PIH, Bobby Rush, and The Truth Behind Contact Tracing Surveillance
Contact tracing seems to be all the rage lately, but is it really just “contact tracing,” and how many laws are being broken while they surveil the country going door to door with the threat of isolation? Is this about preventing spread or is it to gather data, instill more panic, or create a false need for mail-in ballots? How far are these people willing to go, and who was instrumental in getting this rolling? How far are you willing to go to fight for your rights?
• H.R.6666 (TRACE) Act was introduced by IL Rep. Bobby Rush for a $100 billion grant to NGOs and organizations to carry out contract tracing throughout the U.S. just months after attending the Aspen Institute’s conference in Africa which was paid for in part by Bill Gates, Rockefellers, and the Democracy Fund.
• Dr. Paul Farmer of Partners in Health was also at the Aspen Institute with Bobby Rush, who is currently running the contact tracing program in Massachusetts and beyond. Dr. Jonathan Epstein of EcoHealth Alliance whose $3.7 million NIH funding was recently cut off due to ties to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, was also in attendance, among others.
• Former World Bank President and co-founder of Partners in Health Jim Yong Kim is the man contacting governors to implement the contact tracing program in multiple states.
• Bill Gates has funded Partners in Health over $44 million between the Gates Foundation and Global Fund, and goes back decades with this group, working on numerous agendas and initiatives together. Chelsea Clinton is also on the board of trustees of PIH.
• There are over 60 companies rolling out tracing apps and getting people to register, while RFID/NFC syringes are being manufactured by the millions for a future vaccine.
From early on, everyone was told that Google was working on an app that people could “voluntarily opt into” that would allow them to register their information and get notified if they come in close proximity to those who test positive for COVID-19. They portrayed it as a helpful safety tool for all (that tracks you), but they most certainly didn’t want to infringe on anyone’s privacy, so it would therefore be “voluntary” – until it wasn’t. This was merely a dipping of everyone’s toes into the pool of shit that was coming down the pike.
Over 60 Companies on Board
There are already over 60 companies pushing everything from cell phone apps to other ways of tracking COVID-positive people, along with anyone who signs up, under the guise of returning society to ‘normal’ in a “controlled, measurable, and privacy-preserving way.” They allege that this ‘Covid Credentials Initiative’ is a “direct response from many calls for an ‘immunity passport,’ a digital certificate that lets individuals prove (and request proof from others) that they’ve recovered after testing negative, have tested positive for antibodies, or have received a vaccination, once one is available. By proving some level of immunity, individuals will be able to begin participating in everyday life again.” Let’s all pause for a good laugh. The “digital certificate” was a Gates brainstorm, so the “many calls” for this they allegedly received, were likely very few, and this mind manipulation tactic of being able to participate in everyday life again is a crock of shit to scare everyone into complying.
(D-IL) Rep. Bobby Rush’s H.R.6666 (TRACE) Act
Is it a mere coincidence that Microsoft filed a ‘cryptocurrency system using body activity data’ patent WO2020060606 in June 2019 that was just published March 26, 2020? Just imagine a future where AI data mines your body activity to verify you for cryptocurrency exchanges. What could possibly go wrong? Is that where all of this is leading? It will make more sense after reading this entire report.
Then, on May 1, 2020 Rep. Bobby Rush introduced the H.R.6666 TRACE Act. Between the patent and the TRACE Act, that’s just a heck of a lot of sixes. Mere synchronicity?
Bobby and 44 of his Democrat friends and one Republican from New Jersey would like a cool $100 BILLION dollar grant program for local organizations to hire, train, and pay individuals to run mobile testing units and conduct door-to-door outreach, as well as monitor and quarantine.
And that fast, just 13 days after the TRACE Act was introduced, Nancy Pelosi snuck it into her new 1,815-page draft for a $3 trillion coronavirus package, requesting $75 billion for “Covid-19 testing, tracing and isolation efforts.” Once again, this package is another wish list that also aims to prohibit voter id requirements to obtain a ballot. It will likely be rewritten several times before anything is hashed out, but people need to stay on top of sounding the alarm bell when it comes to them sneaking the TRACE Act into this next package.

Bobby Rush Has Been Busy
• Rush has a history of pay-to-play.
• Rush was a Pastor at the Beloved Community Christian Church in Chicago, where non-profit organizations complained about Rush’s inordinate amount of government aid he received. By 2013, they had racked up $195,000 in tax delinquencies that went back a decade, including property tax, income tax, and employee withholding tax. As of 2018, five percent of Rush’s congressional salary is being garnished to repay more than $1 million he owed on a delinquent loan.
• Rush was a participant in the Aspen Institute Congressional Program for Africa’s Economic, Security, and Development Challenges and the U.S. Role, which took place August 12-19, 2019 in Kigali, Musanze, and Muhanga, Rwanda. There were seven other participants from the U.S. Congress, all of whom were Democrats from CA, IL, NY, and MO, except for Republican Fred Upton from Michigan, who was the former chairman of the committee on energy and commerce.
There were a handful of speakers in attendance, including Madeleine Albright who served under President Bill Clinton and received a Presidential Medal of Freedom from President Barack Obama, Peggy Clark who received a presidential award for excellence in microenterprise from Bill Clinton, and Mary Robinson the former President of Ireland from 1990-1997 who also received a Presidential Medal of Freedom from President Barack Obama.
Who else was in attendance? Dr. Paul Farmer from Partners in Health who is running a massive scale contact tracing program in multiple states, two representatives from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, and a dozen other scholars. It was a cozy group of about 45.
Who funded Bobby Rush’s expenses in part or in full for this trip, via the Aspen Institute, to the tune of over $19,000? The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, Henry Luce Foundation, Rockefeller Brothers Fund Foundation, Democracy Fund Foundations, and Eleanor Crook Foundation.

Who’s taking the bet on pay-to-play with this $100 billion-dollar grant aiming to fund non-profits and other organizations to run contact tracing clear across the country? Dr. Paul Farmer is already rolling out a program in Massachusetts and multiple other states through his Partners in Health non-profit, and with the millions going into their “army,” a federal grant sure would come in handy. Meanwhile, co-founder of Partners in Health and former World Bank President Jim Yong Kim continues to work with governors across the country to setup contact tracing on a larger scale. It kind of takes one back to the days of Haiti, when the Clintons were sure to line Paul Farmer’s pockets there as well, or Africa where Bill Gates continues to line their pockets.
A Scholar from EcoHealth Alliance was Also in Attendance with Bobby Rush – $3.7m EcoHealth Alliance Grant from NIH was Cut Off Due to Ties to Wuhan Institute of Virology
Another scholar at this event Bobby Rush attended, that was funded by Bill Gates and friends, was Dr. Jonathan Epstein who is the Vice President for Science and Outreach of EcoHealth Alliance, founded in 1971. He is a veterinarian and disease ecologist who studies emerging zoonotic viruses such as Nipah and Ebola, along with SARS, MERS, and coronavirus. His specialty is bats. “In 2004, Dr. Epstein was part of a team of Chinese, Australian, and American scientists that identified horseshoe bats as the natural wildlife reservoir for SARS coronavirus in China. He also worked on the first team to investigate animal reservoirs of MERS coronavirus in Saudi Arabia, following its discovery in 2012.”
EcoHealth Alliance is the non-profit that received the $3.7 million NIH grant back in 2014 to study the coronavirus and had been working with the Wuhan Institute of Virology. EcoHealth Alliance’s President Dr. Peter Daszak said that none of the funds were given to the Wuhan Institute, but after Trump raised concerns, NIH contacted EcoHealth and instructed them to halt spending the remaining grant and that they were pulling their five-year grant that was just reauthorized in 2019. Daszak also stated that EcoHealth was spending $100,000 a year to collaborate with the Wuhan Institute, which was always preapproved by NIH. They used a portion of the grant funds to run genetic sequences of two bat coronaviruses that they discovered, which have since been used as lab tools to test the antiviral drug Remdesivir.
EcoHealth works in nearly 30 countries studying emerging pandemic threats. They have over 20 science and policy advisors, including individuals from the National Institutes of Health, World Health Organization, CDC, and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
In addition to NIH funding, the EcoHealth Alliance has played a vital role in the ‘Emerging Pandemic Threats PREDICT-I’ and ‘PREDICT-II’ program with USAID, universities and other NGOs. This dates back to 2009. Between 2009-2018, $195 million has been disbursed and funds continue to be dispersed through 2020. In their Road to EPT-2 document, they state that EPT-1 was to support the World Health Organization, who is currently under investigation and the Trump administration has halted funding to them. They “targeted 25 laboratories in 20 EPT-2 focus countries for enhanced capacities in handling, diagnosing and characterization of known high consequence and novel viruses in wildlife (PREDICT and CDC).”
The funds for the program come out of the Department of State Global Health Programs and the “partner” listed for the funds is the University of California at Davis. There are several organizations and universities involved in these programs, so the funds surely get divided up amongst them. PREDICT I ran from 2009-2013 and each year there was a single grant. In 2014, PREDICT II rolled out, and in 2015 the funding distribution suddenly changed from a single grant to $13.6 million designated to the “world” and 14 individual grants to locations all throughout Africa totaling an additional $49 million, with the grant partner still listed as the University of California at Davis. WHY was there a massive increase in funding in 2015, and why did the distribution change? Was it to spread the funds out so the total disbursement amount wasn’t a red flag or were funds increased due to Ebola? Either way, $62 million in one year, despite skipping payouts in 2016, is still far greater than any other year to date.
2009 – $11m
2010 – $15m
2011 – $17.7m
2012 – $21.5m
2013 – $9.6m
2014 – $13.6m
2015 – $62 million
2016 – $0
2017 – $20.6m from 4 disbursements
2018 – $23.6m from 6 disbursements
2019 – $11m from 26 disbursements
2020 is still rolling out, but they’ve already disbursed close to $2m

Whereas the grant was “cut off” to EcoHealth Alliance from NIH, due to their affiliation with the Wuhan Institute of Virology, one wonders if the Trump administration is also looking into the funding from the Department of State listed above?
In 2018, while co-founder of Partners in Health Jim Yong Kim was the president of the World Bank, they released the ‘One Health Operational Framework for Strengthening Human, Animal, and Environmental Public Health Systems at Their Interface,’ with EcoHealth Alliance. This entire 152-page document is about ‘One Health,’ which originated out of a Wildlife Conservation Society conference at Rockefeller University in 2004, and its aim is to reduce risks of infectious diseases at the animal-human-ecosystems interface. It is a collaboration between the World Bank, WHO, UNICEF, CDC, FAO, OIE, other partners, NGOs.
To summarize, Bobby Rush has a long history of pay to play and disregarding paying taxes of any kind. Just last August, he traveled to Africa for an Aspen Institute congressional conference of approximately 45 individuals and spent time with Obama and Clinton award winners, Dr. Paul Farmer from Partners in Health who is currently running the contact tracing program in Massachusetts while his partner Jim Yong Kim is rounding up other states, Dr. Jonathan Epstein from EcoHealth Alliance who just had their NIH funding cut due to connections with the Wuhan Institute of Virology, and two representatives from the Gates Foundation, while the Gates, Rockefellers, Democracy Fund, and others paid toward the $19,000 dollar expense Rush incurred for this sponsored event. Nine months later, he introduced a bill to dispense $100 billion dollars to NGOs and other organizations to carry out home-to-home contact tracing throughout the country.
Heavy Hitting Surveillance Under The Guise of Contact Tracing
As if the drones from China weren’t eye-opener enough, we’ve now moved into contact tracers digging into your personal life, quarantine camps, mandatory masks in public despite Dr. Fauci stating they don’t protect you, and mobile units showing up at your door. Gosh this sure sounds familiar, doesn’t it?
Dr. Michael Ryan (Executive Director of WHO Health Emergencies Program) spoke at a press briefing on April 13, 2020. He stated “WHO has been clear that there is no specific evidence that suggest a mask may protect you from infection. And equally a mask may provide protection from others if you happen to be symptomatic and coughing it may stop you from contaminating someone else, but there are a number of issues around the broader use of masks.” He followed up with the fact that the masks would have to be disinfected consistently, and putting the masks on and off means you are touching the mask and therefore possibly contaminating it. The WHO believes that masks are pointless unless they are in addition to a much broader control system – one that consists of tracking everyone who may be positive and separating families by removing those that test positive and isolating them away from their home, as he stated at a press conference in March.
This must have seemed like a good idea for Ventura County, California, who followed suit stating precisely the same thing. In fact, they received so much backlash that they had to walk it back. Dr. Robert Levin stated, “If they live in a home where there’s only one bathroom and there are 3 or 4 other people living there and those people don’t have COVID infection, we’re not going to be able to keep the person in that home. Every person who we’re isolating for instance needs to have their own bathroom. So, we’ll be moving people like this into other kinds of housing that we have available.”
The real alarm bells went off on April 18, 2020 when the Clinton Global Initiative organized a virtual conference and rolled out video clips with Bill Clinton, Gov. Cuomo, Gov. Newsom, Chelsea Clinton, Ophelia Dahl of Partners in Health, and others all discussing the need for contact tracing “armies.”

But the plan had long been masterminded and was already in place for Partners in Health (PIH). Their goal was to dominate the U.S. in these efforts, and they began by announcing their work in Massachusetts, with Paul Farmer leading the way, while Jim Yong Kim was behind the scenes meeting with governors across the country.
Less than two weeks after Congressman Bobby Rush introduced H.R.6666 for $100 billion to NGOs for contact tracing, Partners in Health put out a press release announcing their new ‘contact tracing accompaniment unit’ which would “coordinate and harmonize” approaches across the country by PIH providing small teams of experts, advisers, collaboration, and online toolkits and materials for free.
Yes free, because they will be seeking grants, or shall we say taxpayer dollars. Their initial funding came from The Audacious Project, which is a collaborative funding initiative housed at TED that launched in 2018. Their partners include the Gates Foundation, Virgin Unite, Children’s Investment Fund Foundation, and about 20 others.
PIH is already supporting programs in Massachusetts, New Jersey, Ohio, North Carolina, as well as advising in California, Minnesota, and Maryland.
They have a page designated on their website to join their team of contact tracers in Massachusetts, and the scripts for contacting potential COVID-positive people reads more like an interrogation. They have pages of personal questions asking about how you are feeling, symptoms, all other health conditions, race and ethnicity, next of kin, where you have been, about family members, what type of home you live in, where you work, who you’ve been in contact with, instructions for how to isolate and get tested, etc. These are easily hour-long conversations. One “script” is 10 pages long. Here is just a snippet of questions regarding “social events.”

To be crystal clear, in Jim Yong Kim’s own words…
“And thus our public health efforts have to match the scale of the pandemic. Moreover, in order to ease restrictions on movement and thereby restart the economy, states must establish a system that can quickly respond to anyone with symptoms, test and isolate them if they are positive, and then trace, test and, if necessary, provide supported quarantine for all of their close contacts.
This expansion of a network of contact tracers, social support providers and public health professionals will be massive. But data and experience from countries that have been successful in bending the COVID-19 curve downward have shown us that we have no choice. It’s time to go on offense against the virus.”

Not a lot of people are familiar with Jim Yong Kim, his history, or his longtime working relationship with the Clintons, Paul Farmer, Bill Gates, and countless others, which is why Corey’s Digs did an extensive report on Kim back in January 2019. Aside from being moved around like a peg on a board to very instrumental positions that would allow him to carry out their agendas as well as direct funds toward them, Kim’s early years and family background are a bit mysterious.
Prior to being the president of the World Bank, he was not only President of Dartmouth College who has had its fair share of scandals, Kim was the director of the HIV division for the World Health Organization. That’s correct, he has been working with the usual suspects on the HIV/AIDS agenda for decades. Corey’s Digs spent the last two years investigating this slush fund and has been working on a book, whereby the first three chapters have already been released. Coincidentally, Bill Gate’s Global Fund and Gates Foundation have funded Partners in Health over $44 million throughout the years. Just how tight of a group is this? They go way back to the 80s and have orchestrated countless agendas together. Corey’s Digs has covered many of these players and their agendas in numerous reports over the years to show how they all tie together and how they orchestrate them. Simply search their names or organizations and you will find a plentiful amount of reports on Corey’s Digs.
It should also be noted that Chelsea Clinton is on the board of trustees of Partners in Health, who boasts an extensive list of partners including George Soros’ Open Society Foundations, Abbott Laboratories, AbbVie Foundation, countless other big pharma companies, governments and UN factions, and hundreds of others – many of whom are also funders, such as George Soros. Here are eight reports Corey’s Digs has done over the years, which include Partners in Health’s endeavors and connections.
For those that aren’t aware, Kim was preceded by Robert Zoellick as the World Bank President. Why is this significant? There is a common theme. In March 2016, Zoellick signed an open letter by GOP national security leaders that outlined their reasons not to support Trump. Later that year, in August, he signed another letter from 50 GOP national security officials calling Trump a national security risk. He even went so far as to write an article in September 2017 urging Congress to assert constitutional powers over trade because Trump was going to “unravel vital ties across the Asia-Pacific region.” Guess where Zoellick is now? He has served on the board of directors for twitter since July 19, 2018. Surprise.
Guess who else serves on the board of directors for Twitter? Bret Taylor, President and Chief Operating Officer for Salesforce. What companies is Jim Yong Kim utilizing to gather their “contact tracing” data? Accenture, based out of Dublin, Ireland, and Salesforce, a San Francisco based company founded by Marc Benioff and Parker Harris. Let’s keep going – Marc Benioff is part of a group of 28 who created Breakthrough Energy Coalition in 2015, along with buddies Bill Gates, Richard Branson, George Soros, Tom Steyer, Mark Zuckerberg, Jeff Bezos, Jack Ma, Reid Hoffman, and more. This rabbit hole keeps going and ties straight to the Caribbean and the Clintons. Corey’s Digs reported on this back in August 2018, urging people to pay very close attention to the beginnings of a takeover of infrastructure and tourism all along the drug and child trafficking routes in the Caribbean, covering over 20 islands. Part 4 of the four-part report is a big eye-opener, showing a large network of individuals and organizations.
To understand this decades-long network, when it comes to their agendas in the healthcare industry, Bill Gates is the central bank. He funds universities, biotech companies, the WHO and seven other UN factions, the CDC Foundation, multiple big pharma companies, numerous labs currently working on a COVID-19 vaccine, clinical trials and research, major media outlets, Partners in Health, and the Clinton Health Access Initiative. Yes indeed, he funds it all. Every single aspect of the healthcare industry is funded by Bill Gates, and darn near everything pertaining to the COVID-19 virus is being funded by Gates as well. It’s amazing what money can buy when you don’t have a college degree, medical license, or science background. What happened to antitrust laws? Is this not the biggest monopoly that’s ever emerged in America? Some believe China is our biggest threat when it comes to the healthcare industry. They most certainly are a threat, but Bill Gates’ capital is the biggest threat because it feeds every single avenue that controls policies, priorities, science, research, media, drugs, and vaccines, in addition to his direct operations and funding to China. The whole shebang!
Other Organizations Jumping on Board The Contract Tracing Train
In addition to Partners in Health, their buddies over at Bloomberg Philanthropies, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, and Resolve to Save Lives are working with governors of New York, New Jersey, and Connecticut. Mike Bloomberg and former CDC Director Thomas Frieden have worked on many agendas with Bill Gates, the Clintons, and Partners in Health. Of course, Frieden believes we will need several hundred thousand contact tracers. This is the same man who went on Tucker Carlson alleging we would see one million deaths by COVID in the U.S.
Thomas Frieden was appointed by Barack Obama. This particular character was also covered extensively by Corey’s Digs back in September 2018, because again, he is a key player in having carried out multiple criminal agendas and led the efforts on combatting the Swine flu, Ebola and Zika epidemics. He was also responsible for running the two-year test project for creating the electronic health record (EHR) that became everyone’s worst nightmare. The entire creation of the EHR system was packed full of corruption and detailed in this report, along with six other major red flags for data scraping, coverups, and funding to his pals. Frieden now works side by side with Bloomberg Philanthropies at Resolve to Save Lives, where they have of course turned their focus to assisting with contact tracing for COVID-19.
The Tracing Has Already Begun
In addition to all of the states listed above, Washington state is now “forcing” restaurants to keep daily customer logs to help with contact tracing. Meaning, if anyone wishes to dine in at a restaurant, they can expect to be asked their name, address, phone number, and the time they arrived at the restaurant so that their personal information can be kept in a 30-day log.
Indiana is outsourcing contact tracing to Maximus who will hire 500 people to staff a call center, to the tune of $43 million a year.
California Gov. Gavin Newsom is building a contact-tracing army of 10,000, while Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer has already begun recruiting more than 2,000 volunteers in her state.
In Nashville, Tennessee they have setup the Nashville Fairgrounds to house the homeless during the pandemic. Yet, when Randle Kirkley “escaped after jumping the fence” he was charged and is being held at the Davidson County Jail in medical isolation. He had tested positive for COVID-19. The question is, what exactly was he charged with and why did he have to jump the fence “to escape?” Was he being held (quarantined) against his will?
Over in Singapore, a robot dog named Spot, engineered by Boston Dynamics, is patrolling parks to broadcast a message reminding people of social distancing rules. Because you know, people haven’t been reminded enough, so why not intimidate them with a robot in their face? Is this what we have to look forward to in the U.S.? Something tells me that won’t go over so well here.
On a high note, the Wisconsin Supreme Court just struck down the state’s stay-at-home order as “unlawful, invalid and unenforceable” stating a “vast seizure of power” after State Department of Health head Andrea Palm attempted to direct all individuals to stay home, with travel restrictions, business restrictions, and threats of fines or jail time for those who don’t comply, which was planned to run until May 26.
Is It All Leading to This – Vaccine Tracing?
On May 13, 2020, in an interview on Fox News with Maria Bartiromo, President Trump set off a wave of panic across social media when he said that they are mobilizing the Military and other forces on the basis that they would have a vaccine, so at the end of the year they would be able to give vaccines to people very rapidly. He said, “we are of the assumption that by the end of the year we will have a vaccine and then you have to be able to give it, to use it, on most of our population. We are going to focus on elderly, nursing homes, senior citizen centers…”
What’s curious is the fact that just one week ago, Trump said that he doesn’t know that we will even need a vaccine and that some viruses die off and never come back. In fact, he’s gone back and forth quite a bit on the vaccine, placing a stronger focus on therapeutics, while investigating the WHO, NIH, and looking into PEPFAR. Is this part of his strategy or does he really intend to vaccinate? He’s a smart man, and most certainly knows that he could very well lose a good chunk of his base if he pushes forward with vaccines that include a level of tracking.
Looking back on March 18, 2020 HHS put out a press release announcing a new public-private partnership to develop U.S.-based, high-speed emergency drug packaging solutions, and awarded ApiJect up to $456 million for research and development. Fast forward to May 12th, the U.S. Department of Defense published a press release announcing a $138 million contract to ApiJect Systems America for “Project Jumpstart” and “RAPID USA” for medical grade injection devices. Their goal is to manufacture more than 100 million prefilled syringes for distribution across the U.S. by end of 2020, with a total of 500 million by 2021. They plan to initially execute this in Connecticut, South Carolina, and Illinois. Surprisingly, New York isn’t on that list.
The syringes can come with an RFID/NFC tag on the exterior of them that will allow them to track usage of the vaccine for a real-time “injection map.” Note: this tracking it on the outside of the syringe, yet one can imagine how they may quickly incorporate additional data when capturing the NFC tag’s serial number, such as a person’s health data so that they can “certify” them as having received the vaccine. They are not stating this is what they intend to do, this is just a hypothesis of what may come.

ApiJect put together a RAPID USA (Rapid Aseptic packaging of Injectable Drugs) booklet, containing a lot of information on their processes. Below is one of their illustrations showing how this system would be implemented.

How Far Are You Willing To Let Them Go?
The 4th Amendment States: The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized.
Does deprivation of rights under color of law apply here? Of course, many of the door-to-door individuals will be working for NGOs, rather than state or federal officials. Perhaps it’s time for law groups to spring into action and start fighting for people’s rights to put a hard stop to some of this. Meanwhile, people DO NOT have to answer their phones, nor do they have to speak with a “contact tracer” should they answer their phone. Nor do they have to allow anyone into their home, or even open the door for them, unless they have a warrant.
Are these contact tracing programs proposing that it is lawful to show up at someone’s house to test them, or send mobile units out, or remove people from their homes, simply because someone they know has tested positive and they may have come in contact with them? And are they also suggesting they have the right to do this without a warrant? Would any judge in their right mind approve a warrant for such a matter? Unfortunately, as we are witnessing, there are still a lot of corrupt judges in action, but one would like to believe that most wouldn’t enforce this. The H.R. 6666 Trace Act would seem to scream violations across the board.

They are running this racquet under the guise of keeping everyone safe while trying to lengthen the panic timeframe to stretch it out beyond elections and into a syringe. They are attempting to scrape everyone’s data to build on their databases they have been compiling for decades, including DNA from tests to add to their world’s largest stores of usable designer genetic code. This is not conspiracy, they brag about these databases in the scientific world – it’s a dream come true. Now they want to track vaccines to be sure everyone is vaccinated and can provide proof of immunization, while simultaneously working on a cryptocurrency system that data mines your body activity. Welcome to the future.
BUT, that future hasn’t arrived quite yet, and it’s up to everyone to fight for a better future, for their constitutional rights and freedoms. WE are the army they didn’t see coming. WE make up millions of people. WE can take a stand and refuse to submit to this tyranny or comply with their grand agenda. Are you willing to sacrifice everything over to them, or sacrifice a little to put a stop to this?
Do not let fear get the best of you. They will make every attempt to scare you, shame you, and guilt you into doing what’s “best for your neighbors and loved ones.” Most people will submit and obey and others will follow out of sheep mentality and fear of being an outsider. It is so important to be a leader right now, to do what you believe is best for you and your family, and to exercise your rights, with your head held high. The world needs more leaders. Lead and they will follow. Lead them to truth and true security, not the demise of those who wish to strip it all away from us.
Take back your power – take back your rights – and stand united.
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Arnold Ziffel
Bobby Rush is a former Black Panther who was involved in a shoot out with Chicago police. Amazing we could have a violent criminal in Congress.
Kathlean J Keesler
Wow – thank you for your courage, endurance, time, compassion and determination.
Charis Rogers
All of the usual criminals are involved and some new to me. This must get to Potus’s people. If He doesnt take a firm stand against this tyrannical and dystopian plan for humanity, then He is part of this plan. This is the truth. All Contact Tracing and Tracers are illegal. This cannot continue for even another week.
I am curious. Does anyone really know what a virus is and what is does? From what I can tell each species has its own viruses that work inside the body to assist the good bacteria. They get signals to go after bad bacteria where they inject DNA/RNA to kill their target. That is why all those bat viruses in the Horseshoe bats don’t adversely effect the bat, BUT when introduced into a species it was not designed for those bat viruses go bat-schitt crazy. How come Fauci isn’t telling us that there are good viruses and it is not wise to put animal viruses into us because they will harm us?
Bee Bee
Thank you for all your time and dedication with researching and putting it into terms. It’s very scary the times we are in. I would’ve never thought I’d be going through this 10 years ago. Lately I’ve been wanting to just ditch all the conspiracies and get back into the Word of God. He’s the only one I can trust. I wanted to believe in Trump and QAnon and other people who appear to be for the people but under the surface, things don’t really feel that way.
Rebecca E. Denhoff
Well, I don’t know about you city folk, but we here in the Appalachians have an inborn suspicion of “govment” people showing up to our homes. Hope those idiot tracers have their life insurance up to date, have said good bye to their relations because most of us believe in God and guns and they will be sure to meet both if they venture up here in these parts. We are an independent scrapping sort of people and the tracers are sure to meet Deliverance snooping around and asking questions. If we let ’em go, they will be high tailin it back to the city and resigning their jobs with old Billy and Melinda and the rest of the that ilk.
How many business owners will go along, most if they are “forced” and how many patrons will comply? I will not give my dollars to establishments that do this, and I am sure others I know won’t either, so once again small business loses out. Long term goal, any where we go, anything we do is coming.
“Have you done anything fun recently?” Define fun. I am sure my “fun” isn’t what their fun is.
Peanut butter and jelly parties needs to become a thing.
The whole thing is infuriating, and once again I ask what are we going to do to stop them? I already vote, work on campaigns, and I don’t have any money to sue them in our corrupt courts.
D. Joe
1. Thank you Corey for all your hard work, dedication and bravery! I share your articles all the time. I went to share it on Nextdoor in a town in GA where they had a post up about opposing HR6666, a petition and some other info. Some were waking up, some just believe the powers that be are trying to help them,smh! This is the second post that has Been taken down about Cov19. As I was responding to a post in March with the usual culprit names, Gates Fauci, and some NEW doctors at that time and video… the post was deleted as I was trying to send it. I had never experienced that as I don’t do social media. It really made me angry and sad.
2. I keep trying to wake people up but the seem mor content being asleep.
3. I’ve accepted now that this is the new reality and I may die fighting so the dumb ass sleeping people might live. I just can’t believe some of these law enforcement would sell out…. but why not. The government did a great job dividing us with race wars and demeaning a lot of the good that might have been left.
4. Love the spirit of the person in the Appalatian mountains who dares the tracers to come there.
5. I really don’t know what to make of President Trump any more…. just don’t know.
Pinchus Ostreicher
Corey, you don’t cease to amaze me. Your articles are so through and aww inspiring. I’m sharing it with everyone.
Question: Is the human mining Crypto system a theory?
Also, what do you think about Trump at this right now? I’m a little concerned about him, he seems to cause a lot of cognitive dissonance just like the media.
Check out this woman. She really explains the science, and demands accountability. We need to go on the offensive with lawsuits and civil disobedience. Its a fucking flu!
Sylvia M. Hertel
@MICKIEKNOWS A year or two ago, one investigator into these vaccines, viruses, etc. said viruses were NOT organisms like bacteria are, but proteins, which would explain why antibiotics don’t work on them, but now they’ve found that hydroxychloroquine combined with Z-Pak and zinc knocks these viruses out within hours, and UV rays/lighting within seconds. Is this why they’ve been scaring everyone about skin cancer from sun exposure?
They just never stop, do they?
What it all boils down to is whatever the medical industrial complex recommends, do the opposite. You’ll live twice as long, have no illnesses, and be far happier.
In addition to viruses, in the realm of non-living seeming-organisms, there are also dangerous ones called “prions”.I’m not about to go research these items, but I worry about their dangerous potentials, from the brief reading I have done on them. Anyone know about them in depth?
Does anyone know what’s in the small business loan grant agreement? Does this agreement have anything that a small business owner hast to do in order to get the grant that would in the future jeopardize their business staying open if they don’t conform to government mandates? I am concerned not only because of the untrustworthiness of our government, but I am also concerned about the untrustworthiness of our banks and the people behind them.
Hi Corey great work as usual hon and hi everyone.
Stay brave, wise and strong, keep up your rights, you must work together to be freed.
Knowlege is power but only if it can help can help to truely liberate people as Corey’s site is partaking in, thank God.
Within these 2 sites, is truth to help you, offering knowledge and solutions. It will entail people helping each other with basics once you make the choice to break free but together we can do this.
if you are wiiling to open your mind to true reality of things and the deeper learning and awakening, watch these videos on the pages and/or read transcripts and share/spread to others, fast if Possible and if you agreee, as within are solutions to help you individually and as a community globally.
We are all under the same spells/illusions and programming of the evil empire that we unwillingly and unknowingly have been tricked into signing our freedoms to them.
NOW is the time to pick a side, or be lost to the umbrella controls of a dead entity- the Government and all dead entities within who pretends to be your saviours but they do not give a shit about you, you are all expendable while under their illusory care as you too are a valuable dead entity to them to which you have signed up to be via their birth certificate not the original live birth certificate
They think you are theirs to do with as they please until you take back your identity as a Spiritual Living being with natural born sovereign rights.
Special mention to the years of research and knowledge and teaching of Pao Chang..
Truth is within as are solutions but be prepared to take true responsibility. Do not give consent.
They push and have you addicted to:
Drugs- every kind, sugar, alcohol, tv, time consuming technology, fear, sex and sexploitation, materialism, vanity- to the point of illness and at detriment of life/health, and that of animals and so on…,
It feeds their narrative, agenda and conteol over us all til we break the chain.
David Borne
Chelsea Clinton..Bill Gates..George Soros.. What could go wrong
With 5G being rolled out we know where they are going with this. MIT has developed a “tattoo” that recedes into your skin with all info and crypto currency.. I’ve moved to Cambodia to buy time..What are your action steps to stop this? Millions of people know this but have no way to organize..what a petition, too late for all that..
Pat Kamp
If you are afraid of this new technology then get rid of your cell phone.
Lavada Skata
This article only confirms what those have been talking and writing about for years, such as Daniel Estulin. Its all about transhumanism. Watch a few videos and read some articles on it. The future the Globalists have in store for mankind is not pretty. Either educate yourself on the issues of the day or submit to these Illuminati stooges.
astar flyer
great article. you are right on about the corruption and the power grab here.
really concerning is … there has been some talk in chicago that Bobby Rush was bribed by gates and in return authored this trace act hr6666 that sets gates ngos up with billions from gov etc, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vS3CVGQvBkU&feature=youtu.be this video details some more, building on some of the data you share in your article…
this is breaking the law of bribery of public officials…. https://www.justice.gov/archives/jm/criminal-resource-manual-2041-bribery-public-officials … this is a crime. Another one getting bribed is Jay inslee in washington state,
you mention that the contract tracing is rolling out there really fast, and originally had some illegal unconstitutional threats attached if washington citizens dont comply… from the govenor inslee.
Someone from microsoft “just so happens to be” “working for free” during this pandemic for Gov Inslee, oveseeing contracts etc. Crazy and illegal. Its mentioned in this article : https://www.seattletimes.com/seattle-news/times-watchdog/in-hunt-for-coronavirus-supplies-gov-inslee-looks-globally-and-within-his-personal-network/ They need to be charged and arrestted. Hope people can report aka , Rush and INslee, and the people bribing Bill Gates etc to FBI https://www.fbi.gov/tips and also to office of congressional ethics for rush https://oce.house.gov/contact-us.
The theme here is, They Bill gates rockefeller ,soros etc, bribe rep Bobby Rush, He than turns around and authors this Contreversial hr6666 (note the number and the bible reference) , which doesnt really have a precedent in this country. certainly doesnt fit our values and privacy laws and constitution. And this bill, in the confusion of the covid crisis, with people paniced and thinking more money would equal a solution. and believing everyone got a good intention. might get passed.
they trying to basically steal billons from the government! it looks like they actually are trying to take over the government.
there is no reason philanthropic ngos, run by billionaires. that have been primarily if not entirely operating in third world countries. and have zero track record and proven results, with our system, laws , hippa laws (paitent privacy etc), constitution etc. Here in the UNited states.
would be qualified for this federal money. if u could get so far to assume that contract tracing etc, and that th emoney was even needed and or justified to begin with.
the money shuold be available to either gov agenices, or , more appropriately. health care organizations that are established here in the USA, and have a reputable proven track record and results. and that respect our laws, and operate in a way that is in alignment with our laws.
The truth is the health care people are coming out right and left, and saying that they dont think contract tracing is necessary. and that it is unconstitutional and invasive. and they are being silenced.
NO way possible, that NGOS, run by billionaires, as a way to get around taxes. etc. with no proven track record doing health care work here in the USA, shuold be eligible for billions from the government to do health care work here in the usa.
they simply are not qualified.
more over. like many mention. they actually have a bad reputation in third world countries like africa and india, where they have been accused of sterilizing massive amounts of people and other terrible things. thru vaccine programs, to the point wehre they have , in some instances been asked to leave .
so why would they be eligible or trusted or qualifed in any shape or form to do health care work, as they are not health care professionals, qualified, to practice, … here in the usa?
makes no sense.
its clearly. criminal power grab to try to force economic collapse and medical martial law, and take over this big section of work, in the health care market.
in a sneaky way. by these unethical billionaires thru their “philanthropic” ngos, which surely will turn around and mine and sell the data and make a big profit on it. in addition to the obvious ethics issues you raise in your article and concerns of gov abuse . human rights issues. and violations. all over the place.
Bill gates, bobby rush. gov inslee. shuold be arrested and charged . as well as others.
astar flyer
also the issue where this looks like this was planned back in 2010 , see this rockefeller report page 18 . https://www.nommeraadio.ee/meedia/pdf/RRS/Rockefeller%20Foundation.pdf
read entire article… thank you for your work!! I shared this far and wide!
Please read Revelation 13:15-18!!
You will read about the beast (Billy Gates) and the mark of the beast (ID-2020).
People that don ‘t carry the mark of the beast can get no food and other products. When you read the manual of ID-2020, you read that when you don’t want to comply in giving data you also don’t get your products. They please you with a cryptocurrency rewardsystem, but it is not more than likely you won’t have a choice in choosing the best or the cheapest product. And there is more. ID-2020 equals the mark of the beast and the number is 666. The patentnumber is WO 2020-060606 and the other number for COVID tracing is HR 6666. How many sixes do you need to see that 1 and 1 is 2.
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