Secret WHO Negotiations for Pandemic Treaty Taking Place This Week
Secret WHO negotiations on the proposed Pandemic Treaty are scheduled for January 9th through 13th. These meetings are part of a continued effort to finalize proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations.
We need your help in raising public awareness by sharing this information far and wide. James Roguski, who is leading the charge in getting this information out, has compiled a list of important changes through proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations. You can find more information regarding the WHO Pandemic Treaty negotiations here.
The following is an excerpt from James Roguski’s substack, which describes the proposed amendments to the WHO International Health Regulations.
“The International Health Regulations Review Committee (IHRRC) of the World Health Organization (WHO) is planning to meet in secret from Monday, January 9, 2023 to Friday January 13, 2023. The IHRRC will be working to finalize what is now a 46 page document that includes proposed amendments to the International Health Regulations (IHR).
The proposed amendments would:
- Change the overall nature of the World Health Organization from an advisory organization that merely makes recommendations to a governing body whose proclamations would be legally-binding. (Article 1)
- Greatly expand the scope of the International Health Regulations to include scenarios that merely have a “potential to impact public health.”
- Seek to remove “respect for dignity, human rights and fundamental freedoms of people.” (Article 3)
- Give the Director General of the WHO control over the means of production through an “allocation plan for health products” to require developed states parties to supply pandemic response products as directed. (Article 13A)
- Give the WHO the authority to require medical examinations, proof of prophylaxis, proof of vaccine and to implement contact tracing, quarantine and TREATMENT. (Article 18)
- Institute a system of global health certificates in digital or paper format, including test certificates, vaccine certificates, prophylaxis certificates, recovery certificates, passenger locator forms and a traveler’s health declaration. (Articles 18, 23, 24, 27, 28, 31, 35, 36 and 44 and Annexes 6, 7 and 8)
- Redirect unspecified billions of dollars to the Pharmaceutical Hospital Emergency Industrial Complex with no accountability. (Article 44A)
- Allow the disclosure of personal health data. (Article 45)
- Greatly expand the World Health Organization’s capacity to censor what they consider to be misinformation and disinformation. (Annex 1, page 36)
- Create an obligation to build, provide and maintain IHR infrastructure at points of entry. (Annex 10)
The 76th World Health Assembly is scheduled to occur from Sunday May 21, 2023 to Tuesday May 30, 2023. In order for the proposed amendments to be considered during the 76th World Health Assembly, they must be submitted to the World Health Organization at least 4 months in advance.
The IHRRC plans to submit these proposed amendments to the WHO by Sunday, January 15, 2023.
The International Health Regulations are existing, legally-binding international law. If the proposed amendments are presented to the 76th World Health Assembly, they could be adopted by a simple majority of the 194 member nations. According to the already agreed upon rules of the IHR, if the proposed amendments are adopted, the member nations would not need to take any additional actions. The United States Senate would not be required to provide a two-thirds vote to give their “advice and consent.” No signatures by national leaders would be needed.”
The Proposed Amendments to the International Health Regulations:
100 Reasons To #StopTheAmendments
Help Spread The Word:
Contact James Roguski at 310-619-3055 for complete details.

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Jeffrey Buckshorn
Do you have podcast? I’m crippled hands hardly work.
Corey Lynn
Hi! Sorry to hear that. I do have a podcast here: I’ve covered this topic in a few past reports/podcasts, as well as numerous other topics. Hope you find it helpful.
Thank you for sharing the content from James Roguski’s Substack and supporting this initiative which will affect ALL GLOBAL citizens!
God Bless you Corey Lynn!
These intentions by some unelected folks truly beggars belief . It’s so outrageous & totalitarian that put slavery in the trunk ! & to think that “elected” politicians might be going along with this freedom Guillotine to think they’ll stay in power forever . This won’t end well . If this happens , it’ll end up on the streets worse that scenes from mad max . It’s no longer about anything else other than us v them
Crazy Robert
The masses willingly submit to MFH, aka Mass Formation Hypnosis. It’s difficult to be sympathethic to such lack of thought!
WHO has lied before and will do it again & again. So they are the ones whom decides “Mia-information”!??! Unbelievable!
James Roguski
Thanks Corey!
Call me anytime.
James Roguski
Corey Lynn
You bet! I’ve been getting this info out in podcasts and throughout reports over the past year, but this was a fantastic way to organize and really get the info out to a large number of people quickly. So kudos to you! Appreciate your work.
Is there something we can do about this? I feel like getting this info and not countering it is frustrating. Maybe start a treaty that spreads and have everyone sign it worldwide to take the treaty down? These people can’t have that much power without the peoples consent .
Tom Joad
Hear what a Brit funeral director has to say
WHO is a co conspirator to jab Ganocide.
Amen to that….. why is their signature more important or authoratative than ours? Any lawyers here can help us to put forth a resolution from “We the People” that overrides WHO and their cronies??
Die Frage ist was können wir auf politischer Ebene unternehmen, damit diese Organisation die leider nicht der wahren Gesundheit verpflichtet ist, nicht weiter an unheilvollem Einfluß und Entscheidungskompetenz gewinnt? Die Presse bei uns zeigt sich sehr unkritisch dieser Organisation gegenüber. Danke
The cook
Have you heard of the mantador