Major Acquisitions & Changes in Booming Dietary Supplement Industry: Do You Know Who is Behind Your Vitamins?

The vitamin industry is booming, and major players in gene-editing, nanotech, and biotech are eyeing a piece of the action, while several key acquisitions of dietary supplement companies have taken place.  The global dietary supplements market is projected to increase from $71.81 billion in 2021 to $128.64 billion in 2028, with an expected compound annual growth rate of 8.68% within that timeframe.  The vitamin industry saw massive growth since the Covid bioweapon was unleashed on the world, with a 26.9% increase in 2020 alone.  Meanwhile, mega-corporations like Nestle have made major moves in the vitamin industry, such as the acquisitions of Atrium Innovations, The Bountiful Company and Puravida, just to name a few.

Source: Fortune Business Insights

The supplement industry is not only growing, but it is also evolving.  A new generation of performance enhancing, anti-aging and longevity ‘supplements’ have come on the market, such as FitBiomics.  FitBiomics is behind Nella – a genomics-based “next generation” probiotic to enhance performance in athletes.  The FitBiomics team states that, “among the athletes who use Nella are two US 2020 Tokyo Olympic medalists: Adeline Gray won silver in wrestling and Krysta Palmer won bronze in diving. In 2021 Nella was also named the official probiotic of St. John’s University, and in 2022 the San Francisco Marathon partnered with FitBiomics.”  George Church, who co-founded FitBiomics, is known as “the founding father of genomics,” and is a serial entrepreneur in dozens of gene editing, gene therapy, and biotech companies.

As the dietary supplements industry rapidly progresses, it is important to know who owns your vitamins.  NIH hosts a Dietary Supplement Label Database where you can search for any supplement and review the label breakdown.  The following list outlines several popular supplement companies, their countries of origin, and in some cases, which companies acquired them.

Company: Atrium Innovations

Country: Canada

Founded: 1999

Acquired By: Nestle Health Science

Acquired Date: 2018

Company: Arizona Nutritional Supplements

Country:  United States

Founded: 1996

Acquired By: Endeavour Capital

Acquired Date: 2013

Note: Arizona Nutritional Supplements is a contract and private label manufacturer of vitamins and supplements.

Company: Best Formulations

Country: United States

Founded: 1984

Acquired By: Sirio Pharma Acquired Date: 2023

Company: Biotics Research

Country: United States

Founded: 1971

Note: Family-owned company

Company: BYHEALTH International

Country: China

Founded: 1995

Company: Country Life

Country: United States

Founded: 1971

Joint Venture Agreement With: Kikkoman, partly owned by Master Trust Bank of Japan, Japan Trustee Services Bank & Oriental Land Company Joint Venture Agreement Date: 2005

Company: Doctor’s Best

Country: United States

Founded: 1990

Acquired By: sold to North Castle Partners in 2014, acquired by Xiamen Kingdomway Group Co, China

Acquired Date: 2016

Company: FitBiomics

Country: United States

Founded: 2019

Note:  founded by George Church, often called the “founding father of genomics,” and Jonathan Scheiman. They are making Nella – a genomics-based probiotic to enhance performance in athletes.

Company: Gaia

Country: United States

Founded: 1987

Acquired By: merger with SALUS Haus, Germany

Acquired Date: 2021

Company: Garden of Life

Subsidiary Of: Atrium Innovations, Canada

Country: United States

Founded: 2000

Acquired By: Parent company Atrium Innovations acquired by Nestle Health Science

Acquired Date: 2018

Company: GNC

Country: United States

Founded: 1935

Acquired By: Thomas H Lee Investment group, 1989, then sold to Harbin Pharmaceutical Holding Group Co. LLC, China

Acquired Date: 2021

Company: GSK

Country: United Kingdom

Founded: GlaxoSmithKline Pharmaceuticals Ltd founded in 1924

Note: Here is an A-Z list of GSK brands

Company: Kirkland (Costco)

Country: United States

Founded: 1995

Note:  Kirkland products are manufactured by their partners. Each supplement sold under the Kirkland name may have a different manufacturer.  Kirkland labeled bottles have a vitamin information hotline to call for more information.  Kirkland supplements are made in the United States with ingredients that may be sourced from other countries.

Company: Klean Athlete

Subsidiary Of: Douglas Laboratories, Canada

Country: United States

Founded: 2012

Acquired By: Parent company Douglas Laboratories acquired by Atrium Innovations in 2005, which was acquired by Nestle Health Science

Acquired Date: 2018

Company: Life Extension

Country: United States

Founded: 1980

Note: The Life Extension Buyer’s Club is associated with the Life Extension Foundation, which changed its name in 2018 to Biomedical Research & Longevity Society.

Company: Matsun Nutrition

Country: United States

Founded: 1992

Note: Matsun Nutrition offers a Private Label Supplement Program for clients to start private label vitamin and supplement companies. Matsun Nutrition provides manufacturing of the vitamins and supplements.

Company: MegaFood

Subsidiary Of: FoodState, United States

Country: United States

Founded: 1973

Acquired By: Parent company FoodState acquired by Pharmavite, a subsidiary of Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd, Japan

Acquired Date: 2014

Company: Metagenics

Subsidiary Of: Alticor, Inc., United States

Country: United States

Founded: 1983

Acquired By: Gryphon Investors

Acquired Date: 2021

Company: Nature Made

Subsidiary Of: Pharmavite, United States

Country: United States

Founded: 1971

Acquired By: Parent company Pharmavite acquired by Otsuka Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd, Japan

Acquired Date: 1989

Company: Nature’s Bounty

Subsidiary Of: The Bountiful Company, United States

Country: United States

Founded: 1971

Acquired By: Parent company The Bountiful Company acquired by Nestle Health Science

Acquired Date: 2021

Company: New Chapter

Country: United States

Founded: 1982

Acquired By: Procter & Gamble

Acquired Date: 2012

Note: In 2018 the founders of New Chapter left the brand citing “’financial pressures to accelerate profits’ meant they could no longer in good conscience continue to associate themselves with the brand.”

Company: Nordic Naturals

Subsidiary Of: Nordic Pharma, UK, which is a subsidiary of Nordic Group, France

Country: Headquarters in United States, Manufacturing by Nordic Pharma in Norway

Founded: 1995

Company: NOW

Country: United States

Founded: 1968

Note: Privately owned by the Richard Family

Company: Nutranext

Country: United States

Founded: 1986

Acquired By: The Clorox Company (subsidiary of P&G)

Acquired Date: 2018

Company: Nutrisystem

Country: United States

Founded: 1972

Acquired By: Kainos Capital in 2020, then merged with Adaptive Health in 2021 under new parent company, Wellful, Inc. in 2021

Acquired Date: 2020

Company: OLLY Nutrition

Country: United States

Founded: 2013

Acquired By: Unilever

Acquired Date: 2019

Company: Pentavite

Country: Australia

Founded: 1940

Acquired By: Roche in 1991, Bayer in 2004, then sold to BYHEALTH, China

Acquired Date: 2018

Company: Puravida

Country: Brazil

Founded: 2015

Acquired By: Nestle Health Science

Acquired Date: 2022

Company: Pure Encapsulations

Subsidiary Of: Atrium Innovations, Canada

Country: United States

Founded: 1991

Acquired By: Parent company Atrium Innovations acquired by Nestle Health Science

Acquired Date: 2018

Company: ReNew Life

Country: United States

Founded: 1997

Acquired By: Swander Pace Capital and Triangle Capital in 2008, then acquired by The Clorox Company (subsidiary of P&G)

Acquired Date: 2016

Company: Ritual

Country: United States

Founded: 2016

Partnered With: Whole Foods

Partner Date: 2022

Company: Royal DSM

Country: Netherlands

Founded: 1902

Note: DSM has subsidiaries and equity interests in hundreds of companies all over the world, ranging from biotech companies to nutritional product companies. 

Company: Schiff Nutrition

Country: United States

Founded: 1936

Acquired By: Reckitt Benckiser with operations in over 60 countries, and headquarters in the UK, Singapore, Dubai and Amsterdam

Acquired Date: 2012

Company: Seeking Health

Brand Of: Healthy Goods

Country: United States

Founded: 2011

Note: Seeking Health was a product line within Healthy Goods, then launched as a separate online company in 2011.  While Healthy Goods was sold in 2012, Seeking Health remained under original ownership.

Company: Solaray, Inc.

Country: United States

Founded: 1973

Acquired By: Nutraceutical International Corp in 1993, then acquired by HGGC private equity firm

Acquired Date: 2017

Company: Source Naturals

Country: United States

Founded: 1982

Owned By: Threshold Enterprises, Ltd., a manufacturer and distributer of over 450 brands

Company: Standard Process

Country: United States

Founded: 1929

Partnership Agreement With: Integria Healthcare, Australia

Partnership Agreement Renewal Date: 2020

Note: Family-owned company

Company: Swanson Health Products

Country: United States

Founded: 1969

Acquired By: Swander Pace Capital

Acquired Date: 2016

Company: The Better Health Co. (TBHC)

Country: New Zealand

Founded: 2008

Acquired By: CDH Investments, China in 2016, then acquired by Nestle Health Science

Acquired Date: 2022

Company: The Clorox Company

Country: United States

Founded: 1913

Acquired By: Procter & Gamble

Acquired Date: 1957

Company: Thorne

Country: United States

Founded: 1984

Merged With: Onegevity under new parent company Thorne HealthTech in 2021, whose largest shareholders are Kirin Holdings Co. Ltd, Mitsui & Co., Ltd (a Berkshire Hathaway Co.) and Helsinn Holding S.A.

Note: Onegevity is a “health intelligence company” that leverages artificial intelligence and machine learning for healthcare applications.

Company: Vital Proteins

Country: United States

Founded: 2013

Acquired By: Nestle Health Science

Acquired Date: 2020

Company: Zarbee’s, Inc.

Country: United States

Founded: 2008

Acquired By: Johnson & Johnson

Acquired Date: 2018

I get my vitamins and supplements from a company that produces a fantastic line right here in the USA. Plus, they have over 450 other necessities, as well a 100% prime and high choice beef that will never ever have mRNA, hormones, or antibiotics. I’ve been shopping here since 2021.

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Corey Lynn is an investigative journalist, co-host of the weekly Dig It! podcast, and co-host of The Solution Series. Follow her at, on Twitter, Gab, Truth, Rumble, and Telegram. Support her work by becoming a Patron, making a donation or buying a Book.


  • AussieManDust

    So, not just Gates feeding faux mRNA to feed animals, so we can be infected with bioweapons just by EATING… Now, take your vitamins and be reprogrammed internally… to het “vexinated”, to crave bugs? A Kill Switch? Trust them, They are Incorporated… OBEY. Or kill Them all.

  • Ell Jay

    Thank you for posting this nfo! This is much needed intel as the comapnies buying out the supplement companies are diluting the strength of the pills. Keep thsi alive by sharing with as many other sites as possible.

    • Oz

      If you eat a proper diet, there’s no need for vitamin supplements. The Vitamin Supplement industry is no better than big pharma. Making you believe (and Selling you something) that this is necessary to stay healthy is a scam we’ve been led to trust.

      • Lee

        That may be true of some supplements, but you are sadly mistaken if you think that you can get all your nutrients from food alone. Much of our soil has been depleted of nutrients, trace minerals especially. Supplements can not take the place of a crappy diet, but supplements certainly help with deficiencies. Most modern day diseases and ailments can be profoundly improved with supplements. As with ANYTHING these days, you MUST do your own research and make an informed decision. Your comment is patently false.

  • Lauran Findlay

    Thank you so much for this, as I am very reluctant to purchase vitamins if I cannot verify the country of origin, and the traceing of where they came from. How to get pure ingredients is a challenge. So many have harmful fillers. This is a real service to all of us!

  • Mary C

    I was in high school when ‘health food’ stores and Grover’s started to take hold. Got on a handful of this and that to stay healthy as a young diabetic. Over the next few years with an intelligent mother helping guide me, I learned to EAT my vitamins. Fresh local foods that counted when consumed. I still do so today at age 67. Dr wants me to get certain vitamin number up- I find the best fruit or veggie and incorporate into my diet.
    Tea is a great source too.
    Knock on wood- I’ve yet to get SarsCoVi 19. Stopped annual flu Vacs over ten years ago. Do most things in moderation- even a little tequila or vodka on occasion. Just try to keep a moderate lifestyle. So far- pretty good. Thanks for all your good info Corey et al!!

  • Thomas Riccardi

    Does anyone know if these supplements are not safe? There are some on this list that I have taken for years.

    Thanks for any info!

  • Lyn

    This is pushing me toward herbs that I can grow myself. So disheartening to see companies that I thought were good quality being owned by others that I would never trust. Great info!

  • sara

    The old bolshevik say: “if you want to beat the oppsition, own it”… This is what the scumbags like Nestle and J&J are doing.

    As millions have turned to suplements and natural medicine to detox from the deathvax or to heal from the shedding coming from the millions of brainwashed guinea pigs who keep getting injected with mrna poison, they probably are going to ‘modify’ the supplements with the toxins they already put in our food and pills.

    Thank you Corey to warn us about this as I make a point of bycotting fascist corporations like Nestle who are part of the world economic forum partners and funders.

    Fascist Corporations Partnering With And Funding The WEF Crime Syndicate

    More than ever, the best way out is to grow our own plants, medical herbs and food.

  • Susan

    Thank you so much for posting this info! I learned there were a few brands I thought were ok, but are not. If in the future if it’s even doable, writing an article on the ‘better companies’? I know that can easily change (from good to bad) and more importantly not aware of all the ‘good’ companies out there.

  • Gumnut123

    Greetings Corey,

    You are a “one off” thank you for this list. I have wanted to have such list/verification of “suspects” for some years.

    Unable to pursue doing it as being Dr, Pharmacist, Researcher and much more, due to 1980s Bio weapon lab “infiltrations” etc., etc., for family and self.

    There is one Company, JARROW, Do you have any info on this?

    Best of Health,


  • Missy

    I’ve been taking Life Extension vitamins for decades. Glad to see it’s still closely held corp. Durk Pearson and Sandy Shaw started up in 1968 as a longevity research company, and then created LE supplements. Durk has 3 hard sciences degrees from MIT, 3 minor degrees from same, Sandy has 2. Very high standards,, but they are a little costlier than some others…

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