Nader, Khawaja, Clintons, Pope Francis, and Elite Converge in UAE & Africa
Welcome to the jungle of elites, criminals, and Pope Francis who all seem to have their eyes set on South Africa, while Russia and China run naval drills off the coast. It’s an interesting intersection of events and individuals. What’s more interesting is the timetable of recently indicted George Nader and Andy Khawaja, along with the Clintons and Pope Francis, that leads to the United Arab Emirates (UAE), who also have a big interest in South Africa.
With the recent African proverb spoken by Pope Francis, mixed in with cryptic messages of a “new humanism,” he is “reinventing” in a global pact, highlighted by Hillary Clinton’s similar African proverb used in her book “it takes a village,” one wonders what plans are underway in Africa? One also wonders what was really brokered when the Pope visited the UAE earlier this year, as the first ever pontiff to travel to the Arab peninsula. While Bill & Melinda Gates strutted the streets of Cape Town where Richard Branson’s business recently sprung branches, Meghan and Harry took a 10-day tour. Even twitter Jack is making a move to Africa to expand on twitter and other technology ventures.
The Indictment of George Nader, Ahmed (Andy) Khawaja, and Six Others for Illegally Funding Hillary Clinton’s 2016 Presidential Campaign from a Foreign Country
This indictment could prove to be the first indicted school of fish in a very large net. Essentially what we have is a foreign government meddling in our elections, a presidential candidate knowingly lapping up $4 million, and a pedophile serving as the middle man. Isn’t that something? Lebanese convicted pedophile George Nader, who goes way back with the Clintons and served as informal envoy to Syria for the Clinton administration, has acted as an advisor to the Middle East for decades. He was playing both sides, with the hope that Hillary Clinton would win.
Nader and CEO of Allied Wallets Ahmed (Andy) Khawaja worked together to provide private parties, in home dinner meetings, and fundraisers, in addition to meeting with the “big lady,” “big sister H,” and “big sister’s husband” in private, otherwise known as Bill and Hillary Clinton. Of course, to enter the world of Clinton pay-to-play, one must pay at the door, so $3.5 million was concealed and funneled through democratic political committees affiliated with Hillary’s 2016 campaign. All the while, George Nader was reporting back to UAE’s Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan (MBZ) on the progress. In order to try to slide these funds through under the radar, they enlisted staff from Allied Wallets, in addition to using Khawaja’s wife’s name. Khawaja donated hundreds of thousands to the DNC and other democratic committees, as well as to Adam Schiff, Joe Biden, Chris Coons, Dianne Feinstein and numerous others. They were so concerned that if “candidate 2” (Donald Trump) got elected “it would be over for the Arabs.”
Much to their surprise, he did in fact win, so they immediately donated $1 million to his inaugural fund. Months later, Mueller gave Nader partial immunity to go over details of meetings he orchestrated for team Trump for potential “Russian collusion,” which was later unfounded in his final report. Mueller didn’t seem too interested in Middle Eastern “collusion” and meddling in our elections, nor was he going to oust Hillary Clinton. In June 2019, George Nader was arrested on child pornography charges, which are still pending. Meanwhile, this top secret investigation was going on into illegal campaign funds to Hillary Clinton, without a single peep or a single leak, until the indictment was unsealed on December 3rd.

Does anyone believe that Hillary Clinton wasn’t aware of this money being funneled through George Nader to her from the UAE? The Clintons have an extensive background with the UAE. Just last year, on February 22, 2018 Bill Clinton met with Sheikh Mohamed Bin Zayed Al-Nahyan, the deputy supreme commander of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) Armed Forces to review “an array of issues of mutual concern.”
Bill Clinton has been a regular speaker at business and educational conferences in the UAE for years. In fact, between 2011 and 2014, he had been paid $5.625 million by Dubai’s GEMS Education to lead the charity arm, and in 2013, was paid $500,000 to give a speech at the World Travel and Tourism Council in Abu Dhabi. The foundation’s goal was to impact the lives of 10 million underprivileged children that needed better access to education. Nothing to be alarmed about there.

During Hillary Clinton’s time as Secretary of State, they banked millions, and brought entrepreneurs and investors into the UAE. The Saudi regime donated between $10 million and $25 million to the Clinton Foundation, while “the State of Qatar,” the UAE, and the government of Brunei donated between $1 million and $5 million. So is it a big surprise that they were illegally funding her 2016 presidential run?
When will they be questioning Hillary about these funds? After all, there are several people sitting in jail right now for accepting far less in campaign funds that didn’t even come from another country.
According to The New York Times, Khawaja had never made a political donation prior to this, and had met George Nader for the first time when they were both in the UAE in 2015. Coincidentally, Khawaja had a personal meeting with Hillary Clinton on November 5, 2015 in Los Angeles. To be a fly on the wall would be understatement, but it goes without saying, that the Clintons, Nader and Khawaja all had high level connections in the UAE. Perhaps this was the meeting to discuss how the funds would be funneled and what pay-to-play actions would come from it? The money was funneled between May and October of 2016, six months after that meeting took place. According to The New York Times, Khawaja shifted his funding to the Republican party after Hillary lost, and he and his wife donated a combined $250,000 to the Republican National Committee in 2017.
As disturbing as this all is, no one seems to be looking at Allied Wallets and CEO Andy Khawaja’s connections. Allied Wallets is an online payment processing service that operates out of 164 countries, is headquartered in Los Angeles, was founded in 2005, and has amassed $16 billion. They were expected to double in size by 2025, though this indictment may have put a damper on that. When Khawaja began his venture, he was allegedly turned away by 350 banks before an executive from Deutsche Bank agreed to grant him his first seed loan. That sounds a bit outlandish, except for the part about Deutsche bank.
Like any other money laundering front for the elite, Khawaja rose to stardom quicker than he could create his next shell company. Every mainstream news outlet was plastering him on their covers. He was cozy with world leaders, presidents, and even received praise and recognition from the Pope. He was educated (or trained) in speaking five languages, including Arabic, French, and German, so building relationships came easier. His elite friends called him “Doctor,” and in 2016 he was awarded an “honorary doctorate degree” in Humanitarian Studies by the Lebanese American University in 2016 to give him an official title. Two years later in 2018, Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-NY) appointed Khawaja to the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom for a term through May 2020, but that has obviously been cut short. That was a big year for Khawaja, as he also received recognition and an ambassador of peace award from the Pope.
But Not Everything was Sunshine and Roses
He has settled twice with the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) over charges of laundering money for illegal websites. He forfeited $13 million in 2009, and just this May, Khawaja and two of his officers settled with the FTC for knowingly processing fraudulent transactions for firms that were known by law enforcement agencies as fraudulent. It wasn’t just about “knowing,” they actually created fake foreign shell companies, dummy websites, and other false information so as to hide it from banks and credit card networks. This was a full blown, very carefully constructed scheme. Imagine what they must do for the elite, politicians, and world leaders to make the world go round, while moving money across 164 countries? Allied Wallet received a judgment of $110 million, and Khawaja had to turn over a residence in Los Angeles, and the rest of the judgement was suspended due to inability to pay. Election meddling by funneling funds to Hillary from a foreign country may top the list of crimes that have been exposed, but what about nearly 15 years of potential crimes that have yet to be exposed?
What happens when two Lebanese men who work with world leaders in the UAE, the Clintons who have relished in millions from the UAE, and Pope Francis all get together to dance? The Pope travels to the UAE to visit with their leaders, making it the first time in history that a pontiff has ever visited the Arabian peninsula. More details on this in the timeline below.
One thing is very important for people to grasp. The middle man, George Nader, has a history that resembles that of the devil. What was found on Nader’s phone when he was arrested in June 2019 for charges of child pornography, included images of young boys engaging in sexual acts and bestiality. In 1991, Nader was convicted and sentenced to six months at a halfway house in Maryland, on a felony charge for transporting sexually explicit videos of underage boys in foreign commerce. But the one no media outlets seem to want to include in their reporting, is the one-year prison term in 2003 where he was convicted in Prague for corruption of minors, sexual abuse and impairing minors. He sexually abused 10 young boys. THIS is the man that they have all developed a decades-long relationship with.
Hillary and Bill’s business relationships and friendships to pedophiles can no longer be overlooked. In April, 2019 Corey’s Digs published a very detailed report showing all of these relationships with those arrested and/or convicted of sexual crimes against children, including George Nader, NXIVM, Jeffrey Epstein, and many others.
In Addition to The UAE, What Are They Up To in South Africa?
Follow the individuals, connections to one another, timeline, and their interests in South Africa. We know that Bill and Hillary have been exploiting Africa for decades, going all the way back to their installment of Nelson Mandela as President in 1994, which coincidentally is when UAE formed diplomatic relations with South Africa. We also know that Bill and Melinda Gates, George W. Bush, Barack Obama, Dr. Paul Farmer, Jim Yong Kim, numerous organizations and several celebrities, have all played their roles in exploiting Africa. But something bigger is on the horizon, with a focus in South Africa specifically. The fact that all of these individuals intertwine is very telling. The UAE timeline is also very telling.
Ahmed (Andy) Khawaja met with George Nader in the UAE for the first time.
November 5, 2015
Ahmed (Andy) Khawaja had a private meeting with Hillary Clinton in Los Angeles.
May 2016
George Nader, Andy Khawaja and six others began funneling money from the UAE, and likely Saudi Arabia, to Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.
June, 2018
Senate Minority Leader Charles E. Schumer (D-NY) appointed Ahmed (Andy) Khawaja to the U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom for a term through May 2020, but that has obviously been cut short.
Interesting side note: That same month, Pope Francis was meeting with big oil investors to discuss “climate change” at the Vatican. Larry Fink, the CEO of BlackRock, Ernest Moniz, former U.S. Energy Secretary under then-President Obama, and the CEO of BP, ExxonMobil, Equinor, and others were in attendance.
August 20, 2018
Andy Khawaja, was awarded a “Medal of Goodness” from the Vatican for himself and his company Allied Wallets giving back to global communities.
December 3, 2018
Andy Khawaja was blessed and honored as an Ambassador for Peace by Pope Francis and the Vatican. He can be seen in photos with the Pope here. According to Business Wire, a Berkshire Hathaway Company, Andy was also supported by Rondine Cittadella della Pace, and “Pope Francis showed gratitude for Khawaja’s efforts in supporting children in need and his work with world leaders to spread peace.”

“I’m very proud to receive this recognition from Pope Francis and the Vatican. My company has always been rooted in helping others and creating safe, successful environments for those with a dream or a goal. It’s nice to be awarded for this, and we will continue to give our best efforts in spreading peace globally.”
February 3, 2019
Pope Francis traveled to the United Arab Emirates for the FIRST EVER visit by a pontiff to the Arabian peninsula. He landed in Abu Dhabi and was greeted by Crown Prince Sheikh Mohammed bin Zayed Al Nahyan. He took part in an interfaith conference, mass with 120,000 people in attendance, and met with Sheikh Ahmed Al Tayyeb, the grand imam of Cairo’s al-Azhar mosque. While there, they signed a lengthy joint declaration titled “Human Fraternity and World Peace for Living Together,” to encourage all people to unite and work together to serve as a guide to future generations.
It would seem obvious that the Clintons, George Nader, and Andy Khawaja, were all instrumental in orchestrating this meeting between the leader of UAE and Pope Francis. The UAE claims that they need to build more Catholic churches to accommodate all of the Roman Catholics, which is a perfect opportunity for money laundering, and given Nader’s background and the fact that the UAE is rife with child abuse and exploitation, it’s all a bit disconcerting.
Whereas their signed “declaration” condemns human trafficking, the 2019 Trafficking in Persons Report by the U.S. State Department paints a different picture. The U.S. government ranks the UAE as a Tier 2 and South Africa as a Tier 3 for their efforts in addressing human trafficking, with 3 being the worst. Certain types of aid from the U.S. is restricted to Tier 3 countries. There is much documentation noting how men, women, and children are used for labor trafficking and sex trafficking in the UAE, with specifics on trafficking routes and recruitments from other countries, throughout the report, such as Ugandan girls being sold in a “slave market” in the UAE.
June 2019
The United Arab Emirates (UAE) confirmed its commitment of US $10 billion to the South African economy at the SA-UAE Business Forum in Johannesburg. Trade between South Africa and the UAE has rapidly increased from US $4.3 million in 2011 to US $2.6 billion in 2017. Formal diplomatic relations were first established in 1994 when Sheikh Hamdan bin Zayed Al Nahyan traveled to South Africa to attend the inauguration of Nelson Mandela. Hillary Clinton was in attendance as well, and enjoyed a luncheon on the grounds of Mandela’s home.
September 4-10th
Pope Francis traveled to Madagascar, Mozambique and Mauritius. During the inflight press conference on his return, in true 2030 agenda fashion, this is what Francis had to say:
“I would like to repeat what the Doctrine of the Church says about this: When we acknowledge international organizations and we recognize their capacity to give judgment, on a global scale – for example the international tribunal in The Hague, or the United Nations. If we consider ourselves humanity, when they make statements, our duty is to obey. It is true that not all things that appear just for the whole of humanity will also be so for our pockets, but we must obey international institutions. That is why the United Nations were created.”
September 12th
Pope Francis issued a statement inviting world leaders and young people to gather at the Vatican on May 14, 2020, for an event called “Reinventing the Global Educational Alliance.” He stated that “a global educational pact is needed to educate us in universal solidarity and a new humanism.”
He quoted Hillary’s favorite African proverb, “it takes a whole village to educate a child,” suggesting that parents are unable to do so. He went on to state, “an alliance, in other words, between the earth’s inhabitants and our ‘common home’, which we are bound to care for and respect.”
Leading up to this event there will be a number of seminars hosted at other locations to prepare for the event. This new “educational pact” is focused on healing three “fractures” he believes are affecting the world. The first “fracture” is the separation of reality from transcendence. The Vatican believes that children should be introduced to “total reality,” including openness to the transcendent.
The Pope is inviting representatives of the main religions, international organizations, humanitarian institutions, key figures in politics, economics and academia, scientists and sociologists, and prominent athletes to sign this Global Pact.
According to a website in alignment with this “Global Pact,” the Vatican’s Congregation for Catholic Education, who the Pope tasked with organizing the initiative, the congregation oversees “216 thousand Catholic schools, attended by over 60 million pupils and 1,750 Catholic universities, with over 11 million students.” The Congregation said that they seek to involve “international organizations” and the “great ones of the earth” in helping to “heal the fracture between man and the Absolute” and the separation between “reality and the transcendent.”
September 23rd
Meghan and Prince Harry traveled to Cape Town, South Africa on a 10-day tour. Less than two months later, Meghan met with Hillary in her home in Windsor.
September 27th
Pope Francis delivered a very long speech before the United Nations General Assembly, which was the first time that a pope spoke at the annual session where all member countries were represented. He referred to the achievements of the United Nations as “lights which help to dispel the darkness of the disorder caused by unrestrained ambitions and collective forms of selfishness.” He also declared “it is clear that, without all those interventions on the international level, mankind would not have been able to survive the unchecked use of its own possibilities.” He went on to say,
“The adoption of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development at the World Summit, which opens today, is an important sign of hope. I am similarly confident that the Paris Conference on Climatic Change will secure fundamental and effective agreements.”
October 10th
Leaders from all around the world convened in France to pledge funding for Bill Gate’s Global Fund, which was founded in 2002. They raised the $14 billion, the largest sum ever raised. They run a large portion of their funds through Africa. I say “run” rather than “spend,” for obvious reasons. He shared a story on his GatesNotes site the next day, talking about the ancient Greek historian Herodotus who “wrote about how Egyptians living on the banks of the Nile River would fish with their nets during the day – and then sleep under them at night to keep away malaria-transmitting mosquitos.”
October 23rd
Russia made a groundbreaking visit to South Africa, flying in two Russian Aerospace Forces Tupolev Tu-160 “Blackjack” nuclear-capable bombers, to demonstrate their operational reach. They refueled in the air over the Caspian Sea.
Putin has also offered to build a nuclear power plant in South Africa. The Russian company Rosatom (think Uranium One scandal involving Hillary Clinton) is currently building a $29 billion nuclear plant in Egypt, and is assisting in establishing nuclear facilities in several other locations. That said, South Africa recently adopted a new plan from 2019 to 2030 that includes adding a significant amount of wind and solar power. With all of the alleged projects the Clintons have carried out in South Africa, surely they’ve already worked their way into these plans, if not the orchestrators of it. In fact, they were working on “wave power” in South Africa all the way back in 2006.

October 25th
Bill and Melinda Gates walked the streets of Khayelitsha, Cape Town, South Africa. Typically, there are heavy announcements glamorizing this spectacularly good-willed couple on what fine accomplishments they are achieving while there. Camera crews were present, but I guess mum was the word. The Gates have been working in South Africa since 1999.
Side note: Bill Gate’s daughter Jennifer has been dating Egyptian professional equestrian Nayel Nassar for nearly three years. Like Khawaja, Nassar is fluent in four languages: Arabic, German, French, and English. It is reported that he was born in Chicago to Egyptian parents and grew up in Kuwait, but spent many years in California where he graduated from Stanford University in 2013 with a degree in economics.
October 31st
Khawaja expanded his Allied Wallet company to Africa under the name Allied Wallet Africa. They have partnered with the Emerald Group, Resource Group, and African government. Khawaja feels that Africa is the future, stating:
“Africa is the future. Investing in the human capital of youth, creating jobs and helping the massive 15 to 22-year-old market become self-supporting is what I really want to do. Allied Wallet is a powerful tool for helping young people break out of their dependency on governments.”
His plan was to enter the African market later this year, starting with Angola, followed by the Democratic Republic of Congo and Rwanda. In an article by Forbes, Khawaja is seen in a photo with Bill Clinton. They talk about his smartphone housing photos of himself with Barack Obama, Larry King, Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, and Pope Francis.
November 7th
While speaking at an event in Johannesburg, Richard Branson said that his Virgin Atlantic company would be open to an equity stake in South African Airways, which has been struggling. He said if he was “approached by the SA government” he would “definitely have a look.”
November 8th
Twitter’s CEO Jack Dorsey traveled to Ethiopia, Ghana, Nigeria and South Africa for three weeks.Headlines flooded the internet, following his tweet that he will be moving to Africa mid 2020 to live there for 3-6 months. What is Jack up to?

Jack is also the co-founder and CEO of the startup Square, which markets several hardware and software payment products. Jack and his team traveled throughout Africa meeting with entrepreneurs, recruiters, and other tech companies. He was especially interested in meeting with groups on bitcoin and cryptocurrency. In the middle of his trip, he traveled to South Africa to spend time at Dhamma Pataka Vipassana meditation center in Worcester in the Western Cape to meditate for 10 hours a day for 10 days, before heading to Ethiopia to meet with tech incubators and more entrepreneurs. Technology and contact with the outside world is prohibited while sitting in “noble silence.” According to the World Bank, four of the world’s fastest growing economies are in Africa. Of the 1.25 billion people that live on the continent, 400 million are currently online, leaving a market wide open for the taking.
Dorsey isn’t the only one with eyes on Africa. According to TechCrunch reporter Jake Bright, 2019 marks “the year Chinese investors went all in on the continent’s startup scene.” They have a big focus on fintech due to Africa’s unbanked and underbanked population.
November 11th
Richard Branson announced the launch of his new ‘Branson Centre of Entrepreneurship’ from Cape Town, South Africa, where he was assisting in the launch. He already has a centre in Johannesburg, but has “reimagined” this new one as a “social enterprise supplier-development hub,” aiming to “become the heart of entrepreneurship for Southern Africa.” Branson owns over 33,000 acres in South Africa.
November 12th
Meghan, the Duchess of Sussex, had a private informal meeting with Hillary Clinton in Meghan and Prince Harry’s home in Windsor, after Clinton appeared on BBC Radio 5 Live speaking about Meghan’s struggle of being in the spotlight. Perhaps she went to her home to comfort her? I jest.
November 14th
Worth mentioning: Juliette Bryant, a South African model, filed a lawsuit in Manhattan Federal Court against Jeffrey Epstein’s estate alleging that he had repeatedly raped her numerous times and was flown to various homes in Paris, New Mexico, New York City and the Virgin Islands. Bryant claims that she met Epstein while he was in Cape Town, South Africa with a former high US government official, a famous actor, and a well-known comedian, which would translate to the trip that Epstein, Bill Clinton, Kevin Spacey, and Chris Tucker took to Africa in 2002.
November 20th
Bill Gates sat next to Abu Dhabi’s Crown Prince Sheikh Mohamed bin Zayed Al Nahyan (MBZ) at the ‘Reaching the Last Mile Forum’ in Abu Dhabi, which carried the theme “accelerating the pace” against polio and malaria. Nahyan donated $160 million and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation donated $1.08 billion. Bill Gates has partnered with the UAE for at least a decade on “eradicating diseases,” so they say. In 2017, MBZ awarded Bill Gates the ‘Order of Federation’ and pledged $100 million at the disease summit. Gates tweeted about it saying, “your partnership has been instrumental in the fight to eradicate polio.”
November 25th
Russia, China, and South Africa ran joint naval drills off the coast of South Africa. The South African fleet was based out of Simon’s Town, and a military spokesman said that the focus was on “maritime economy, inter-operability and mending relations between participating navies.” According to a report in the Express, “the exercises are designed to send a clear message to the West about the growing influence and power of Russia and China.”
December 3, 2019
George Nader, Andy Khawaja and six others indicted for illegally funneling campaign contributions to Hillary Clinton.
December 6th
CEO of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is stepping down after more than five years in her role. Mark Suzman will be filling the position. Suzman is from South Africa, earned his bachelor’s degree from Harvard University, and holds a doctorate in international relations from Oxford University where he was a Rhodes Scholar. He was a correspondent for the Financial Times in Johannesburg, London, and Washington DC, and of course has held multiple positions at the United Nations.
What is The Bigger Picture?
That is the question of the day. Clearly, this is a very calculated tight knit group. From money laundering, to meddling in another country’s elections, foundation fraud, to exploiting other countries as well as individuals, these folks have no shame. Let’s not forget censorship and controlling the narrative, or the man behind pushing an industry that has caused suffering and death to thousands of people, to the tune of $4.1 billion in injury and death claims. The relationships these people have built over the years to carry out their criminal activities, is truly remarkable. The Clintons, Branson and Gates have been working it together for a very long time.
When you take all of these criminals and roll them together in a timeline that clearly shows there is a big agenda taking place in South Africa as well as UAE, what does it spell out? Trouble on the horizon. Two countries that are rife with corruption, money laundering, and human trafficking. In fact, recent reports in South Africa are showing a “new frontier for child sexual exploitation.” The study, by the African Child Policy Forum, reveals that the tourism industry is playing a big factor, as well as cybersex. They have weak internet regulations and laws, and young girls in Senegal are recruited into pornographic films and bestiality. “Very few African countries have laws to protect children online.” So on the one hand, you have techies such as Dorsey, Khawaja, and China investors that are wanting to flood the market with payment services, while getting everyone access to the internet, and on the other hand you have an increase in sexual child abuse happening online, with little to no laws in place.
One last interesting note to keep in the back of your mind, after absorbing all of this information. Northeast of their beloved Cape Town in South Africa, the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) and the MeerKAT array will see further construction beginning as early as 2020. What is it? This is a project funded by 13 nations that will consist of thousands of dishes scattered throughout South Africa, along with a million antennas in Western Australia – straight across the Indian Ocean. It will be the world’s biggest radio telescope with dishes that are tuned to observe higher frequencies to trace flows of hydrogen in star and galaxy formation. What else it might do, I honestly can’t say. The U.S. was initially involved, but dropped out years back, and is said to be working on their own structure that would rival the SKA.
Remember in May 2018 when a 5.8 magnitude earthquake and strange low-frequency waves emanated from Mayotte, just off the coast of Africa, extending 11,000 miles away, and scientists were completely baffled? A year later, researches are claiming that a submarine volcano 31 miles off Mayotte’s eastern shore, is sitting two miles underwater. They estimate it is three miles across and half a mile high. Does this explain it? Not exactly. They are still baffled and are calling it a “phenomenon” because it didn’t exist in 2015, Mayotte hasn’t had a volcanic eruption in more than 4,000 years, and has now seen more than 1,800 earthquakes over the past year. It has literally shifted the island. The strangest part is that the team study it thinks that it didn’t exist prior to the onset of earthquake activity last May that caused the strange ripples that traveled 11,000 miles, suggesting “it’s birth could be as recent as the summer of 2018.” They are still studying this “phenomenon.”
Is it odd that some people are allegedly fleeing the country due to murders of white people, farmers, and tourists, while all of these folks are gravitating toward it? Food for thought.
Nineteen years ago, then-President Bill Clinton and Hillary Clinton arrived in Cape Town, South Africa for a two-week tour. They were said to have shown “a level of interest in Africa unprecedented for a Western head of state.” In an address to Parliament, Clinton said, “America has a profound and pragmatic stake in your success.” This is probably one of the few times that Bill Clinton was telling the truth – with a little bit of a twist, of course.
One thing is for certain – Pope Francis wants you to “obey” international organizations and the United Nations – the very organization that is pushing the 2030 agenda for a one world governance and socialism, and he is right in sync with the population control and climate hoax con men.
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Corey’s Digs needs your help.

IF Agenda 2030 is PRO-Abortion and Frankie wants all Catholics to obey the UN, THEN Frankie is advocating for abortion.
Arthur McGowan
Antipope Bergoglio sent Hillary’s campaign a huge check (from Peter’s Pence) at the very moment she was promising to coerce Catholics (and everyone else) to support abortion. IOW: He wants ALL Catholics, not just the Chinese, under the boot of government.
You need to read about the ancient ruins in west Antarctica with alien/Atlantian technology. That’s the other big key.
Montana Sky
We have a strong pole shift coming very shortly. According to Nancy Lieder and ZetaTalk, the southern portion of Africa will be a safe zone. This is why the elite are interested. There is also a high concentration of in ground minerals. The drought at Victoria Falls is intended to run off the locals. Further the arrays of antennae could be broadcasting harmful frequencies, again to run off the locals and clear the land for the European elite. ((According to ZetaTalk, Europe is expected to be under water due to its relatively low elevation))
South Africa and a certain area in Tanzania have been used by malevolent ETs to develop underground facilities for thousands of years. Indigenous native tribal African elders and chiefs have commented on these ETs and know somewhat of the dangers they represent to anyone on the surface who catches their fancy at the right place and time. The rogue Secret space program personnel have had extensive working agreements with them. The SA ETs are heavily involved in the human trafficking trade and require large numbers of persons for their extensive “experiments” and also as a food supply. I imagine that that they need more co operation from surface agents now that the heat is on their surface supply chains. It would be easy to see that all the surface human trafficking criminals would be offered underground sanctuary if necessary.
Excellent article as an ex South African living there during Mandela insertion I always wondered how was the country just handed over.
I now see it has been run by the globalists for decades and possibly longer.
It is rife with corruption.
So with all these folks betting one way or another with the election, what about the Simspons episodes with Trump winning? Do you think these folks were just not in the know, or some other key people just did know? Hindsight does give us better vision, although it still is not 20/20, and it’s interesting to look back on these things and surmise.
Truth seeker
Well said time to dethrone the pope and drain the Pedophile ridden Catholic Church it makes me so sick that that’s my religion!I’m !,,,thinking about denouncing IT and go to a nondenominational church!
Martin Arnold
Interesting commentary Corey.
I recently came across a doco which examined Trump’s involvement in removing the three pillars, one of which being the Vatican. If it’s true that the Pope has been removed from power along with most if not all of the cardinals, and all have been executed, this would lend credence to the idea that Trump is set on removing the entire elite/cabal powerbase and it’s most important players.
We’re talking royalty, heads of religion, politicians, celebrities, judiciary, et al
If true it can’t come soon enough, and will lay waste to all these nefarious plans in SA and elsewhere