights of man on earth cannot be protected. Machinery for the just settlement of international differences must be found. Without such machinery, the entire world will have to remain an armed camp. The world will be doomed to deadly conflict, devoid of hope for real peace.

If wars in the future are to be prevented the nations must be united in their determination to keep the peace under law.

Nothing is more essential to the future peace of the world than continued cooperation of the nations which had to muster the force necessary to defeat the conspiracy of the Axis powers to dominate the world.

..I appeal to every American, regardless of party, race, creed, or color, to support our efforts to build a strong and lasting United Nations Organization.

..To destroy greedy tyrants with dreams of world domination, we cannot continue in successive generations to sacrifice our finest youth.”

– A doomsday projection sales pitch by President Truman in his address before a joint session of Congress on April 16, 1945, just four days after taking office upon President Roosevelt’s death (summarized from full text)

Everyone is familiar with the United Nations, who happens to hold 22 of the 76 immunities and privileges under the International Organizations Immunities Act, in addition to treaties and a headquarters agreement providing them with more layers of protection, but how many people are aware of the Organization of American States? In order to reconcile how this was all masterminded, it’s prudent that people understand the other faction that oversees the entire western hemisphere and has been in operation for over five decades prior to the establishment of the United Nations. It’s even more critical to understand the layers of protection these organizations hold, that can also be extended to individuals and organizations working with them, making them all untouchable and unaccountable.

People in the U.S. seldom here about the Organization of American States (OAS), mainly because they are largely focused in Latin America and the Caribbean, but Canada, Mexico, and the United States also make up their tight knit group of 35 member states, working in conjunction with the UN, and headquartered in Washington D.C. In fact, thanks to Andrew Carnegie donating $5 million in 1910 for OAS to build their headquarters in D.C., they reside adjacent to President’s Park on 17th St. NW. Their reach is far and wide and they work with key players to move agendas forward.

A Quick Explanation of The Layers of Immunities and Privileges

There are multiple layers of protection through different means of immunities and privileges. To simplify, international organizations, some banks, the Bank for International Settlements and its member banks, all carry immunities and privileges that equate to that of a foreign diplomat, but many have multiple layers. Here’s what that looks like:

1) In 1945 the U.S. Congress passed the International Organizations Immunities Act (IOIA), which no congress has revoked since. To date, this has afforded 76 international organizations and banks unprecedented immunities, privileges, and tax exemptions that equate to that of diplomats, all given out via executive order by presidents. Many (if not all) member states of the UN and OAS have also passed similar legislation, utilizing nearly identical language, to afford the same immunities to these organizations and banks. The breakdown of the immunities through IOIA and the full list of organizations is documented in part 1 of this report.

2) Through numerous treaties, charters, internal constitutions, and agreements, the UN, OAS, BIS, and some of the other organizations have created yet another layer of immunities and privileges. These are ultimately agreed upon by member states, meaning they operate with these immunities in over 190 member states in some cases. Some of these treaties and charters are covered in part 2 of this report.

3) Each of these organizations and banks have headquarters, either based in the U.S. or another country. The government in which their headquarters resides, has a signed headquarters agreement with the organization that extends additional immunities to protect the headquarters, staff, and documents that reside within. Once again, providing another layer of protection. Some of these headquarters agreements are covered in part 2 of this report.

4) According to BIS, OAS, and the UN documents, they have the ability to extend their immunities to individuals, organizations, or banks who are working with them and providing some form of function for them. In many cases these immunities and privileges even extend to family members of staff. When considering the magnitude of this, it could potentially extend to thousands of individuals and organizations. The details of these B2B agreements are not made public since documents are all inviolable, however, there are some signed agreements with general information which do include basics about immunities. Some of those are covered in part 2 of this report.

To put it in layman terms, a wealthy bunch of corrupt families got together centuries ago and plotted how they wanted to control the world. The challenge was in how they would get around constitutions, state laws and international laws so they could operate outside the system that the rest of humanity had to function within. This would afford them the ability to move like ghosts, transfer wealth, and camouflage all of their schemes with false storylines as they secured more and more control with each decade, while alleging how “transparent” they are. Getting the banking systems into place, such as the Bank for International Settlements, the Federal Reserve, the World Bank Group, and central banks was the key step in building the ghost-like infrastructure. Making sure BlackRock and Vanguard had top shareholder positions in every major corporation in order to bend and squeeze them into submission, was also a necessary evil.

Their next step was to create global organizations that would have immunities and privileges allowing them to operate in the shadows, with no accountability, while helping to establish international laws and treaties for “member states” to abide by. Enter the OAS and the UN. And of course, BIS, its member banks, and over a dozen other banks through “Acts” put in place by countries, all needed immunities for cover to move funds. Next, was to give additional international organizations immunities and privileges so they could all operate together and extend those immunities to non-government organizations that could do their bidding for them. And wallah, you have yourself one hell of a secret operation running for over 100 years without people even realizing what’s really going on, while no one is being held accountable, and… where did all the money go?

The Organization of American States (OAS)

Photo by Wikipedia: President George W. Bush delivers remarks at the opening of the Organization of American States General Assembly in Fort Lauderdale, Florida, Monday, June 6, 2005. White House Photo by Eric Draper

A Condensed History

Some may have heard of the ‘Summit of The Americas’ in White House press releases, or perhaps they’ve seen them mentioned in a news bleep pertaining to another country, but the U.S. media rarely mentions the Organization of American States (OAS). Another reason why many people are unfamiliar with them is because of the name changes throughout the years. And yet, they are strategically located and critical to the New World Order 2030 Agenda.

In December 1994, President Clinton convened the first Summit of The Americas since 1967. The inaugural meeting was held in Miami, FL, and the Summits have consistently convened ever since. Clinton went on to host a “Future of The Americas” meeting in order to rally leaders and governments to come together and work on their future plan.

Just three months prior to Clinton kicking this off, the first BIS Board meeting, after the Federal Reserve finally purchased shares in the BIS system, kicked off the central bank system on a global scale with BIS at the helm.

Here is the Constituent Charter for the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), the protocol regarding the immunities of BIS, the list of 63 central banks that are members of BIS, and their complete legal overview with headquarters agreements and much more. BIS was covered in part 1 of this report.

According to OAS, their essential purposes are: “to strengthen peace and security in the Hemisphere; to promote and consolidate representative democracy, with due respect for the principle of nonintervention; to prevent possible causes of difficulties and to ensure peaceful settlement of disputes that may arise among the member states; to provide for common action on the part of those states in the event of aggression; to seek the solution of political, juridical, and economic problems that may arise among them; to promote, by cooperative action, their economic, social, and cultural development; and to achieve an effective limitation of conventional weapons that will make it possible to devote the largest amount of resources to the economic and social development of the member states.”

OAS officially began as the International Union of American Republics in 1890 following the First International Conference of American States in Washington D.C. At that time they also created the Commercial Bureau of the American Republics as the Union’s secretariat. There were 18 Western Hemisphere nations involved, including the United States. Twenty years later, in 1910, the Commercial Bureau became the Pan American Union. It wasn’t until the charter was formalized in Bogota, Colombia in 1948, that they changed their name to the Organization of American States, yet they had already received their immunities and privileges from the U.S. on February 19, 1946 under the Pan American Union. In fact, they were the first to receive immunities, alongside the United Nations and two of their organs. In 1992, OAS signed their headquarters agreement with the government of the United States of America, affording them yet another layer of protection. More on that later.

Former President Alberto Lleras Camargo of Colombia, from 1958-1962, and Acting President from 1945-1946, is said to have been instrumental in restructuring the Pan American Union into the Organization of American States in 1948, after being named Director of the Pan American Union in 1947. He then served from 1948-1954 as the General Secretary of OAS, and of course became president of Colombia just four years later. Camargo was also in attendance at the 1945 UN conference in San Francisco, which created the United Nations, while he was Minister of Foreign Relations.

The Pan American Sanitary Bureau, which was founded in 1902 to control the spread of epidemics from one country to another, was previously named the International Sanitary Bureau until 1923, and later renamed the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) in 1958. Back in 1902, shortly after its formation, the International Bureau of the American Republics (later the Pan American Union and today the OAS) orchestrated health conventions and formulated sanitary agreements among member states. Thus, PAHO is the oldest and largest regional health organization, and has long coordinated with the OAS through projects, funding, goals, and even shared a building at one point. Today, PAHO is a “specialized organization” of the OAS.

By 1920, they began with malaria and tuberculosis campaigns, monitoring contagious diseases, worked on national health legislation, and studied tropical diseases. Dr. Hugh Cumming was appointed as the U.S. surgeon general and the director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau, while Mr. Leo Rowe was named the Pan American Union’s director, and Dr. John D. Long, auxiliary surgeon general of the United States Public Health Service (USPHS) became a traveling representative to countries of Latin America and the Caribbean to coordinate with national health authorities. It was during this time that the Sanitary Code was created for public health, and is still in force today.

During World War II, the USPHS increased its funding to the Pan American Sanitary Bureau, as did the Rockefeller Foundation and the Commonwealth Fund, for medicine, public health, and training health care personnel.

In 1948, the member states of the Pan American Union officially adopted the Charter of the Organization of American States, in Bogota. It was agreed upon that OAS would work with the UN, but not be subordinate to them. OAS was to cover the entire Western Hemisphere.

The World Health Organization was launched in 1948 under the UN, and in 1949 they signed an agreement with the Pan American Sanitary Bureau (now known as the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO)), that PAHO would be the WHO’s regional office for the Western Hemisphere, while PAHO remained autonomous. However, despite PAHO’s claim to not being absorbed by the WHO, the agreement does state that any sanitary conventions or programs carried out must be compatible with the policy and programs of the WHO, while being financed separately. Yet, they go on to state that an adequate proportion of the WHO budget shall be allocated for regional work and that PAHO must share information on their operations. The agreement can be read here on page 401.

From 1947 to 1959, the Director of the Pan American Sanitary Bureau (now PAHO), was Dr. Fred Soper, who had previously worked as the regional director of the Rockefeller Foundation from 1927 until 1942, and continued to work with the foundation after that. But he was technically recruited by the Rockefeller Foundation in 1920, and sailed off to Brazil to carry out hookworm surveys and campaigns. While serving as the director of PAHO, he increased the annual budget from $115,000 to over $10 million and the staff went up to 750 from just 88. He also played a vital role in negotiating PAHO to be the regional office for the WHO, while remaining autonomous from the WHO. This is an important fact, when taking everything into consideration. After his time as director of PAHO, he also served as a consultant to the U.S. foreign aid program and the U.S. Public Health Service’s Office of International Health.

In a document dated September 3, 1948, Soper addressed the U.S. Secretary of State on the funds for PAHO, stating that the formula should be similar to that of the UN and Pan American Union (now OAS), which essentially broke down to 51.67% contributions from the U.S. and 48.33% divided among all other member states. This would allow for expanding the Bureau and increasing funds to $2 million by the U.S. beginning in July, 1949. This letter also documents their current and near future obligations, projects, and intentions. The U.S. continues to contribute 52% of member funding to PAHO til this day. As with the UN, the U.S. is the largest donor to OAS and PAHO.

Dr. Fred Soper had three sisters and four brothers, two of which were also doctors and one was the mayor of South Hutchinson, KS, at one point in time. Soper’s father, S. J. Soper passed away in 1940 and had a funeral service with the Masonic lodge in charge. He was a former mayor councilman, school board member of South Hutchinson, Kansas, involved with real estate, was a member of the Masonic orders as a 32nd degree Mason, and member of the Grand Lodge of Kansas.

PAHO’s “strategic plan” is the same as the UN’s, and their documents often have the WHO’s logo alongside their own. It’s a team effort with the benefit of autonomy.

In 1952 the Pan American Sanitary Bureau (now PAHO) had moved out of OAS’s building and purchased a building near Dupont Circle, with the help of the Rockefeller Foundation and W.K. Kellogg foundation providing a no-interest loan. The Bureau became so big that it began administering programs for the WHO, UNESCO, Rockefeller and Kellogg foundations, and for agencies of its member governments. Despite the Bureau and OAS having their own separate buildings, PAHO remains a specialized agency under OAS.

The Rockefeller Foundation has long ties to PAHO, wanting to create a universal health coverage system among other things, and continues to fund PAHO. In fact, the Rockefeller Foundation, WHO, and the World Bank spearheaded the campaign for Universal Health Coverage Day in 2014, along with 500 organizations from over 100 countries, which of course PAHO quickly joined. The Rockefellers have long had their claws in Latin America. There are numerous books on this topic.

Latin America and the Caribbean are very important to many key players. As documented in Corey’s Digs 2018 report entitled “Shipwrecked on Ten Islands with Clintons and Branson,” it reveals how the Obama administration and EPA worked with countless NGOs and other governments to swoop into 23 Caribbean islands to control their energy supply. In part 4, it expands on the “Caribbean Climate-Smart Accelerator” and tourism industry and how 26 governments partnered with the Clinton Foundation, Richard Branson, Bill Gates, Rocky Mountain Institute (yes, the one pushing to remove gas stoves), the Inter-American Development Bank (part of OAS), United Nations Development Programme, Organization of American States, World Bank Group, Breakthrough Energy Coalition with Jeff Bezos, Mark Zuckerberg, Reid Hoffman, George Soros, Marc Benioff, Bill Gates and 22 others, along with a slew of other organizations, to build smart cities and carry out the SDGs while Clinton friend Denis O’Brien and Deep Blue Cable worked on rolling out a fiber-optic subsea cable system to connect the Americas to the Caribbean, connecting all of the islands to Florida.

In sync with the global agenda, the OAS Inter-American Social Protection Network have partnered with the U.S. Department of State, the Cities for Financial Empowerment Fund (CFE), and the New York City Department of Consumer Affairs (NYC/DCA) and its Office of Financial Empowerment (OFE), Ministers and senior government officials from 26 member states, 100 representatives from international banking including J.P. Morgan Chase, Mastercard, AIG, Citibank, Visa, and non-profit foundations in order to bring “financial inclusion” to Latin America and the Caribbean.

On August 19, 2016, OAS and PAHO signed a declaration of cooperation to achieve the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals for the Americas.

On June 8, 2022 the Biden administration launched “Americas Health Corps” with PAHO to provide 500,000 public health, science, and medical professionals throughout the region within five years. “The Americas Health Corps functions as a consortium and partner with academic institutions in the United States and throughout the Americas region to leverage and expand existing U.S. Government and PAHO training programs.” The Summit held in 2022 raised more than $3.2 billion in commitments, the U.S. donated more than 65 million doses of Covid-19 jabs across Latin America and the Caribbean, as well as $94 million in distribution and administration assistance, and have set a goal to increase genomic surveillance.

The WHO is to the UN as PAHO is to the OAS. Two very powerful organizations that are in lock-step, consisting of member states that account for the entire global population, and the OAS with headquarters just steps away from the White House and the UN Foundation even closer, with immunities and privileges that afford them the ability to keep forging ahead with the New World Order agenda. Removing membership from the WHO alone serves no purpose, nor does removing membership from just the UN or just OAS. Getting out of their control grid entirely is what is necessary, and ending or significantly reducing the privileges from the International Organizations Immunities Act, is also necessary.

To sum this up, the Organization of American States (OAS) has been in force since 1890 and operates in 35 member states of the Western Hemisphere that accounts for a population of over one billion people. Their budget may be far smaller than the UN, but their reach isn’t. OAS has also granted permanent observer status to over 72 states, as well as to the European Union, who all enjoy immunities and privileges.


Though the OAS wasn’t officially formed until 1890, representatives of nations had been meeting since 1826, working toward that goal. In a July 21, 1930 article by the Lansing State Journal, they simplified the storyline as though a mere journalist, John H. Barrett, single-handedly brought it to life, by stating that “an enthusiastic young newspaper worker…saw the possibility in closer relations of the United States with other nations in the western world, and so, getting Andrew Carnegie to back him, the Pan American Union was formed.” Barrett also served as the United States U.S. Minister to Siam (now Thailand), a diplomatic adviser to Admiral George Dewey, a delegate to the Pan-American Conference, a Minister to Argentina, and eventually went on to be the first Director General of the Bureau of American Republics (OAS) in 1907 for fourteen years, during which time he founded the Pan-American Society of the United States. But hey, he was just an “enthusiastic young newspaper worker.”

Barrett’s obituary provides further detail into his extensive background and connections. While minister to Columbia he negotiated the first protocol over disputes with the Panama Canal Zone. He had a Knights of Pythias service, with the bearers all members of the local lodge. It is a secret society and the first fraternal organization to receive a charter under an act of the United States Congress in 1864. Barrett had been a member for 30 years, 14 of which were spent as Master of Work of the organization. There are countless politicians, judges, and U.S. presidents who were/are Pythian Knights, such as Nelson A. Rockefeller, Warren G. Harding, William McKinley, Franklin D. Roosevelt, and Senator Charles Schumer, to name a few.

His obituary also states that he “directed the construction” of the Pan American building in Washington. In 1900 he was elected an honorary member of the American Asiatic Association for helping to develop American interests in Asia, and was later decorated by the Chinese government in 1903 for improving American-Chinese relations.

Even before Barrett came along, others were plotting for the global organizations that would dominate the world. Some likely had good intentions, while others did not.

According to the U.S. Mission to the OAS, its roots can be traced to the Congress of Panama, called on by Simón Bolívar in 1826, which was attended by representatives from Central and South America. There, they signed the Treaty of Perpetual Union, League and Confederation, which was signed by the delegates but was only ratified by Gran Colombia (today’s Colombia, Ecuador, Panama, and Venezuela). The OAS commemorates Bolívar annually for his work and vision.

In Bolívar’s letter to who he refers to as his dear Colonel and friend, dated August 5, 1829, regarding a European prince possibly becoming his successor, he pointed out how England would be resentful if a Bourbon were chosen. He went on to state, “Can you imagine the opposition that would come from the new American states, and from the United States, which seems destined by Providence to plague America with miseries in the name of Freedom?” This of course was later twisted by journalists by removing the comma between American states and the United States, to include all, as opposed to a negative remark against the United States alone.

The Organs of OAS

The OAS is a regional organization that focuses on electoral oversight, social and economic development, security, and human rights, and they do a whole lot more than that. Though they have many independent organs, specialized agencies, and initiatives all operating under the umbrella of OAS, according to their charter, they state “Within the United Nations, the Organization of American States is a regional agency.” That said, they also make very clear in numerous places that they operate autonomously as an independent entity from the UN, plus they’ve been around for 50 years before the UN was officially formed. Their financials and funding are completely separate from the UN, though the UN is one of the funders. The OAS also states that the areas of “cooperation” between OAS and the UN are on human rights, democracy strengthening, integral development, public health, security, drugs, gender issues and education, and they are most certainly on board with the Sustainable Development Goals.

All of OAS’ organs, agencies, and entities enjoy immunities and privileges through the headquarters agreement with the U.S., the 1975 U.S. agreement, and the Charter of the OAS. Six specialized organizations or agencies also have International Organizations Immunities Act (IOIA) status from the U.S. The trifecta!

Principal Organs
General Assembly
Meeting of Consultation of Foreign Ministers
Permanent Council
Inter-American Council for Integral Development
Inter-American Juridical Committee
Inter-American Commission on Human Rights
General Secretariat

Specialized Organizations
Inter-American Children’s Institute
Inter-American Commission on Women
Inter-American Indian Institute
Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IOIA status)
Pan American Health Organization (IOIA status)
Pan American Institute for Geography and History

Other Agencies and Entities
Inter-American Agency for Cooperation Development
Justice Studies Center of The Americas
Inter-American Committee Against Terrorism
Inter-American Committee on Natural Disaster Reduction
Inter-American Court of Human Rights
Inter-American Defense Board (IOIA status)
Inter-American Defense College
Inter-American Development Bank (IOIA status)
Inter-American Drug Abuse Control Commission
Inter-American Juridical Committee
Inter-American Library Simon Bolivar
Inter-American Telecommunications Commission
Pan American Development Foundation

Note: The Inter-American Investment Corporation (given IOIA status) is part of the IDB Group, which is composed of the Inter-American Development Bank (given IOIA status) and the Multilateral Investment Fund as well.

Committees Under The Organ: Inter-American Council for Integral Development
Inter-American Committee on Culture
Inter-American Committee on Eduction
Inter-American Committee on Ports
Inter-American Committee on Science and Technology
Inter-American Committee on Social Development
Inter-American Committee on Sustainable Development

OAS Immunities and Privileges

OAS enjoys an unprecedented level of protection, keeping them void of transparency or accountability. In addition to the immunities enjoyed by the U.S. International Organizations Immunities and Privileges Act and other member states who followed suit with similar language, they also enjoy the benefits of their headquarters agreement with the U.S. Government, the additional agreement of 1952 which was updated in 1975, and the Charter of the Organization of American States which holds its own set of immunities and privileges. It’s so iron clad, the only organization it compares to is the UN. Both have multiple arms that these immunities extend to as well as their own authority to extend them to those working with them, as they deem necessary.It’s important to recognize the significance of just how many hundreds of organizations and individuals this could extend to.

OAS Immunities Under The U.S. International Organizations Immunities Act

The International Organizations Immunities Act was introduced to Congress by Rep. Robert L. Doughton (D-NC)on October 24, 1945, the same day the UN officially began. Doughton served as Chairman of the U.S. House Committee on Ways and Means for 18 years, and served in the House for 42 years.

In a September 12, 1945 news conference with Truman, he was asked, “Mr. President, is there anything to add on your trip south in November to North Carolina and Georgia?” Truman’s response was “I’m going down there to pay a visit to the district of Mr. Doughton — a promise which I made while I was Vice President. It has no connection with his place with the Ways and Means Committee of the House. He and I have been friends for a long time.” (page 315)

The Act was passed by Congress on December 29, 1945, which authorized presidents to designate international organizations with these immunities and privileges, by executive order.

The OAS was in the very first batch of immunities given out by President Truman on February 19, 1946. The other three organizations were the United Nations, the Food and Agriculture Organization of The United Nations, and the International Labor Organization which is also part of the United Nations. Just five months later, a second round of five additional organizations received immunities and privileges, two of which are UN arms and twoareconnected to OAS. It’s not difficult to see where this was headed.

In The American Journal of International Law, Vol. 40, No. 2 (Apr. 1946) pp. 332-345, Lawrence Preuss covered The International Organization Immunities Act and broke down the purposes of the Act. Preuss began with quoting the Senate Committee on Finance, who stated it will “not only protect the official character of public international organizations in this country, but it will also tend to strengthen the position of international organizations of which the United States is a member when they are located or carry on their activities in other countries.” Preuss went on to state that the principal purposes served by the Act are:

(a) To make possible a consistent and equitable treatment for some of the older organizations now functioning on United States territory, with respect to whole legal status the United States has contracted no conventional obligations, and which will probably not be brought into relationship with the United Nations.

(b) To implement commitments or obligations toward UNRRA, FAO and other organizations in being or to be established, and to whose constituent instruments the United States is a party or a signatory.

(c) To establish a minimum or basic standard of treatment for the United Nations and its personnel, subject to such modifications as may be made necessary by the terms of the agreements contemplated under Article 105 of the Charter.

Article 105 of the UN Charter states, “The Organization shall enjoy in the territory of each of its Members such privileges and immunities as are necessary for the fulfillment of its purposes.” The Charter of the United Nations and the Statute of the International Court of Justice were drafted during the UN Conference on International Organization in San Francisco, CA conference from April 25 – June 26, 1945.

In short, the UN was allegedly created during WWII for countries to work together and bring peace to the world, which would require high levels of immunities, privileges, and tax exemptions, and therefore all member states were to structure their laws accordingly to accommodate the UN, OAS, all of their special agencies that were created and soon to be created, as well as any other international organizations that would play a vital role in this global cult drenched in secrecy with walls of protection.

The breakdown of these immunities and privileges were covered in part 1 of this report, or the original text signed into law can be read here, or a slightly easier version can be read by Yale Law School. A quick recap, to knock this down to the fine points, are:

• Property and their assets are immune from suit and every form of judicial process as enjoyed by foreign governments

• Immunity from search and seizure of property and assets, wherever located, and by whomsoever held

• Archives are inviolable

• Exemption from all forms of taxes

• Admission of officers, employees, and their family members without checks from customs

• Officers and employees are exempt from all legal actions or suits in regards to activities related to work

• No alien registration or fingerprinting of employees and their immediate family members, or registration of foreign agents

In addition to OAS, its organs, agencies, and entities enjoying these immunities and privileges, their 70 states and the European Union with observer status also enjoy these benefits.

These are the same immunities and privileges afforded to all 76 international organizations listed in part 1 of this report, with exception of a select few who had limited immunities. However, OAS has additional benefits and protections through their headquarters agreement with the U.S. as well.

In the section explaining Foreign Representatives to and Officials of International Organizations, it states: “Under the IOIA, representatives of foreign governments to designated organizations are immune from suit and legal process relating to acts performed by them in their official capacity and falling within their functions as such representatives. In exceptional cases, however, immunities are granted to such representatives and their families by treaty. Such treaties include the Convention on Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations, the United Nations Headquarters Agreement, and the Agreement between the United States and the Organization of American States on Privileges and Immunities. The Bureau of International Organization Affairs (IO), the Office of Foreign Missions (OFM), and the Office of the Legal Adviser must determine the level of immunities enjoyed by such foreign representatives.”

Here are a few examples of other member states of the OAS who have a very similar agreement for immunities and privileges. Please note that these may not be the most recent versions.:

Canada was an observer for 28 years before becoming a full member on January 8, 1990. Canada’s “Foreign Missions and International Organizations Act” would appear to have been enacted on December 5, 1991. It includes a section on immunities and privileges and lists organizations who have received them, which overlaps with many of the same organizations under the U.S. list, and of course OAS and the UN have several arms on the list. Here are the privileges and immunities given to the OAS.

The United Kingdom passed their International Organisations Immunities and Privileges Act in 1950, but previously passed the Diplomatic Privileges Extension Act in 1944. The UK is not a member of OAS, but they are a permanent observer, and as observers, immunities and privileges extend to them under the Charter of the OAS.

Australia passed their International Organisations Privileges and Immunities Act in 1963. Australia is not affiliated with the OAS, but is a founding member of the UN.

These are just a few examples to show that this is essentially a global “Act” on top of treaties, charters, conventions, and headquarters agreements that already provide the OAS and UN with protections. This also acts as a basis for immunities and privileges for numerous other international organizations from country to country, all operating in sync toward common goals.

Headquarters Agreement Between OAS and The U.S. Government Providing Immunities and Privileges

This is a summary of the immunities and privileges in the headquarters agreement between OAS and the U.S. government. The headquarters pertains to all OAS buildings and land located in Washington D.C., including the Inter-American Defense Board building.

Legal privileges to contract, acquire and dispose of property, and institute legal proceedings.

Immunity from financial controls, regulations, moratoria to hold gold and currency and transfer gold and currency inside and outside the US.

Immunity from lawsuits and legal proceedings, search and seizure, and taxes.

Exclusive jurisdiction over disputes arising from employment with the organization.

Officials of the organization carry an official OAS travel document that is recognized for US and international travel.

The government will permit and protect free communications for OAS without censorship. OAS has the right to use codes for communications. Couriers of communications will have diplomatic immunity (against search and seizure, legal protections).

Immunities apply during the settlement of disputes.

All property at OAS headquarters is immune from search and seizure. Fed, state and local officials may not enter headquarters except when agreed by the Secretary General.

The US government will ensure the OAS headquarters has all of the necessary public services: electricity, water, phone, etc.

The US government will buy the building headquarters if OAS decides to move headquarters.

OAS internal organization law applies to the headquarters. OAS makes their own internal law. Fed, state and local law enforcement will not interfere with OAS internal law. Fed, state and local criminal laws do apply within OAS headquarters.

OAS officials and family members are immune from lawsuit and legal process, taxation, national service obligations, immigration restrictions, alien registration and fingerprint requirements. Diplomatic immunities apply when traveling.

OAS experts are immune from lawsuit, search and seizure of documents, have the right to use codes in communications, all communications equipment is protected and immune, have diplomatic immunity from search and seizure of personal baggage, immune from alien registration or fingerprinting when traveling.

US government will facilitate transit of foreigners to visit OAS headquarters.

Secretary General has the right to waive immunities if those immunities impede justice. OAS will cooperate with US authorities to facilitate administration of justice.

OAS has the power to extend these immunities to any organ, agency or entity it creates an agreement with.

The Charter of OAS outlines the definition of “Organization” and “Organization of American States” that are included in the immunities and privileges. If there is another organ, agency or entity that is not defined as part of the “Organization” or “Organization of American States” then immunities can be extended to that organization by OAS if they fall under Article 52 of their Charter, which describes “regional integration programs” in the areas of education, science and culture. In other words, they can essentially extend immunities and privileges to every organization they work with, if they so choose to.

In establishing those extended immunities, they clarify it by stating “All provisions of this Agreement, including its annexes, shall apply to any organ, agency, or entity to which this Agreement is so extended; provided, however, that the parties may agree on how any particular term in a provision of this Agreement will be understood so that the provision will be appropriate to the organ, agency, or entity in question,” in Article XX.

In addition to the Headquarters Agreement and the designation through the International Organizations Immunities Act, the U.S. government granted additional immunities and privileges to OAS in 1952, which was later amended to further expand it on March 20, 1975.

The Secretary General, Assistant Secretary General, representatives of member states, interim representatives or alternate representatives of member states, personnel of representatives’ delegations, permanent observers and alternate observers, members of representatives’ staffs, and advisers of missions appointed by member states (with the exclusion of individuals serving in an administrative, clerical, technical or related capacity) have privileges and immunities corresponding to their positions, which are the same privileges and immunities accorded to diplomatic envoys. Privileges and immunities extended to OAS representatives do not apply to representatives of the United States, US nationals serving in other capacities or aliens admitted for permanent residence in the United States.”

Charter of The Organization of American States

In the Charter of OAS, they make clear that they have legal capacity, privileges and immunities necessary to exercise its functions in the territories of each member state. In Articles 103-105 of the Charter, they cover the agreement on privileges and immunities, stating the follow:

Article 103 of the Charter of the Organization of American States, signed April 30, 1948, at the Ninth International Conference of American States, provides that “The Organization of American States shall enjoy in the territory of each Member such legal capacity, privileges and immunities as are necessary for the exercise of its functions and the accomplishment of its purposes”;

Article 104 of the Charter provides that “The Representatives of the Governments on the Council of the Organization, the Representatives on the Organs of the Council, the personnel of their Delegations, as well as the Secretary General and the Assistant Secretary General of the Organization, shall enjoy the privileges and immunities necessary for the independent performance of their duties”;

Article 105 of the Charter provides that “the juridical status of the Inter-American Specialized Organizations and the privileges and immunities that should be granted to them and to their personnel, as well as to the officials of the Pan American Union, shall be determined in each case through agreements between the respective organizations and the Governments concerned”;

“The governments of the states members of the Organization of American States authorize their Representatives on the Council of the Organization to sign the present Agreement concerning the privileges and immunities to be enjoyed by the Organization of American States, – which are substantially identical to those granted to the United Nations.”

The complete list of immunities and privileges in this agreement can be viewed on the OAS site, or scroll down to review the UN recap, since they are near identical. That said, the full list on the Pan American Union is broken down on OAS’s site.

Agreements, NDAs, and Immunities Between OAS & Big Tech, and Beyond

The OAS doesn’t just work with governments, they have a registry with over 465 civil society groups that work in different areas for the member states. The registry provides the exchange of information to assist in creating governmental policies, which includes dialogue between governments, international organizations and the civil society groups.

The International Planned Parenthood Federation is part of the 465 civil society groups, along with Lawyers Without Borders, Amnesty International, National Wildlife Federation, Center for Reproductive Rights, Center for International Environmental Law, Open Society Institute, and Rotary, just to name a few. George Soros was a keynote speaker for the OAS Lecture Series of The Americas in 2006.

Additionally, they have an OAS Consortium of Universities they work with to provide training programs and offer scholarship opportunities.

Without having access to internal documents that may not be made public, the agreements below do provide a little bit of insight as to the scope of work and immunities. There could be an entirely separate document pertaining specifically to extended immunities and privileges that are not made public. Nonetheless, these are telling.

Agreement Between OAS and Facebook on March 30, 2021

PDF of Agreement. Original document.

Subject: Establishment of a framework for cooperation mechanisms between Facebook and the General Secretariat(GS)/OAS in the promotion and consolidation of representative democracy, security development and human rights in OAS member states.

Signed by: Nick Clegg, VP of Global Affairs and Communications

Privileges and Immunities: Nothing in this Agreement constitutes an express or implied waiver fo the privileges and immunities of the OAS or the GS/OAS, its personnel and its assets pursuant to eh following provisions and instruments ratified by the Government of the United States of America: (lists headquarters agreement, charter, and IOIA). This is a standard statement made in their agreements, with slight variation of wording in each one.

NDA: The Parties have entered into a non-disclosure agreement as of May 21, 2020 which will govern the disclosure and use of any confidential and/or proprietary information disclosed during the course of these discussions. The Parties agree that no press release or other public announcement related to this Agreement or any Definitive Agreements will be made without prior review and written agreement of GS/OAS and Facebook. On August 9, 2021, an amendment to the NDA was signed.

Press Release March 22, 2021: Released one year after they entered the NDA, and one week prior to signing the formal agreement linked above.

We are beginning with cooperation in terms of electoral integrity, sustainable development and freedom of expression, but we hope to expand it to many areas,” said Luis Almagro, Secretary General of the OAS.

Nick Clegg confirmed they “created teams and systems to protect the integrity of elections on its platforms at key moments for democracy. Since 2017, he said, Facebook has worked on more than 200 elections around the world, many of them in Latin America.”

Agreements Between OAS and Microsoft on May 4, 2001

PDF of Agreement. Original document.

Subject: Microsoft Corporation “will collaborate with the OAS/AICD in training officials in the governments of OAS member states in areas of technological innovation associated with the concept of e-Government…in order to increase governments’ agility, provide more and better services for their citizens, and above all, to prepare the countries of the region to join the new Information Society.” They also developed an education portal to advance education in the region, an IACD website, a specialized system to link the national libraries of the Americas, and a clearinghouse of offers and demands of cooperation services in the Hemisphere.

Signed by: Bill Gates, Chairman and Chief Software Architect and Steve Ballmer, CEO

Privileges and Immunities:
For OAS: “Nothing expressly stated or implied in this Agreement is to operate as a waiver of the privileges and immunities of the OAS, GS/OAS, IACD or its personnel under the laws of the United States, the State of Washington, or under International law.”

For Microsoft: “Nothing expressly stated or implied in this Agreement is to operate as a waiver of the privileges and immunities of Microsoft Corporation or its personnel under the laws and regulations of the State of Washington, the United States, or under International law.”

In 2015, OAS, Microsoft and the Development Bank of Latin America teamed up to “create technological innovation centers or hubs throughout Latin America to provide training for young people with tutorials and professional practices through a curricular program, to strengthen their technological knowledge.”

In true fashion with the 2030 Agenda, OAS’s Inter-American Telecommunication Commission is working with CISCO, AT&T, ISOC, Millicom, Telefonica, and others through the “2030 ICT Alliance for the Americas” to make certain that they get billions of people connected to the internet before 2030 for the new digital economy. In fact, in 2018, Facebook, Huawei, American Tower Corporation, and others also joined in by signing the “Empowering Rural Women through ICTs” to get them hooked in. After all, it will be difficult to control people through digital identities and a digital world if they are not connected into the system.

Some other examples of agreements with OAS are:

U.S. Government on Cybercrime

Pima County, AZ School Superintendent’s Office

Fairfax County School Board

University of CA Riverside

Amazon Conservation Team

Carnegie Foundation Peace Palace in The Hague

Iowa University

Georgetown University


European Commission for Democracy through Law

OAS Involvement with Elections

OAS carries out electoral observation missions, and by “observation” that means financing a team to travel to the country, monitor, analyze, verify compliance, be a channel between conflict, make recommendations, and provide reports that carry weight by “extensive and recognized technical expertise.” They have a 68-page handbook on this process. Between 1962 and 2016 OAS had deployed over 240 electoral observation missions. The U.S. requested their services in 2016 for the first time ever, and deployed OAS observers to 13 states.

The OAS states that their reports on these missions are made public and provide a link to access those reports, however, the report for the 2016 U.S. elections appears to be missing.

Since 2016, they have carried out numerous missions. In 2021, nine member states called on OAS with at least another six member states in 2022. OAS recently oversaw the Brazil election, which is considered by millions of Brazilians to have been stolen. They deployed 111 observes through two rounds of meetings and observations, including meeting with the presidential contenders, electoral and government authorities, academics, and civil society representatives. The OAS released their preliminary report on November 1, 2022.

Their website has an interactive map that shows the countries that called on the OAS to send out their team on an electoral mission, which is searchable by year. As for the funding of these missions, the member state who requests the OAS for an electoral observation mission does not fund the OAS, other member countries chip in to fund the mission.

As noted above in the agreement between OAS and Facebook, there are other avenues in which they are involved with elections.

According to an OAS document on their cooperation with the UN, they state that they frequently work with the UN Electoral Assistance Division to coordinate prior to deployment of OAS’ electoral observation missions. They also mention the project entitled “Methodology to Monitor the Role of the Media in Electoral Processes,” which creates a system of standards for OAS observation procedures, and was funded by the United Nations Democracy Fund.

An example agreement between OAS and Saint Lucia for their 2021 electoral observation mission illustrates and reiterates all of the many privileges and immunities that OAS, its organs, staff, observers, premises, and documents have. On page 5, section 8.1(b) OAS states that their members of the OAS observer mission have “immunity from any mandatory measure of quarantine, isolation or any other similar restriction imposed by the Government due to the pandemic generated by Covid-19.” Again, they are not just above the law, but above all mandates as well. It also spells out the many layers of protection through their Charter and agreements already signed by Saint Lucia years back. Essentially, the International Organizations Immunities Act that kicked off in the U.S. in 1945 has been replicated between OAS and other member countries, in the same way it has with the UN and other international organizations.

An example agreement between OAS and The Federal Republic of Germany on being a contributing donor to the 2019 electoral observation mission in Colombia, reflects thousands of dollars going to OAS’ Bank of America account to carry out this mission. It also stipulates that “the donor and the recipient mutually recognize the privileges and immunities they enjoy by virtue of the relevant agreements and laws on the subject and general principles and practices of international law.”

US-Backed OAS’ New Center for Media Integrity of the Americas Co-Founded by The Washington Post

On June 7, 2022, the White House put out a “Fact Sheet” entitled “Biden-Harris Administration Advances Democratic Renewal Agenda at the Ninth Summit of the Americas.” Here’s what they stated:

Promoting Independent Media and Information Integrity: The United States joined Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Panama, Peru, and Uruguay as inaugural members of the Organization of American States (OAS) Group of Friends of Freedom of Expression and Journalism and will work with these countries to address attacks against media and efforts to silence critical voices. In parallel, we will provide seed funding and will endorse the OAS and U.S.-based non-government partners to launch the Center for Media and Information Integrity program. The United States will also expand its Digital Communications Network, a cross-section of digital leaders, developers, influencers, educators, and specialists to bridge the divide between digital, traditional media, and new media, to the Americas to enable local partners to better address disinformation.”

Whereas the primary focus is suggested to be on Latin America media, it all ties together to build a global narrative, and with the Washington Post at the helm.

That same day, OAS published a press release, only they were a little more specific. Here’s some of what OAS had to say:

• A new hub funded by voluntary donations.

• A Board of Directors will oversee the Center’s fundraising activities. They have a separate and independent Council of Advisors consisting of journalists from the Washington Post, New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and many players with ties to the World Economic Forum and UN.

• John Feeley, Former U.S. ambassador to Panama, is the executive director of the Center.

The Washington Post and the Fundación Gabo (Gabriel Garcia Marquez Foundation), based in Cartagena, Colombia, are founding partners of the Center as well, serving on the Council of Advisors and as convening centers, possibly hosting future activities.

• Recurring journalism and social media seminars for both traditional and new media creators, conducted by the Philip Merrill College of Journalism at the University of Maryland.

• The Center is launched as a project of the OAS General Secretariat, to be transitioned to a not-for-profit independent organization.

• The Secretary General of the OAS, Luis Almagro, said, “It is essential for the sustainability of any democracy that citizens have relevant, factual information to make the best possible decisions. That right is being openly challenged by malicious stakeholders misusing the multiple communication technologies at our disposal these days to spread disinformation and misinformation that promote their agendas at all costs. This is threatening democracy in all our countries. Today we launch this Center for Media Integrity of the Americas to support those citizens’ right to information and invite all potential partners throughout the Americas to join us in this endeavor.”

On September 8, 2022, John Feeley stated that the Center “will be funded by private philanthropic institutions and individuals who understand that independent high-quality journalism is an essential pillar for a thriving democracy.” Feeley actually raises legitimate concerns in this article, whereby he talks about governments, corporate interests, and criminal interests interfering with journalists and gives examples of 12 journalists who were killed in Mexico. But then goes on to say that “the OAS is not an agency of the U.S. government; it’s a multinational organization with 35 countries as member states,” and emphasized that the media center does not take government money. Hmm.

So is the U.S. providing seed money to this new media center or not? According to OAS’ financials for 2022, under USOAS it indicates a transfer of $250,000 for the Center of Media Integrity.

Interestingly, despite their charge for controlling information, their very own “American Declaration of The Rights and Duties of Man” states in Article IV.: “Every person has the right to freedom of investigation, of opinion, and of the expression and dissemination of ideas, by any medium whatsoever.”

What’s more curious is the fact that they launched this in June, 2022, and registered a website under private registration on November 16, 2022, but it sits dormant as a template and the only information filled in thus far is the contact information. This seems rather odd for a Center hosting events and seminars for journalists, but it gets even odder. The address is a residential condo in D.C., and according to property tax records the owner is Gianluca Mele Trustee, who purchased it in 2019.

According to the World Bank’s blog, Mele is the Lead Economist and Program Leader for West Bank and Gaza, in the World Bank’s Equitable Growth, Finance and Institutions Practice Group, and previously was a senior economist in charge of various countries including Latin America and the Caribbean. Mele’s own LinkedIn account corroborates this, and in fact shows that he has been employed with the World Bank for over 12 years.

The whole thing is strange. Why leave a website up with actual template language that hasn’t been altered? Why not use it to promote the conferences? Why setup a virtual office to a condo owned by a World Bank employee who is not even mentioned as being part of this new media center? Why is the U.S. stating they are providing seed funding, but OAS and Feeley go out of their way to say otherwise? And most importantly, the U.S. government along with several other governments, Washington Post, and the OAS all working together to control “misinformation” and “disinformation” across news outlets, social media, journalists, and influencers, sure sounds like a bit of an overstep on the 1st amendment.

Inter-American Development Bank

The OAS Agreement establishing the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) was signed by member states beginning in 1959. To date, they have carried out 622 projects. With offices in Madrid, Tokyo, and Washington, D.C., their mission is to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals, and have averaged $4 billion annually from over 400 organizations to accomplish this. Since 2000, they have received project grants totaling $6 billion from donors to “improve lives in Latin America and the Caribbean.”

The IDB received IOIA immunities from President Eisenhower on April 8, 1960.

They have a private sector arm called IDB Invest, which the United Kingdom just joined, making them the 48th member country to hold shares in turning Latin America and the Caribbean into a sustainable green gem. Some of the non-regional member countries consist of Canada, China, Germany, Israel, Japan, Netherlands, Switzerland, and the United States. Here is the full list.

Of course, it wouldn’t be complete without their IDB Lab arm who is diligently working on technology and applications for inclusion through a blockchain ecosystem.

In 2006, the IDB, OAS, and UNICEF partnered to “grant official identity to millions of unregistered children,” by creating a universal birth registration in Latin America and the Caribbean.

In 2016, the IDB joined the “Better Than Cash Alliance,” a partnership between governments, companies, and international organizations, such as USAID, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Mastercard Foundation, Ford Foundation, Citi and others, to convince the world that “digital financial inclusion” to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals is “safer” and “more transparent” than cash. The UN Capital Development Fund serves as the secretariat.

One can only image what their other 620 projects have consisted of, but Del. Stacey Plaskett (D-VI-At Large) introduced a bill to increase IDB’s capital and help countries to restructure debts from loans by China’s government.

Inter-American Defense Board

It’s worth mentioning that the Inter-American Defense Board (IADB) is the oldest international defense and security organization in the entire world. It was founded in 1942, and it is composed of all of the member states of OAS, and is part of the OAS group of entities. The Special Committee originated with the ambassadors of Brazil, Venezuela, Panama, with technicians from the Army, Navy, and Air Force. They once operated out of the Federal Reserve building, and up until 2006 all of the chairmen were from the U.S.

They also have a college located at Fort Lesley McNair in Washington, DC. The Inter-American Defense College (IADC) was opened on October 9, 1962, after U.S. Secretary of State Dean Rusk presented it. The building itself, along with all of its furnishings, were donated by the U.S. government. Of course, in 2004 they also created the IADC Foundation.

The IADB was given U.S. immunities and privileges through the IOIA in 1951.

Here is a little history and background on the Inter-American Defense Board.

On September 12, 2022, Secretary Blinken commemorated the anniversary of the Inter-American Convention Against Terrorism, following 9/11. Here, in a twitter post, he talks about terrorism crossing borders by land, sea, and air, drug smuggling, human trafficking, and money laundering, and how they work with OAS to combat all of this. It’s been a great success, hasn’t it?

The OAS sought to lead the western hemisphere in developing a coordinated regional approach to terrorism and soon adopted the Inter-American Convention Against Terrorism.”

Funding The OAS

Though OAS’s budget may seem small as compared to the UN, they are charged with responsibilities that impact elections, media, firearms, and human rights, while holding unprecedented immunities and privileges. Based in Washington, D.C. just outside the White House, with headquarters affording them additional immunities, their goals are in lock-step with the UN and they manage the entire western hemisphere and host WHO’s regional office through PAHO.

The U.S. accounts for over 50% of OAS funding from all member states, and that is in addition to voluntary funding for special programs.

Whereas OAS’ annual budget is roughly $142 million, most of their “specialized agencies and entities” operate on their own separate budgets and funding, as observed with the Inter-American Development Bank who receives billions. Take PAHO for example, whose operating budget was increased in 2022-2023 to over $881 million. Under the agreement between PAHO and the WHO, that increases the amount the WHO must contribute to PAHO, bringing it to over $291 million.

The Rockefeller Foundation, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and numerous other globalists all fund PAHO.

On page 1583 of the Omnibus bill passed in 2022, appropriations under the State Department may be made available for contributions to the Organization of American States (OAS). The US permanent representative to the OAS is tasked with prioritizing “areas in which the OAS has expertise, such as strengthening democracy, monitoring electoral processes, and protecting human rights.” Full spending of both the Omnibus and NDAA is broken down in a 4-part series on Corey’s Digs, to show the control framework being implemented in biomedical, psychological, food, and technology.

The OAS has five areas of funding, which are the regular fund, specific funds, service and revolving funds, voluntary funds, and trust funds. One of those trusts is called “The Trust for the Americas,” which is a non-profit established in 1997. Some of its investing partners are USAID, Microsoft, Mastercard, Citi, Walmart, and U.S. embassies. They have worked on projects in over 24 countries.

Contributions by institutions and other donors such as Amazon Web Services, Cisco Systems, Citibank, Ford Foundation, Google, Hilton Foundation, Meta Platforms, Microsoft, the United Nations, and others, contribute to OAS’ specific funds or the Trust for the Americas.

Meta (Facebook) contributed $120,000 under specific funds in 2022, and have contributed other years as well. So the work they are doing with OAS, as documented above under NDAs and Contracts, could technically be paid out by OAS from the funds Meta has contributed. The same may apply with Microsoft, Amazon, and other agreements between these donors and OAS. When reviewing OAS’ expenses, it indicates where funds were allocated. For example, Google’s funds were allocated to “Human Rights” in the amount of $94,378, whereas Google contributed $60,023 to OAS. Meta contributed $120,000, but expense funds under Meta “Human Rights” came to $17,185, thus far. The total expense under “Institutions and Others,” under all categories, came to nearly $6 million whereas the total contributions came to nearly $9 million for all “Institutions and Others.”

According to OAS’ preliminary year-to-date contributions on specific funds for 2022, they show that Amazon Web Services was for “Cyber Security Phase II,” as does Citibank’s. There is much irony in Google and Meta’s specific funds, which are for a 2018-2021 project called “Freedom of Expression.” That same phrase is used through the new Center for Media Integrity of the Americas, and was also included in the White House fact sheet above, as the “Organization of American States (OAS) Group of Friends of Freedom of Expression and Journalism.” It sure sounds like a tight knit group working on the same projects.

United Nations Immunities and Privileges

36 Years after Andrew Carnegie donated $5 million to build the OAS headquarters in 1910, John D. Rockefeller Jr. foot the bill of $8.5 million for the purchase of the six-block tract of land in Manhattan, NY for the UN’s headquarters. See how that works?

The League of Nations, established on January 10, 1920, claims to be the first intergovernmental organization “to promote international cooperation and to achieve international peace and security,” and many refer to the League as the “predecessor” of the United Nations.

The Covenant of the League of Nations was drafted at the end of the first World War and under Article 7, stipulated that “representatives of the Members of the League and officials of the League when engaged on the business of the League shall enjoy diplomatic privileges and immunities. The buildings and other property occupied by the League or its officials or by Representatives attending its meetings shall be inviolable.” This later became an argument in the need for other international organizations to receive the same immunities. 63 Member states joined the League of Nations, but the U.S. Congress argued there were violations of U.S. sovereignty and the Senate refused to ratify the treaty. Instead, they rallied for the UN and setup headquarters in the U.S. The League of Nations was liquidated in 1946.

In its later years, the Dumbarton Oaks Conference was taking place at the Dumbarton Oaks estate in Washington D.C. from August 2 to October 7, 1944, led by the US, UK, USSR, and the Republic of China, to establish a new international organization, which was to become the United Nations. This in itself could be its own report, so to learn more about how this all went down and Nelson Rockefeller’s role in it, read more on this here, but be sure to verify the sources.

The United Nations (UN) represents 22 of the 76 international organizations under the U.S. International Organizations Immunities Act, including the five arms of the World Bank. The World Bank Group has 189 member states. In order to be a member of the bank a country must first join the International Monetary Fund (IMF). This is spelled out in the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) Articles of Agreement, which also stipulates the privileges and immunities that IBRD has. Countries also must have membership in IDA, IFC, and MIGA.

As with OAS, the UN also has a headquarters agreement with the U.S. that was signed on June 26, 1947, and amended on June 18, 2009 to accommodate additional structures from the UN’s expansion, including their $1.9 billion Capital Master Plan. The UN reiterates a key point about their headquarters agreement in a fact sheet on the history of the United Nations Headquarters. They also boast their very own post office, fire fighters and security forces.

“The site of UN Headquarters is owned by the United Nations and has a special status within the United States. No federal, state or local officer or official of the United States, whether administrative, judicial, military or police, may enter UN Headquarters, except with the consent of and under conditions agreed to by the Secretary-General of the Organization.”

The headquarters agreement also specifies what the “headquarters district” covers in explicit detail, and reiterates that the entire headquarters district is covered by these immunities and privileges. So when the UN offered “permanent offices” to nearly 30 non-UN organizations, including OAS, OECD, Partners in Population and Development, African Union, European Union, Caribbean Community (CARICOM), IRENA, and dozens of others, it would seem that those immunities would expand to the offices of those organizations as well.

In addition, the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations was adopted by the General Assembly on February 13, 1946 and is in force in all 193 member states.

The United Nations Charter was drafted on August 14, 1941, signed on June 26, 1945 at the San Francisco conference, and went into effect on October 24, 1945, the same day Rep. Robert L. Doughton (D-NC) introduced the International Organizations Immunities Act (IOIA) which later passed on December 29, 1945. Just two months later, on February 13, 1946, the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations was adopted by the General Assembly, and just six days after that the UN received the first IOIA designation from President Truman, along with the OAS. Talk about laying the ground work in short order.

Article 105 of the charter states: 1. The Organization shall enjoy in the territory of each of its Members such privileges and immunities as are necessary for the fulfillment of its purposes. 2. Representatives of the Members of the United Nations and officials of the Organization shall similarly enjoy such privileges and immunities as are necessary for the independent exercise of their functions in connection with the Organization.

Condensed Version of the Convention on the Privileges and Immunities of the United Nations:

This applies to the UN and all of its organs in all 193 member states.

Legal privileges, to contract, to acquire or dispose of property, ability to conduct legal proceedings etc.

Immunities from searches and seizures, lawsuits, taxes, and restrictions on imports and exports. The UN may hold gold or money and transfer gold or money to other nations or organizations at any time.

Immunities for all forms of communication from legal action, search and seizure, or censorship.

Immunities for representatives of members (delegates, deputy delegates, advisers, technical experts and secretaries of delegations) while exercising functions and journey to and from any meetings or functions, from arrest, search and seizure, taxes, lawsuits, and themselves and their spouses from immigration restrictions. Inviolability of all papers and documents.

Immunity from legal proceedings and taxation, and themselves and family dependent on them have immunity from immigration restrictions.

Immunity from arrest, search and seizure, and legal proceedings.

The UN may issue travel documents for UN officials. Visa applications must be processed speedily if they are required in addition to UN travel documents. UN officials, experts and individuals who have certification that they are conducting official UN business must be granted facilities for speedy travel. The Secretary-General, Assistant Secretaries-General and Directors of the UN are granted the same travel facilities as diplomatic envoys. The immunities and privileges listed in this section may be applied to comparable officials of specialized agencies.

All cases referred to the International Court of Justice.

To be clear, immunities are provided for “experts” outside of the UN that were brought on for some function for the UN, and as such, enjoy immunity from arrest, search and seizure, and legal proceedings, protections for all papers and documents, the right to use codes in communications, and diplomatic immunity for personal baggage.

As an example, when Bill Clinton and Michael Bloomberg were appointed as Special Envoys to the United Nations, they were extended immunities and privileges. All 193 member states’ representatives, UN staff, and in some cases family members, all hold immunities and privileges when dealing with any function pertaining to the UN and all of its organs.

Therefore, this applies to both FAO and the WHO, who founded Codex Alimentarius, the organization that creates all of the global food standards and guidelines from seed to plate, including pesticides. Corey’s Digs recently reported on Codex. Obviously all five arms of the World Bank, who partners with BIS and the International Telecommunications Union, channels money through central banks and regional banks, and is the trustee to the Global Fund, while operating out of over 180 countries, ALL have immunities and privileges. Not just the World Bank, but all other institutions mentioned in that last sentence.

The thousands of NGOs operating with and through the UN, OAS and their organs have at minimum one-sided immunities, if not NDAs and extended immunities. It’s ultimately a global economic system operating outside the laws that all other organizations must adhere to. There is no ability to FOIA, have transparency, or even accountability, except perhaps in very rare cases.

The UN has a depositary of treaties containing over 560 multilateral treaties pertaining to human rights, disarmament, and environmental protection.

The U.S. approved a budget of $6.45 billion to the United Nations for the 2022-2023 fiscal year. Just as with the OAS, the U.S. is assessed the highest of any UN member at 22%, and the U.S. is a member of 12 of 15 specialized agencies of the UN. Right now, there are 12 UN peacekeeping missions globally that consist of over 80,000 police, military, and civilian personnel.

The United Nations Participation Act of 1945 authorized U.S. funding on December 20, 1945 just nine days before passing the International Organizations Immunities Act, in addition to the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961 which authorized U.S. funding to other UN bodies.

The International Development Law Organization (IDLO) works closely with many organs of the UN, including the UNDP, UNAIDS, and World Bank. Coincidentally, they were given immunities and privileges by President Clinton just two months after he took office. Founded in 1983, the IDLO is headquartered in Rome, has a branch office in The Hague, and is a United Nations General Assembly observer.

The IDLO partners with and is funded by many countries, including the U.S., China, Germany, United Kingdom, and the Netherlands. They are also funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Ford Foundation, UN, FAO, European Union, British Council, and numerous others. The biggest donor in both 2020 and 2021 was the U.S. at over $18 million each year. The second largest donor was the government of the Netherlands. If you’re looking for legal backup to present your tyranny over the world, these are your guys.

Under “what we do” on IDLO’s website, the first three topics are IDLO and the UN, 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, and SDG 16: Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions, though their overall agendas are vast. According to IDLO, they are “the only intergovernmental organization with an exclusive mandate to promote the rule of law and has experience working in dozens of countries around the world.” They claim to focus on institution-building and legal empowerment while providing communities and governments the “know-how to realize them.” Their alumni network includes over 20,000 legal professionals in 175 countries and 46 independent alumni associations.

Another powerhouse serving up the climate hoax on a platter, is the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), which officially launched on January 26, 2009. The U.S. and UN were the driving forces behind it. Only UN member states are permitted to join, and as of 2022, 168 member states jumped on board. As reported in Corey’s Digs report entitled “IRENA & Co-Conspirators with Privileges and Immunities Hustle Climate Hoax to Siphon Trillions and Destabilize Global Economy,” the UN considers IRENA to be “the lead intergovernmental agency” for their “global energy transformation.” Not only did President Obama designate IRENA as a public international organization to receive immunities and privileges, but they are also protected under immunities and privileges of the UN headquarters while maintaining a permanent office there.

On March 2, 2023, the World Food Programme (WFP), who also has immunities and privileges, published a press release welcoming Cindy McCain’s appointment as the new head of the UN World Food Programme, who operates in 123 countries and territories to “end world hunger.” But let’s be real – with the trillions of dollars governments, especially the U.S. government, have siphoned off into the hands of globalists, world hunger wouldn’t even exist had those funds been utilized as they claimed to be. Also note that the word “men” would appear to be banned from all UN websites and documents. They only speak of “women” or “women and children.” Are the men left to starve?

The UN’s 17 Sustainable Development Goals that they seek to achieve by 2030 are not about moving toward a better world – it is about control over the entire population, and these privileges and immunities are what is allowing them to attain these goals. For a deeper understanding of what these goals are REALLY about, read Corey’s Digs report “17 Goals Toward Enslavement: Exposing The Real Agendas Behind The 2030 Agenda.”

A Powerhouse of Ruin

Together, the BIS, Central Banks, UN, OAS, and the other international organizations and banks enjoying immunities and privileges, are a powerhouse that has the ability to move undetected, behind closed doors, with no transparency or accountability, and move their agendas forward with little to no legal ramifications. While people go about their days putting their children to bed, sending them off to school, getting themselves to work, and cooking a family dinner, these masterminds are plotting out everyone’s future in a gradual manner that most don’t recognize as the global takeover that it is. And yet, the clock ticks down as they attempt to accomplish their ultimate goal in less than seven years – a digital world with a digital workforce, a genderless society with no individualism or self identity, a transhumanist decay where humans meld with robots, in an environment where these powers hold the keys to control everything one needs to survive on, all with the exception of one thing – one’s soul.

Everyone thinks the IHR is the biggest torpedo coming at us. It’s one round in an endless trough of ammunition they can bring with no accountability unless multiple governments pull out of the UN, OAS, Federal Reserve, and rescind immunities. If this protection shield is not removed, no battle can be won. They have used and abused these immunities to launder trillions of dollars to build the control grid against humanity. People wonder why no one is held accountable and no one is in jail. Now you know. And the U.S. was the pivotal player is creating this force field.

By the way, none of these organizations pay taxes, on anything, they just siphon ours out. See how that works? So when Bill Gates moves his money from his Trust to his foundation and then out to GAVI, the Global Fund and other organizations, understand that he isn’t paying squat. And when he gets on his high horse to say he’s cool with having to pay more taxes than most because he’s a billionaire and should, understand that any small amount he does pay in comes right back to him 20-fold via billions in grants.

The way I see it, there are three ways to attack this…

1) Get this information to go global so it is exposed through every journalist, real media, social media, influencers, podcasts, radio shows, and in communities. The louder we are and the more we push, the harder it becomes for them to push back, and they are forced to change directions and switch up their game, and they get sloppy.

2) Everyone needs to find the list of immunities and privileges in their country and bring it to the attention of every legislator, demanding that these immunities and privileges be revoked. They also need to demand that their country pull out of the UN and OAS. They need to nullify the Federal Reserve and get out of the central banks and build state banks and a sovereign state that doesn’t rely on the federal government. There is no time to waste.

3) Everyone needs to stop funding our enslavement system by banking with them and investing in their stock, using their apps and devices to track and control us, shopping at the big box stores, bending to their “conveniences” and systems that are entrapments, and stop complying with so-called rules, mandates, and regulations that are meant to break you.

These people think they own you – prove them wrong.

Continue to Part 3: World Economic Forum is Protected

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This report was sponsored by The Solari Report.

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Corey Lynn is an investigative journalist, co-host of the weekly Dig It! podcast, and co-host of The Solution Series. Follow her at, on Twitter, Gab, Truth, Rumble, and Telegram. Support her work by becoming a Patron, making a donation or buying a Book.


  • Boiled Frog

    Things are really beginning to make sense. I heard Whitney Webb say if we want to know who “they” is we probably look no farther than the people (or is it reptiles?) who own the BIS.

  • Goalive

    You do a great job again, thank you for that!

    I would like sponsoring this, but I have no credi card, and other ways are not possible. So my great thank must be enough – together with recommending your work around Europe.

  • Grumpy

    Seriously? I can only say WTAF have our governments done by this! It’s like a mafia that the cops can’t and won’t touch, except it is global. This is probably the most gobsmacking article I have read anywhere and it explains so much of how we got here. It also explains how the globalists ran roughshod over us with the pandemic… “because you can’t touch us.” They must have no fear of the law from any country.
    The amount of energy and thought you have put into this article is absolutely mind blowing. Thank you for an excellent written article and spreading the word Corey.

  • Jeff the Beast

    If you really want to uncover money laundering then check the fucking Shanghai and the BRICS organization. Furthermore, FIFA, UEFA, the Olympic Comitee and others!!!

  • Jessica Haden

    I will read this article again…so much to process. I may have missed it, but how do we know if the bank we use is affiliated with all of this? Are credit unions better? I use FB messenger so my daughter can keep in touch with her friend in Mexico. What platform is better for that? They video chat weekly. I want to drop my US Bank credit card and go with someone smaller, but I’m not sure how to find one not affiliated with all of this.

  • Andy

    Most people, including so-called highly ‘educated’ ones (doctors, lawyers, executives, etc..) don’t even have a clue about this reality.
    In the case of doctors, since 2020 we know they are mostly ignorant, incompetent, cowards or complicit but then what about all the others?

    Surprisingly, those who escaped the ‘education’ conditionning are the ones who understand what is really going on. But when I see the number of people who complied, and keep complying and believing the incredible BS served on them by rotten politicians and media, I see that the future is bleak, very bleak.

    On the filed, those who are enslaving us are not these globalist organizations but the local cop, the local judge, the local politician who apply what they believe to be the ‘law’ or customs slowly removing every freedom and rights from us.

    Millions of petty civil servants or corporate pawns are implementing global fascism designed by the globalist vermin.

    It will take decades for people to understand, wake-up or realize what was happening. And it will be too late.

    I believe in action, decisive action, while we still have time. Targeting the heads of the hydras with all and any mean of action legal or not, including physical elimination (who never dreamt of the death of Bill Gates, G. Soros, or A. Fauci?).

    Exposing is one thing, finding solutions as well, calling for punishment of mass murderers is another and enforcing these necessary and urgent sentences is yet a complete different business.

    Who will send Bill gates to jail? Nobody.
    Who will send Fauci to the electric chair? No one.

    We have to serve justice ourselves and as long as we think someone else will do it for us, the criminals will keep killing us and laughing at us.

  • Amy

    What are the globalists/reptiles planning to do with all that money they have siphoned off? Nothing? They probably have plenty, anyway. Likely its just to squeeze us minions to make us poor and be “saved” by handouts of Universal Basic Income.

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