The Solution Series

    Vax Zealots Try to Put Their Message in A Bottle

    By James Fitzgerald My mother was a nurse in London in the 1960s, where respiratory illness was prevalent amid the industrial pollution of the day. The hospital wards would be filled with patients in tents, meticulously maintained and cleaned to avoid infection by the regimented and strict battalions of nurses. Woe betide anyone who stood up the matrons of the day. Those fearsome custodians of good practice were there to enforce rules that saved lives — or so they believed. However, that trusting medical orthodoxy of the time did not dare question the wisdom of placing patients under plastic bags, with the result that many would have died of asphyxiation, as witnessed by my mother. Noticeably absent was also an outcry and public exposure of this widespread malpractice. At some point, someone realized that the tents were killing people, and they came down quietly and suddenly, never to be mentioned…



    The great USA – the land of the free – where life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are supposed to be the foundation of this country, is being shredded by tyrannical governors for a political agenda. And, by all appearances, they seem to be okay with sending people to their death to achieve this goal. When cures and freedoms are intentionally suppressed and fear is stoked, it is a recipe for disaster. Ask Yourself These Questions Despite the fact that Hydroxychloroquine was well documented to have been saving lives from COVID-19, the media, CDC, FDA, coronavirus task force, politicians, and Hollywood all pushed dangerous messages and fear tactics around it, only later after thousands allegedly died from COVID-related deaths, did they come clean about its ability to cure. Only then, did the FDA lift the restrictions on it. Many of these individuals and organizations knew the history and benefits…


    PIH, Bobby Rush, and The Truth Behind Contact Tracing Surveillance

    Contact tracing seems to be all the rage lately, but is it really just “contact tracing,” and how many laws are being broken while they surveil the country going door to door with the threat of isolation? Is this about preventing spread or is it to gather data, instill more panic, or create a false need for mail-in ballots? How far are these people willing to go, and who was instrumental in getting this rolling? How far are you willing to go to fight for your rights? • H.R.6666 (TRACE) Act was introduced by IL Rep. Bobby Rush for a $100 billion grant to NGOs and organizations to carry out contract tracing throughout the U.S. just months after attending the Aspen Institute’s conference in Africa which was paid for in part by Bill Gates, Rockefellers, and the Democracy Fund. • Dr. Paul Farmer of Partners in Health was also at…

  • PIH, Bobby Rush, and The Truth Behind Contact Tracing Surveillance – Bookshop

    Contact tracing seems to be all the rage lately, but is it really just “contact tracing,” and how many laws are being broken while they surveil the country going door to door with the threat of isolation? Is this about preventing spread or is it to gather data, instill more panic, or create a false need for mail-in ballots? How far are these people willing to go, and who was instrumental in getting this rolling? How far are you willing to go to fight for your rights? H.R.6666 (TRACE) Act was introduced by IL Rep. Bobby Rush for a $100 billion grant to NGOs and organizations to carry out contract tracing throughout the U.S. just months after attending the Aspen Institute’s conference in Africa which was paid for in part by Bill Gates, Rockefellers, and the Democracy Fund. Dr. Paul Farmer of Partners in Health was also at the Aspen…


    Citizen Journalists Usher in A Changing of The Old Guard

    By James Fitzgerald As I watch the hashtag “Obamagate” spiral upwards on social media – despite the hosts’ technical chicanery to the contrary – it really feels like the collective mind is fracturing into two distinct realities: one embracing the apparent clarity and diversity of revelations around their political and corporate controllers, and other the orthodox brigade who, if they look at all, are becoming irritated by the outrageous claims of this “right wing” and “lunatic fringe”. As a former journalist on national newspapers, I have been privy to the relaxed and comforting narratives about the world that pervade newsrooms. They are always quite simplistic and universally accepted across the MSM. It makes life easy, but dull. The only channels generally on view in newsrooms are the BBC and CNN. It is to these broadcasters that the news editors will look to check they haven’t missed a story before the…

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