ALERT: 2030 Psychological Agenda – Obedience Training for PreK-Adults Already Global with Billions in Funding for Full Control – Part 9: Timeline, 580+ Players, and Conclusion
Critical Race Theory is a mere molehill compared to the “social, emotional learning” (SEL) embedded programs because SEL is a cover story for the psychological infiltration on children and adults for a lifetime of obedience training. Some people need to see the timeline to understand the magnitude, while others need to scan the list of over 550 names and organizations involved in this (which is the short list), recapped below the timeline. It’s important to note that of those names, 50 overlap with the digital ID to blockchain agenda covered in Corey Lynn’s Global Landscape on Vaccine ID Passports, while some also overlap with the Covid agenda. That’s because this is all connected under a single goal – to control humanity. The question is – will you let them?
They’ve worked very hard to control your mind, your child’s mind, and their childrens’ minds. This 9-part series has shown that decades of manipulation is moving into artificial intelligence, a virtual world, and obedience training to ensure their future workforce which includes training on Prek-Adult, parents, and communities.
Part 1: Introduction
Part 2: The Programming
Part 3: Spirituality in Education Programming
Part 4: WEF Vision for Global Education System
Part 5: U.S. Department of Education & Multiple Agencies Involved
Part 6: Private Sector Funding
Part 7: Legislation and Billions in State & Federal Funding
Part 8: Surveillance, Data Mining and Social Score for All
OR, download this complete 9-part series in PDF format from The Bookshop.
Do you want to fight to keep your children in this indoctrination system as well as yourselves on this “lifelong” learning program they have in store for you? Do you want to attempt to dismantle it, including removal of the unconstitutional U.S. Department of Education, and bring in all new curriculum and leaders? Or do you want to build homeschooling networks outside their system while taking no state or federal funding, or vouchers? Sugarcoating is their job – below is what you are legitimately up against. Choose wisely.
They have built systems leading everyone to believe that you have to be a part of them, that there is no other choice or alternative, and so few looked beyond their construct.

1903 – John D. Rockefeller founded The General Education Board, a multi-million dollar foundation. Two years later, Andrew Carnegie setup the Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching. For years they provided the bulk of endowments received by all higher education institutions, giving them great influence.
1920s – Soviet psychologist Lev Vygotsky, who studied how to brainwash children, began laying the foundation for social, emotional learning.
1965 – According to Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt, former Senior Policy Advisor to the U.S. Department of Education and author of the ‘Deliberate Dumbing Down of American,’ in a 2000 interview she explained how they had begun to change the education system from academics to behavioral modification, and later brought in ‘Pacesetters in Innovation’ in 1968, which were programs to brainwash children. By 1973, a ‘Change Agents Guide to Innovation in Education’ was published to carry out these same agendas in a constant social engineering spiral to alter attitudes, values, and move from a free to a socialist planned economy through the new world order that was all about building a workforce, and lifelong learning from kindergarten to 80-years-old. According to Iserbyt, the Carnegie Foundation played an influential role in establishing the education system on an international level, including coordination with the Soviet Union during the Gorbachev years. She notes that the Rockefellers were more interested in the education system on the domestic front.
Isberbyt described their strategy as a 3-prong approach:
1) Gradualism – The frog in cold water metaphor: they slowly turn up the heat so the frog doesn’t know it’s being cooked.
2) Dialectic – The globalists create a crisis, then save the day.
3) Semantic Deception – They have different definitions for words.
1973 – Professor James Heckman began serving as the director for the Center for The Economics of Human Development at the University of Chicago. Heckman became a vital part of pushing the SEL agenda.
1978 – Seattle-based Committee for Children was founded by Dr. Debra Boyer and Dr. Jennifer James to allegedly protect children. Their office is located a half mile from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. More recently they have added branches in a half dozen states. In 1995 they created Second Step SEL programs with the approval of CASEL, and went on to receive recognition from the White House in 1998 during the Clinton Administration. Their programs are now running in over 34% of U.S. elementary schools. Bill Gates foundation just funded them $1 million in October 2021 to advance their Second Step programs.
October 17, 1979 – The U.S. Department of Education was created, going against the Constitution, so as to control young minds across the country.
1992 – All of the original founders of CASEL, with the exception of Dr. Roger Weissberg, organized a meeting at the Carnegie Corporation, funded by the Fetzer Institute, to discuss the creation of CASEL.
1994 – The Collaborative for Academics, Social and Emotional Learning (CASEL) was founded by Eileen Rockefeller Growald (David Rockefeller’s daughter), Daniel Goleman, Mark T. Greenberg, Linda Lantieri, Timothy P. Shriver, David Sluyter, and the late Dr. Roger P. Weissberg, with the term “social and emotional” originating during a meeting at the Fetzer Institute, where Sluyter once served as program officer, vice president, president and CEO, and senior advisor of the organization, and still consults.
1996– The National Science Foundation studied the difference in infants’ social emotional behavior during mother-infant and father-infant interactions, and who and how it developed their personality and ability to control impulses, anger, aggression, and psychological functioning, among other things.
1998 – New Profit Inc. was founded by Vanessa Kirsch, who has funded CASEL millions to advance the SEL agenda, and New Profit’s managing partner Shruti Sehra holds a position on the CASEL board. New Profit has also worked with Deloitte Consulting for 20 years, who has deep ties to the WEF and digital identity agenda. The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has funded New Profit Inc. over $50 million since 2014 for K-12 Education, with a minimum of $3 million marked as “social and emotional learning.”
2002 – The Institute of Education Sciences (IES) was created as an independent research arm of the U.S Department of Education. They have four research centers designed to data mine and allegedly improve the education system. They also have ten regional education laboratories. The National Center for Education Statistics (NCES), one of the four research centers, is the backbone supporting the Statewide Longitudinal Data Systems (SLDS) program that collects, analyzes, and reports statistics on the condition of the American education system and internationally, under a Congressional mandate. The SLDS system is now rolling in social, emotional, and behavioral data points they are collecting from students, sharing the data across states, and utilizing it for policy changes. They are also working on rollings in child welfare, social services, and data such as vaccine status, digital identity, and social score will likely take shape soon.
2004 – Illinois was the first state to adopt K-12 SEL standards.
2005– The National Science Foundation funded MIT nearly $200K to develop the first known wearable device capable of perceiving and reporting on social emotional information in real-time human interaction. They state that this research will help individuals with Autism, and the results can be leveraged for human-computer interaction, wearable computing, robotics, and future technologies with social-emotional intelligence.
2006– The National Science Foundation awarded $500k to Northeastern University MA to build a virtual laboratory and study social-emotional human to robot engagement over the course of four years. Their goal is to determine how people and computer agents can optimally live and work together over extended periods of time, and provide new vocabulary, models and paradigms for thinking about relationships.
2007 – The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation awarded $125,000 to the Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois to “support research strategies for the social, emotional, and academic learning of preschool and elementary school students.
2010 – Common Core rolled out with Bill Gates being the primary funder.
2010 – Emotional ABC’s launched by Ross Brodie and Cynthia Sikes. They claim their SEL curriculum is being used in 110 countries.
October, 2010 – CASEL, with the University of Illinois at Chicago Social and Emotional Learning Research Group, published “Compendium of Preschool Through Elementary School: Social-Emotional Learning and Associated Assessment Measures,” funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the Kirlin Charitable Foundation, the NoVo Foundation, the Rauner Family Foundation, and the University of Illinois at Chicago.
2011 – CASEL and the NoVo Foundation (Buffet) launched the Collaborating Districts Initiative (CDI), funded by the Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, to implement SEL systemically across the U.S. and incorporate it into all aspects of school districts, from classroom instruction, staffing, professional learning, district policies, and family engagement.
2011 – the Institute of Education Sciences, an independent evaluation arm of the U.S. Department of Education, granted the University of Virginia $2,774,333 to evaluate the efficacy of the WINGS for Kids after-school Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) program.
2012 – The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation began pouring money into SEL programs beginning with George Washington University collaborating with CASEL to use eight large school districts as a “learning laboratory for the field,” and to develop a road map on state and federal revenue streams and regulatory opportunities and barriers. For the following decade they went on to fund a total of $9 million dollars toward advancing SEL, including partnering with the National Association of State Boards of Education.
December, 2013 – The World Bank, in collaboration with the International Rescue Committee, published “Learning and Resilience: The Crucial Role of Social and Emotional Well-being in Contexts of Adversity” under their “Education Notes” series, with special emphasis on communities and families being involved in the learning process and delivery of SEL. They mention CASEL no less than 10 times.
2014 – Panorama Education was founded by Aaron Feuer, Xan Tanner, and David Carel, initially backed with a $4 million round of funding by Mark Zuckerberg, Google Ventures, Ashton Kutcher’s A-Grade Investments, and Yale University. It is the number one SEL measurements tool that utilizes a survey created by Dr. Hunter Gehlbach, Vice Dean at the Johns Hopkins School of Education, with over 22 survey topics to measure students’ social-emotional skills and competencies. They also provide an adult SEL toolkit and a playbook for interventions that teaches educators how to “change mindsets.”
By 2015 private investment in Ed-tech increased from $1.5 billion in 2011 to $4.5 billion. Grand View Research consulting firm has projected that the Ed-tech market will reach $285.2 billion by 2027, and that it had already reached $76.4 billion in 2019. SEL programs via tech and a virtual world is the goal.
2015 – A Columbia University study determined that SEL programs have a strong return on investment (ROI) over long periods of time, stating that the programs generated an average return of $11 per $1 invested. This was done at the request of CASEL.
2015– The National Science Foundation awarded $750K to Giant Otter Technologies, Inc. for a virtual role-playing simulation for social emotional learning using artificial intelligent characters.
2015 – The International Commission on Financing Global Education Opportunity was created by the Prime Minister of Norway, the Presidents of Malawi, Indonesia, and Chile, and the Director-General of UNESCO. It is chaired by the United Nations Special Envoy for Global Education, Gordon Brown, and supported by 26 high-level commissioners consisting of former heads of state and government and leaders in various fields, including former World Bank president Jim Yong Kim, Jack Ma, and Lawrence Summers. Their commission has more than 300 partners in 105 countries, with a primary focus on the UN’s Sustainable Development Goal 4:
“Ensuring inclusive and quality education and promoting lifelong learning for all.”
September 25, 2015 – The United Nations 2030 Agenda was adopted by all UN member states, with 17 goals and 169 targets to transform the world and everyone in it. The fourth goal is to: “Ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all.”
December 2015 – Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) was signed into law, in part requiring states to incorporate nonacademic factors, which further opened the doorway to add SEL into the mix.
2016 – According to a report by News21, between 2010-2016, states took over schools in multiple schools districts in at least 20 states, stripping locally elected school board members of their power and leaving parents without a voice or a vote in their children’s education.
2016 – CASEL launched The Collaborating States Initiative to scale state-level SEL in collaboration with state education agencies to “guide supportive legislation.”
2016 – The Aspen Institute launched the National Commission on Social, Emotional, and Academic Development with $871,680 in funding by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for its creation.
2016 – Between 2016-2021 the Carnegie Corporation doled out over $11 million in grants to 10 different organizations specifically marked for SEL.
2016 – The Wallace Foundation set out to affect nine urban school districts in Boston, MA; Dallas, TX; Denver, CO; Palm Beach County, FL; Tacoma, WA; and Tulsa, OK, by establishing a six-year initiative to align and improve SEL practices in school and out-of-school settings. Over the six-year period, 30,000 K-6th grade children in 76 schools will receive SEL obedience training. Their hope was to gather (or create) evidence to show how SEL benefits students, which is being carried out by the Rand Corporation who will produce public reports for policymakers and practitioners. Then, in July 2021, they commissioned Stephanie Jones of Harvard to produce a guide to 25 evidenced-based SEL programs.
March 2016 – The World Economic Forum published a white paper on “New Vision for Education: Fostering Social and Emotional Learning through Technology”
January 2017, the U.S. Dept. of Education’s Office of Educational Technology rolled out the plan for “Reimagining the Role of Technology in Education,” an 111-page document with an “everywhere, all-the-time learning” approach which of course includes embedding SEL into the tech, and a virtual reality future.
December 2017 – The National Science Foundation awarded $225K to Personalized Learning Games Inc. to assess and improve behavioral readiness and social emotional skills for students in kindergarten and first grade.
February 2018 – The Center for The Economics of Human Development at the University of Chicago held a 2-day conference titled ‘Measuring and Assessing Skills: Real-Time Measurement of Cognition, Personality, and Behavior,’ whereby leading scholars focused on developing “the next generation of measurements.” They discovered that measuring and changing a person’s personality requires tapping into their feelings and directing questions around feelings, and that traumatic events and peers are the main things that can alter someone’s personality. They are also focused on training AI to interact with people for the virtual and robotic future world they desire.
June 2018 – USAID published ‘Social-Emotional Learning: Policy Recommendations to the U.S. Government for Promoting Learning, Equity and Resilience in Areas of Crisis and Conflict.’ Three recommendations for why USAID should take the lead to develop SEL internationally, emerged from this report:
1) The U.S. Government should include skills-based SEL in all education programming, with special attention in crisis-affected contexts (EICC).
2) USAID should ensure, at minimum, four main ingredients for implementation of EICC, along with sufficient funding for these and for their evaluation.
3) USAID should take the lead to advance the SEL field internationally by investing in research, particularly in crisis and conflict contexts.
“Nearly half of all USAID education programs self- describe as addressing SEL, demonstrating the high prioritization of these skills alongside literacy and numeracy.”
June 2018– The National Science Foundation awarded a $50K grant to Vanderbilt University to develop a digital platform for social-emotional learning that consists of a software framework that collects data from user engagement to highlight risk factors affecting children’s performance in social and educational settings. This data supplements the Statewide Longitudinal Data System that is covered in part 8 of this report. This newly integrated platform will allegedly provide a “cohesive message for transformation, moving children and communities from risk to resiliency, positive character development, and overall wellness.”
June 26, 2018 – The World Bank published a ‘Step by Step Toolkit Promoting Social and Emotional Learning (SEL) in Children and Teens.’
October 2018 – The Center to Improve Social and Emotional Learning and School Safety (CISELSS) was launched by WestEd in partnership with Transforming Education, CCSSO, and the RAND Corporation, and is funded by the U.S. Department of Education to provide support to states and districts in the implementation of SEL programs and practices.
October 2018 – CASEL accepted a large grant in the amount of $550,000 from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation for the sole purpose of – “To build capacity to enable CASEL to assume, support, and sustain the highest leverage role in the field of SEL in order to help make evidence-based SEL an integral part of every child’s education, preschool through high school.”
October 30, 2018 – The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative began dumping nearly $6 million into SEL programs over the course of three years.
By 2019 SEL programs had been rolled out across the U.S. and 110 countries. Between November 2019 and April 2021, SEL adoption and spending on SEL programs had increased 45%. More than 200 pieces of legislation referencing SEL (or closely related language) were introduced in 2019 alone, according to Tim Shriver and Roger Weissberg of CASEL. It’s almost as if they knew something was coming that would allow them to tick the “mental health” in schools box for state and federal funding that was soon to rain down on them by the billions.
2019 – UNICEF and the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) launched Giga to get internet into schools across the world, and are about to launch a $5 billion connectivity bond to finance it and bring on more investors. Ericsson has partnered with UNICEF to map schools and assess their connectivity in 35 countries by the end of 2023. Ericsson, the company whose subsidiaries plead guilty to FCPA violations in 2019, whereby Ericsson agreed to pay $1 billion to resolve.
2019 – CASEL implemented a specific form of SEL called Developing and Refining Transformative SEL Toward Equity for students and adults to co-learn and examine the root causes of inequity, developing identity, integrating issues of race, class, and culture, interrogating social norms, disrupting and resisting inequities.
January 2019– The National Science Foundation awarded a $225K grant to Deep Designs LLC for developing a multiplayer augmented reality-based gaming app that “immerses fourth and fifth-grade students in activities designed to build their skills of emotional intelligence; namely, emotional self-awareness and empathy.” Their intention is to integrate social and emotional learning into regular classroom activities, aligning with NSF’s mission to develop innovative education programs for emotional intelligence.
January 2019 -The Aspen Institute’s National Commission on Social, Emotional, & Academic Development released their recommendations for the new vision on the education system and how policy makers can make this change – “From A Nation At Risk To A Nation At Hope.”
March 14, 2019 – The Fetzer Institute and John Templeton Foundation funded Chapman University’s new “Brain Institute” to create a new field of study called “Neurophilosophy of Free Will,” whereby 17 universities are assisting with research on whether people have free will, what the role of consciousness plays in their decisions, and what the role of consciousness is when intentions guide behavior. They want to decode actions and decisions before they take place.
April 2019 – Dr. Lisa Miller, the Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, and Fetzner Institute launched The Collaborative for Spirituality in Education (CSE), which includes rituals and celebrations, authorized keepers, cultivating practices that nurture and elevate an augmented form of awareness, drawing out the deep spirit and creative expression, and trancedent practice (spelled as “trance” rather than “transc”). They are working with SEL programs, and had Tim Shriver of CASEL as the keynote speaker at their 2019 and 2020 conference. They also began funding CASEL.
June 2019 – The National Science Foundation awarded Affectifi Inc. $225K to develop an educational technology application to build emotional literacy in adolescents and adult learners, with a plan to create a mobile solution for the general population to build a more aware, tolerant, just, and peaceful society.
October 8, 2019 – Rep. Tim Ryan (D-OH-13) introduce bill H.R. 4626 – Social Emotional Learning for Families Act of 2019 which was “To establish a competitive grant program to support the development, implementation, and evaluation of successful teacher and school leader training programs on family engagement that will increase the capacity of teachers and school leaders to work with families to develop and support the social and emotional skills, habits, and mindsets of children.” It didn’t move forward, but may have been tucked into another bill.
October 22, 2019 – Harvard “Explore SEL” launched by EASEL Lab (Ecological Approaches to Social Emotional Learning), funded by Gates and others.
November 2019 – The Rockefeller/Fetzer Institute “Collaborative for Spirituality in Education” held a conference on “Whole Childhood Education: The Spiritual Core of the Whole Child,” where co-founder Tim Shriver of CASEL was a keynote speaker addressing the deepening of education with greater inclusion in community, and Steven Rockefeller was a keynote speaker on the critical importance of spiritual education for a democratic society.” In partnership with the Spirituality Mind Body Institute at Teachers College, Columbia University, they are hosting the “Awakened Campus Summit” in April 2022, to support emerging adults though wellness programs.
2020 K-12 school districts in the U.S. spent $35.8 billion on hardware, software, curriculum resources, and networks.
2020 – CASEL launched the SEL and Workforce Initiative to integrate SEL and workforce development to prepare students for success as “lifelong, engaged learners and effective contributors to the complex future they will inherit.”
January 2020 – The World Economic Forum published a white paper on “Schools of the Future: Defining New Models of Education for the Fourth Industrial Revolution.”
February 2020– The National Science Foundation awarded the McLean Hospital Corporation a $75K grant to integrate STEM and Social-Emotional Development (SED) into out-of-school time programs.
March 27, 2020 – the CARES Act was signed into law to the tune of $2.2 trillion, establishing the ESSER Fund and GEER fund, which opened the door for $16.5 billion in potential funds going toward SEL programs.
April 2020 – The Foundational Learning Compact umbrella trust fund was created to speed up countries’ progress on the SEL goal. USAID worked with the World Bank, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, the U.K.’s Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office, and UNICEF on this little project.
April 2020 – The CDC began promoting SEL programs for children and SEL strategies for parents, with links to CASEL’s website.
August 2020 – The Fetzer Institute, Chan Zuckerberg Initiative, NIH, NCCIH, NIMH, and Silicon Valley Community Foundation funded the Center for Healthy Minds and Healthy Minds Innovations on several research projects to “train brains” through smartphones to allegedly create apps that will train minds in mindfulness, measure teens emotional well-being, and train how to cultivate positive relationships and insight into the nature of the self. The study was published in 2020, two years after the research began, and just one year before Facebook’s Metaverse launched.
November 10, 2020 – Google for Education put out a feeler on their twitter account that boasts 720k followers, asking how familiar people were with SEL. Only 208 people responded; Not at all 18.8%, Somewhat 37%, and Very familiar 44.2%. That same day, Google published a blog post about how technology can help facilitate courageous conversations, and included a section on SEL.
November 2020 – USAID awarded the University of Notre Dame to help improve child literacy in Haiti. Notre Dame’s Alliance for Catholic Education Haiti and Global Center for the Development of the Whole Child, in partnership with the Pulte Institute for Global Development to implement USAID’s Strong Beginnings project in Haiti through the help of Catholic Relief Services to serve more than 25,000 students. The Strong Beginnings project is to “leverage the home, school, and church to develop the whole child in Haiti” and life-long learners. Their goal is to expand literacy and social-emotional learning to
December 27, 2020 – The second round of Covid-19 relief funding (CRRSA) was signed into law, which allocated another $58.4 billion through ESSER and the GEER funds. The Consolidated Appropriations Act was singed into law to the tune of $2.3 trillion which allotted $900 billion in alleged stimulus relief, with $148 billion in a potential grab for SEL programs.
In 2021 alone the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation awarded $7 million to organizations and projects to advance SEL.
2021 – The Fetzer Institute funded Baylor University $2 million to run a first of its kind longitudinal global study to measure the well-being and health, religion and spirituality, and social, demographic, economic, political, and psychological data set of variables, so as to establish how different aspects of religion and spirituality affect flourishing in different cultural contexts around the world. The budget is expected to reach $42 million. The GFS will include 300,000 participants from 22 diverse countries.
January 11, 2021 – Alabama bill SB40 was introduced and later read by the House of Representatives committee on Ways and Means Education on February 10, 2022. This is a hard push to embed social, emotional learning through a program that addresses the mental health of students.
February 2021 – Biden appointed Dr. Aaliyah A. Samuel to the Deputy Assistant Secretary, Local, State and National Engagement, who later became CASEL’s new CEO and President effective January 1, 2022.
March 2021 – The World Bank, UNESCO, and UNICEF set out on a joint mission called “Recovering Education 2021” focused on getting children back in schools, recovering learning losses, and preparing teachers. By utilizing a new tool developed by Johns Hopkins University, UNICEF, and the World Bank, called “Covid-19 Global Education Recovery Tracker,” to monitor schools planning efforts in over 200 countries, by the end of this year they “aim for countries to report that their schools have incorporated social emotion learning into their teaching”…and…”All teachers should be prepared for remedial education, social emotional learning, and distance learning by the end of this year.” They are building a national real-time data-warehouse to collect and analyze all data.
March 2, 2021 – Dr. Miguel Cardona was sworn in as the new U.S. Secretary of Education. His focus is on equity and social and emotional learning, as well as getting all families to get the Covid jab. Just three months after being sworn in he published a statement about the American Rescue Plan Act, stating that ARP funds will help schools with mental health, social and emotional needs, then followed up a few weeks later encouraging schools to use the federal stimulus money to support students’ emotional needs.
March 11, 2021 – The American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 (ARP), also known as the Covid-19 Stimulus Package of $1.9 trillion, went into effect with $122 billion accessible through ARP ESSER alone, which can be utilized toward SEL programs.
May 5, 2021 – Washington state signed Bill SB5044 into law. This bill created new state standards on antiracist and cultural competencies training and integrated the SEL curriculum.
In addition to all of the above, these bills have already been ENACTED into law in Colorado, Connecticut, Illinois, Maine, Mississippi, New Hampshire, Texas, and Washington.
May 10, 2021 – North Carolina introduced Bill H923. This hasn’t seen movement, but is important to pay attention to in NC because this is an attempt to establish a kindergarten social and emotional learning pilot program. They want to expand the SEL program that is already being taught through the NC Preschool Pyramid Model. That curriculum needs to be shut down as well.
May 11, 2021 – Cindy Marten was confirmed as the new Deputy Secretary of the U.S. Department of Education. Marten has “established a commitment to educating the “whole child” (SEL/Rockefeller phrase) through an emphasis on social and emotional learning and the arts, combined with academic rigor.”
May 11, 2021 – Bill S2485 was signed into law in New Jersey. This bill established the Clayton Model Pilot Program for K-5 SEL programs in select public schools. The goal is to expand this across the state.
June 2021 – the OECD released their 93-pg report on the “State of Implementation of The OECD AI Principles” which has been adopted by over 46 countries and the G20 AI Principles as well. Part of their strategy involves countries developing centralized, accessible repositories of open public datasets including government health records and satellite data.They promote initiatives that enable private sector data sharing.
June 16, 2021 – Google’s “Be Internet Awesome” program to help kids navigate the internet and make informed decisions online, which launched in 2017 and is available in 30 countries and 16 languages, added 10 new SEL activities to their platform/curriculum.
June 24, 2021, Secretary Cardona published a statement regarding policies and priorities of the U.S. Department of Education. Under the American Rescue Plan Act he stated, “ARP funds will enable schools to address the mental health, social, and emotional needs of students that the pandemic has laid bare, and to fully recover from the massive impact of lost instructional time on student achievement during the pandemic.” Just three weeks later, in an interview with EdSource, Cardona encouraged schools to spend the federal stimulus money from the American Rescue Plan Act in ways that will support students’ “emotional needs.”
September 7, 2021 – The OECD published their report on the international “Survey on Social and Emotional Skills” they created to identify and assess practices that foster or hinder the obedience training of social and emotional skills for 10 and 15-year-old students, by collecting data from parents, students, teachers, and school principals, which they then use to assess typical behaviors, thoughts, and feelings.
October 2021 – The Awakened Schools Institute was launched by The Collaborative for Spirituality in Education (CSE), founded by Dr. Lisa Miller, Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors, and the Fetzer Institute.
October 19, 2021 – The U.S. Department of Education released “New Resources on Supporting Child and Student Social, Emotional, Behavioral and Mental Health during Covid-19 Era.” In the statement by Secretary Cardona, he stated “Our efforts as educators must go beyond literacy, math, history, science, and other core subjects to include helping students to build the social, emotional, and behavioral skills they will need to fully access and participate in learning and make the most of their potential and future opportunities,” and stresses that ARP ESSER alone has $122 billion available for these needs. Linked, is the Ed Covid-19 Handbook – Roadmap to Reopening Safely and Meeting All Student’s Needs, which has an entire chapter on meeting the social, emotional, and mental health needs of students, using SEL as the platform, with a direct link to CASEL’s website. Also linked is the manual on “Supporting Child and Student Social, Emotional, Behavioral, and Mental health Needs” which is primarily about SEL programs. They also plan to double the number of school psychologists, counselors, and physicians.
November 19, 2021 – The Build Back Better Bill passed in the House and later died in the Senate. Among the additional $2.2 trillion money grab, they wanted $400 billion toward free preschool for all which is exactly the age they want to start children on SEL programs and are already setup across the country to do so. Watch for them to sneak this in somewhere else.
December 2021 – The DQ Institute and Alannah & Madeline Foundation launched the e-Smart Digital License for students aged 10-14 years to develop social and emotional skills to navigate the online world. This is rolled out in Australia and New Zealand and they plan to branch out to other countries. They teamed up with Rockefeller-funded Accenture.
December 10, 2021 – The World Economic Forum published an article headlined “We need to connect every school to the internet. Here’s how.” UNICEF and the International Telecommunications Union are about to launch a $5 billion connectivity bond to finance it and bring in more investors. Ericsson will map all schools and assess connectivity of 35 countries by end of 2023.
December 16, 2021 – Florida introduced Bill H0941 and was in committee as of January 7, 2022. This bill would provide certification requirements for school counselors and require them to provide a certain program for a specified purpose, which includes social and emotional learning through classroom lessons and counseling. This includes PreK-12.
January 4, 2022 – Indiana introduced Bill HB1040 which would repeal provisions requiring the department to develop the children’s social, emotional, and behavioral health plan. This bill also opposes other intrusive teachings, surveys, and data collection, as well as mask mandates. Bill SB0167 was also introduced which would require consent forms by parents before any school administers SEL or psychological services to a student. Two days later they also introduced Bill HB1231 which also would repeal provisions requiring the department to develop the children’s social, emotional, and behavioral health plan, among other things.
In April 2021, new legislation (SB0205) was signed by Gov. Eric Holcomb that set new standards for teacher training programs, mandating that programs consider training teachers in social emotional learning that are consistent with the state’s SEL competencies established by the department of education.
February 7, 2022 – Oklahoma introduced bill SB1442. “No public school district, public charter school, or public virtual charter school shall use federal, state, or private funds to promote, purchase, or utilize the concepts of social emotional learning for training, instruction, or education of students. No public school district, public charter school, or public virtual charter school teacher, administrator, counselor, employee, or volunteer shall use any curricula with content related to social emotional learning in the training, instruction, or education of students.” If this is violated, and a parent reports it in the manner documented here, the state department of education will assess a financial penalty against the school.
March 8, 2022 – CASEL, the Coalition for Career Development Center, and CIVIC created a developmental framework for integration of SEL and career and workforce development in collaboration with eight states: Delaware, Kansas, Nevada, North Dakota, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Utah, and Wisconsin.
The UN has forecasted that artificial intelligence is set to generate nearly $4 trillion in added value for global markets by 2022.
Key Players

This is a recap list of over 580 people, nonprofits, companies, and government involved in promoting, teaching, and/or funding SEL and WEF’s Vision for “The Future of Education”, who are mentioned in this report and/or are covered in the white papers – and this is the short list. Those in bold (50) are also involved in the global vaccine ID passport agenda and getting everyone onto the blockchain.
All 50 U.S. states are involved with integrating SEL on some level, including the U.S. Department of Education and U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. Over 110 countries are already working toward implementing SEL and WEF’s strategies for the future of “lifelong” learning for everyone, beginning with preschool. This is a mass-scale attempt to psychologically control all children and adults through the same mindset, belief system, and required actions and reactions to keep everyone in line with all other agendas they are attempting to roll out for their human enslavement system. This information needs to get out to every legislature, parent, teacher, superintendent, and all adults so that everyone understands the repercussions of allowing this programming to become “standards” in any way, shape, or form.
The Short List:
ActionAid International
A-Grade Investments
Aaron Feuer
ABE Endorsed KidsMBA
Accelerated Work Achievement and Readiness for Employment (AWARE)
Adecco Group
Affectifi, Inc.
African Rainbow Minerals
Alannah & Madeline Foundation
Alghanim Industries
Alice Albright
Alice Bailey
Aliko Dangote
Allianz SE
Allstate Foundation
Alperton Community School, UK
Amartya Sen
Amazon Web Services
American Institutes for Research
American Psychological Association
America’s Promise Alliance
Amel Karboul
Analytical and Capacity Development Partnership (ACDP) Indonesia
Anant Agarwal
Andrea Lovanhill
Andrea Wishom
Andrew Carnegie
Anji Play
Ann S. Nerad
Anthony Lake
Arif Naqvi
Aroundtown SA
ASCD Whole Child Initiative
Ashton Kutcher
Aspen Institute
Association for the Development of Education in Africa (ADEA)
A.T. Kearney Inc.
Auburn School District #408
Automatic Data Processing Inc. (ADP)
Awakened Schools Institute
Baela Raza Jamil
Bahrain Economic Development Board
Bank of America
Bank of Montreal
BASE Education
Baylor University
BC Energy Investments Corp.
Benedict Joson
Berkshire Hathaway
Bertrand Badré
Better Kids
Big Picture Learning
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Bloomberg LP
Blue Cross Blue Shield
Board of Trustees of the University of Illinois BV
Boston Consulting Group
Boy Scouts
Brent Roberts
British School Muscat
Broadclyst Community Primary School
Brooklyn Prospect Charter Schools
Buffet Early Childhood Fund
Burning Glass Technologies
Business Council of Canada
Caerus Capital
Caring School Community
Carnegie Foundation
Carnegie Mellon University
Carol Dweck
Caroline Anstey
Carlos Adolfo Gonzalez Sierra
Cartagena International School
Catherine Bradshaw
Catholic Relief Services
Centene Corporation
Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences (Stanford University)
Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Center for Global Development
Center for Healthy Minds University of Wisconsin, Madison
Centre for Lebanese Studies
Centre for Policy Research (CPR India)
Center for The Economics of Human Development, University of Chicago
Centre for The Study of the Economies of Africa
Center for Universal Education, The Brookings Institution
Center to Improve Social and Emotional Learning and School Safety (CISELSS)
Chan Zuckerberg Initiative
Chandrika Bahadur
Chapman University
Character Lab
Charoen Pokphand Group Company Limited
Charlotte Watts
Chi Kim
ChineseAll Digital Publishing Group Co. Ltd
Cindy Marten, Deputy Secretary U.S. Dept. of Education
Cisco Systems Inc.
City Year
Class Dojo
Clayton, Dubilier & Rice LLC
Clinton Administration
CNH Industrial N.V.
Collaborating States Initiative
Collaborative for Academic, Social, and Emotional Learning (CASEL)
Collaborative on Spirituality in Education (CSE)
Columbia University
Committee for Children
Common Sense Media
Conscious Discipline
Council on Foreign Relations
Coursera Inc.
Crescent Enterprises
Crosby Marketing Communications
Cynthia Sikes
Dalai Lama
Daniel Goleman
Danielson Group
Daphne Koller
Dassault Systemes
David Adams
David Carel
David P. Weikart Center for Youth Program Quality
David Sluyter
Dean Jamison
Deborah Birx
Deborah S. Delisle
Deep Designs, LLC
Dell Technologies
Deloitte Consulting LLP
Deutsche Post DHL Group
Development Finance International
Dexis Consulting Group
Dogan Åžirketler Grubu Holding A.S
DQ Institute
Dr. Aaliyah A. Samuel
Dr. Deborah Boyer
Dr. Hunter Gehlbach
Dr. Jennifer James
Dr. Lisa Miller
Dr. Miguel Cardona, U.S. Secretary of Education
Dr. Peggy G. Carr
Dr. Richard Davidson
Duke University
East Better Wa’ik
Echidna Giving
Economic Policy Group
Education First
Education International
Education Policy and Data Center (EPDC), FHI 360
Educational Resources Impact Fund LP
Educational Testing Service
Eileen Rockefeller Growald
Einhorn Family Charitable Trust
EL Education Inc.
Elena Patsenko
Emotional ABCs
Empowering Leaders of Learning
EON Reality
Episcopal Commission for Catholic Education
eSmart Schools and e-Smart Digital License+
Eurasian Resources Group SÃ rl
Evanston/Skokie School District #65
Facing History and Ourselves
Federal Way School District #210
Felipe Calderón
Fetzer Institute
Florida State University
Ford Foundation
Forum for African Women EducationalistsForum for Youth Investment
Foundation Center
Foundational Learning Compact
Francine Muyumba
Frederick S. Pardee Center for International Futures, University of Denver
Fresno Unified School District
Fund for The City of New York
Funders’ Collaborative for Innovative Measurement (FCIM)
Fusion Academy
Garatuja Educacao Infantil
Gene Frieda
General Motors
George Lucas Educational Foundation
George Washington University
Gestalt Community Schools
Giant Otter Technologies
Giorgio Jackson
Girindre Beeharry
Girl Scouts
Global Apprenticeship Network
Google for Education
Google Ventures
Gordon Brown
Graça Machel
Greenberg Consulting
Groupe Renault
Guardian Life Insurance
Habitudes by Growing Leaders
Hanoi Adelaide School
Harvard Graduate School of Education
Harvard University
Health Care Service Corporation
Healthy Minds Innovations
Heidrick & Struggles
Helle Thorning-Schmidt
Hellen Griberg
Henry Schein Inc.
Hewlett Packard Enterprise
Iman Usman iMentor
Indiana University Bloomington
Infosys Ltd
Ingka Group (IKEA Retail, Ingka Centres, Ingka Investments)
Inner Explorer
Innova Schools
Institute for Student Achievement
Institute of Development and Economic Alternatives
Institute of Education Sciences (arm of U.S. Dept. of Education)
Inter-American Development Bank
International Commission on Financing Global Education Opportunity
International Education and Resource Network (iEARN)
International Finance Facility for Education (IFFEd)
International Labour Organization
International Monetary Fund (IMF)
International Rescue Committee
International Telecommunications Union (ITU)
Invesco Ltd
Irving B. Harris
Jack Ma
Jakaya Kikwete
James J. Heckman
Janice Jackson
Jeffrey Sachs
Jessie Lewis Choose Love Foundation
Jim Yong Kim
John B. Pritzker
John D. Rockefeller
John Dewey
John E. Fetzer
John Templeton Foundation
Johns Hopkins School of Education
Johns Hopkins University
Johnson & Johnson
Jon Reingold
José Manuel Barroso
Joseph R. Biden Jr. (unelected President)Joseph P. Kennedy Jr. Foundation
Joy Phumaphi
Ju-Ho Lee
Julia Gillard
Just for Arts
Kabakoo Academies
Kailash Satyarthi
Kakuma Project Innovation Lab Schools
Kamilah Drummond-Forrester
Kartik Sawhney
Karen Barth
Kennedy Odede
Kent School District #415
Kettle Moraine School District
Kimberly Schnoert-Reichl
King Khaled Foundation
Kingmakers of Oakland
Kirlin Charitable Foundation
Knowledge and Human Development Authority, United Arab Emirates
Korea Development Institute
Kristin Clemet
Kumar Mehta
Lawrence Aber
Lawrence Summers
Le Sallay International Academy
Learn Capital
Lego Foundation
Liesbet Steer
Lev Vygotsky
L’Horitzo School
Linda Darlin-Hammond
Linda Lantieri
LinkedIn Corporation
Lions Quest – Lions Club International Foundation
Lisa and John Pritzker Family Fund
London Business School
LRN Corporation
Lucifer Publishing Company
Lucile Packard Foundation for Children’s Health
Lycee Jean Mermoz
Malala Yousafzai
Malawi Institute of Management
Manpower Group
March Brackett
Mariam Adil
Mark Dybul
Mark T. Greenberg
Martine “Kessy” Ekomo-Soignet
Mary Schwab-Stone
Maurice Elias
McGill University (Canada)
McLean Hospital Corporation
McKinsey & Company
Member of Parliament of Finland
Menghan Shen
Mercer (MMC)
Merck KGaA
Merrick Garland, AG
Michael and Susan Dell Foundation
Michelle Zhou
Milena HaritoMillennium
Mindset Works
MindUp Program
MIT Sloan School of Management
Mohamed Khalil Liouane
Mohamed Sidibay
Monash University
Move This World
Naglaa Fathy
National Association of State Boards of Education
National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health (NCCIH)
National Commission on Social, Emotional, and Academic Development (SEAD)
National Equity Project
National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH)
National Institutes of Health (NIH)
National Public Education Support Fund
National Science Foundation (NSF)
NBC Universal
New Profit Inc.
New Teacher Center
New Tech Network
New York University
Nigel Fisher
Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala
Nokia Coporation
Northeastern University
NoVo Foundation
Novolipetsk Steel (NLMK)
NYSE Group Inc.
Office of Superintendent of Public Instruction – WA
Omnicom Group Inc.
Open Circle
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)
Overdeck Family Foundation
Overseas Development Institute
OWN Academy in Hong Kong
Oxfam International
Panorama Education
PAO Severstal
Paolo DeMaria
Paul Carttar
Paul Goren
Patricio Meller
Peer Health Exchange, Inc.
Pennsylvania State University
Personalized Learning Games, Inc.
Peter Buffet
Petroleo Brasileiro SA – PETROBRAS
PJSC Phos Agro
Positive Action
Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports
Pratham Hybrid Learning Programme
Press Start Academy
Pricewaterhouse Coopers International Limited
Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz (MiSK) Foundation
Pritzker Children’s Institute
Procter & Gamble
Project for Education that Scales
Publicis Groupe
Pulte Institute for Global Development
Punjab Skills Development Fund, Pakistan
Pure Edge Inc.
Pymetrics Inc.
QI Group
Quarraisha Karim
Raikes Foundation
Ramon Montano
Rand Corporation
Randi and David Zussman Family Foundation
Rauner Family Foundation
RBC Financial Group
Recruit Holdings Co. Ltd
Rennie Center for Education Research and Policy
Research on Equitable Access and Learning (REAL) Centre, University of Cambridge
Research Triangle Institute
Respectful Ways
Responsive Classroom
Results for Development
Right to Education Project
Ripple Effects
Riverpath Associates
Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Rockefeller Foundation
Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors
Roger Weissberg
Ronald Cohen
Rosemarie Ramitt
Ross Brodie
Royal DSM NV
RTI Action Network
Salyne El Samarany
Sanaya Bharucha
Sandra Matz
Sanjeev Gupta
Saudi Aramco
Scholar Centric
School Superintendents Association
School’s Out Washington
Science Technology Engineering Art Math (STEAM)
Seattle University
Second Step
SEEK Development
Shakira Mebarak
Shaping Pathways
Sheikha Lubna Al Qasimi
Shireland Technology Primary
Shizuka Nishimura
Shruti Sehra
Silicon Valley Community Foundation
Singapore Management University
Six Seconds: The Emotional Intelligence Network
SJSS Innovation Lab
Skilling for Suitable Tourism
Skills Builder Partnership
Social, Emotional and Character Development Lab (Rutgers University)
Sound Discipline
Social Finance
South Tapiola High School
Stanley Black & Decker Inc.
Stephanie M. Jones
Stephen D. Arnold
Steven C. Rockefeller Sr.
Start Empathy
Stive Masiyiwa
Strive Together
Stuart Foundation
Surdna Foundation
Tacoma Public Schools
Tallahassee Community College
Tax Justice Network
Teach for All
Teach the Future
Teck Resources Limited
Tel Aviv University
Teopista Birungi Mayanja
Timothy P. Shriver
The Achievement Network
The Flexible SEL Classroom
The Future Project
The Green School
The Incredible Years
The Knowledge Society
The SEL School: Center on Great Teachers and Leaders
Theo Sowa
Thrive Public Schools
Tiny Monkey Stage
Tony Chambers
Toptal LLC
Transforming Education, Inc.
Turnaround for Children
Tyton Partners Consulting, LLC
Uber Technologies
UK Foreign, Commonwealth & Development Office
United Nations
United World Colleges (UWC)
University College London
University of California, Los Angeles
University of Edinburgh
University of Illinois at Chicago
University of Maryland
University of Notre Dame
University of Oxford (UK)
University of Texas at Austin
University of Virginia
University of Washington Foundation
University of Witwatersrand, South Africa
UP Education Network
Urban Assembly
U.S. Department of Education
U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
Valor Collegiate Academies
Vanderbilt University
Vanessa Kirsch
Verizon Communications
VMware Inc.
Wallace Foundation
Warren Buffet
William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
William T. Grant Foundation
Willis Towers Watson
WINGS for Kids
Wisdom Thinkers Network
Wise Skills
Wittgenstein Center for Demography and Human Capital
W.K. Kellogg Foundation
Workday Inc.
World Bank
World Economic Forum
WorldQuant LLC
World School
Xan Tanner
Yale University
Yuiko Koike
Zurich Insurance Group

“We will interact more with artificial intelligence. The use of robotics, bio-engineering to augment human functioning is already well underway and will advance.Re-engineering of humans into potentially separate and unequal forms through genetic engineering or mixed human-robots raises debates on ethics and equality. A new demography is projected to emerge after 2030 of technologies (robotics, genetic engineering, nanotechnology) producing robots, engineered organisms, ‘nanobots’ and artificial intelligence (AI) that can self-replicate. Debates will grow on the implications of an impending reality of human designed life.” – Dreaming The Future of Health for The Next 100 Years, 2013 white paper from the Global Health Summit, funded by the Rockefeller Foundation
This is the vision of the globalists, the billionaires, Silicon Valley, and the corrupt dictators and governments that want full control over humanity. They are all on board with the UN 2030 Agenda and are working overtime to hit every goal, especially when it comes to the children – their future obedient workforce.
How is it that they are so good at manipulating minds? They have been at this game for a very long time. In a C.I.A. document titled ‘Brainwashing from a psychological viewpoint,’ they quote Jules Romains, “We know now that men can be made to do exactly anything… It’s all a question of finding the right means. If only we make enough trouble and go sufficiently slowly, we can make him kill his aged parents and eat them in a stew.”
This C.I.A. document also points out “when reduced to extreme dependency and confusion, the individual is ready to react favorably to any person or idea which promises to end his painfully confused state. At this point, the re-education begins.”
Now that they’ve accomplished this goal through the Covid agenda, both children and adults are ripe for the SEL programming that has rapidly expanded through the education system and has been working its way into businesses and communities as an all-inclusive mind control package.
The document on brainwashing also points out: “Two simultaneous processes are present. The first is characterized by a progressive deterioration and demobilization of the individual’s critical and judging capacities. In a true sense the individual loses all sense of perspective. The second process is the learning of beliefs he would previously have rejected, as he seeks to gain some structure for his crumbling personality… These processes are most effective when the individual has gaps in his knowledge, or his understanding of the meaning of certain events is sufficiently tenuous that he has little difficulty in accepting a new and different interpretation.”
A “crumbling personality” is something they’ve been chipping away at for quite some time. This is evident with the exploitation of transgenders whereby they have manufactured an entire industry to remove self identity and create as much confusion as possible. This agenda was covered extensively in a 4-part series by Corey’s Digs.
“The U.S. Department of Education takes their orders from the UN because this is an international plan.” – Charlotte Thomson Iserbyt, former Senior Policy Advisor to the U.S. Department of Education and author of the ‘Deliberate Dumbing Down of America’
Deep state tactics have long been in place for a global takeover, and in order to control humanity, you must control their minds. This has been done through television, computers, cell phones, frequencies, radio, narratives pumped out through Hollywood and mainstream news, intelligence agencies, and the entire education system. It is all one big indoctrination system to cull the masses, which is why it is so critical to use discernment and perform due diligence on every decision made, any agreement one enters, any system one thinks they want to be a part of, and any information coming out that may or may not impact ones life. And it’s important to loosen technology’s grip on your mind.
The very monsters who want to control humanity are the ones making the claim they want to teach mental health and empathy to children and adults. Do not confuse “empathy” with “obedience.”
Ultimately, the SEL programming is the psychological re-education agenda that goes hand-in-hand with the digital identity to blockchain agenda, and it builds upon ones social credit score. Once everyone is an obedient digital citizen, controlling them through digital currencies will be a cakewalk. But what would happen if people refused the digital identity applications, built homeschooling networks to get their children out of the indoctrination system, formed their own communities and businesses, grew their own food and/or supported local farmers, stopped funding big box stores, pulled their money from big banks and used cash as often as possible, and didn’t comply with tyrannical measures? What would happen if people fought on a local level to block the federal level from intervening? Boy oh boy would that put the biggest dent in their plan, wouldn’t it? How are they going to control the masses when the masses are no longer streamlined inside their system?
There are a lot of good people collaborating on all of these goals, sharing information with others, and creating change toward a future FOR humanity. It’s important that people stick together and share this knowledge to help others evolve from these trying times. Be sure to bookmark Corey’s Digs “Solutions” tab for ongoing articles and resources – we all need to stick together!
This report was sponsored by The Solari Report.
Purchase this complete 9-part series in PDF format from The Bookshop >

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Ryan F Mitchell
Ive been all over this for years , just as an observation with far less facts. Id love to know more, im willing to take any suggestions on how to get ahead of thai for my child and all children and families.
Thank you so much for this immense work!
It is very useful also for Europeans and others to reasearch the wordwide (!) connections of their own countries.
The globalists are very well prepared for this worldwide coup d’etat.
Jeff Swart
Greetings Corey (and all)
Here’s an interesting analysis of Universal Preschool, including Biden’s Build Back Better plans for such, by the CATO institute – “Universal Preschool: Lawmakers Should Approach with Caution” @
I currently have Wells Fargo and JP Morgan and after seeing this want to get out of the big banks. Any sugestions of what bank would be better?
TX for the Cato analysis link. That was super interesting!
Why is BlackRock not on the list? They are key players behind the new world disorder
And Rothschilds?
Corey Lynn
They are on this list, as well as many others throughout my site:
Hi, I am trying to connect the IB programme in international (private!) schools, but can’t find exact details on the players in the IB programme and their connections. The US IB Fund shows hundreds of thousand of dollars in salaries for the Board members, yet the parent NGO is registered in Switzerland and I can’t dig in there. Our primary school kids in a private international school are being thought “social justice”, “wellness” and other propaganda items straight from the book , so the influence is obvious but I can’t track the money and IB is not on the list here. Any suggestion?
Corey Lynn
Are you referring to this? If so, just a quick glance at the timeline, locations, and connections mentioned throughout here, is quite telling. If I were you, I would start here with your dig because they include a lot of info to go on.
Also, they setup a nonprofit in the US. Dig into these tax returns:
*Correction to the grama typo: should be” are being tought”, not “thought”… Thanks
Impressive work and amount of work. However, when I look at most people I meet in various countries, most of them don’t have a clue about waht was going on and what is going on. Most of them are onboard with whatever the brainwashers manufacture 9be it economic ‘crises’, wars, genocides like it happens now, and of course incessant wars).
They keep voting for the same criminals who destroyed their society, are destroying their world and are destroying their children. Most of them are incapable of making the link between the dictatorships they live under now (all western countries without a single exception) and what led them there.
Even mature people, older people, who have known what the world was and how better it was, still can’t connect the dots.
An example, in Europe, the so-called “European Union” (which is neither a Union nor even European as it is a subsidiary or rather a colony of the USA), is by far the reason behind most of Europe’s problems. Yet, most Europeans wouldn’t even consider the problem and shrug when anyone brings on the obvious about it.
I am afraid that your work will be useful to a minority of awaken people but the majority will stay ignorant, indifferent or too lazy to change and will be happy to be part of the Obedience crew of the future.
What i have seen in the last 10 to 20 years, is a dramatic degradation of almost everything in all western societies, from economy ot moral, mindset to ideology, and it’s not restricted to the USA which are in fact the model for this downfall (I guess they succeeded in making people dumb enough).
I don’t have much hope for “humanity” (if we can call what many people have become “humans”), I honestly believe that a major catastrophe will be necessary to change things for the better, the kind that saw dinosaur’s extinction.
Without that it will be yet another peasants revolt or fashionable trend.