30 More Ways to Die From a Heart Attack According to “Experts” and “Media”
According to “experts” and their allies in the media, the recent rise in heart attacks must be due to anything but the Covid injection. These so-called “experts” are working at “the speed of science” to come up with every excuse under the sun, other than the most obvious reason, for the rise in fatal heart conditions. Here are 30 of the most absurd excuses we’ve found. By Corey Lynn and The Sharp Edge Climate change is the cause of all our problems! Don’t ask any pesky questions about how the experimental gene therapy could cause heart attacks. Just “trust the science” or you’re a climate denier! 1) Climate change affects heart health 2) New ‘highly reactive’ chemical in Earth’s atmosphere triggering heart diseases and (of course) contributing to global warming Hot weather, cold weather, solar storms, daylight savings… it doesn’t matter. For every season, there is a reason for the…
Funding the Control Grid Part 2: The Psychological Framework
“The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organized habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. …We are governed, our minds are molded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of.” – Edward Bernays For decades, agencies and organizations operating in the shadows have used billions of taxpayer dollars to create a grid of psychological control over the population. The psychological control grid consists of psychological operations, narrative control campaigns, indoctrination programs and the weaponization of the mental healthcare system. These very agencies and organizations received a boost in funding through the Omnibus bill and National Defense Authorization Act 2023, to expand their operations. The purpose of this report is to outline the agencies and organizations contributing to…
The Solution Series: Navigating a Failed Health Care System with Jennifer Walters and Matt R. Hale
“I will use those dietary regimens which will benefit my patients according to my greatest ability and judgement, and I will do no harm or injustice to them. I will not give a lethal drug to anyone if I am asked, nor will I advise such a plan; and similarly, I will not give a woman a pessary to cause an abortion.”~ From the Hippocratic Oath Preview Full episode Download the full transcript in pdf format here. By Corey Lynn and James White Sadly, we have reached a point in 2023 in the United States that most Americans would never have imagined possible only a few short years ago. Collectively, many have lost confidence not only in institutional care, but in the practice of modern medicine in general—to the extent that some dread the thought of even going to a hospital. The good news is that people everywhere are rising…
I Want to Stop CBDCs – What Can I Do?
The following report, originally published on The Solari Report, provides helpful tips to bring a halt to Central Bank Digital Currencies. By Catherine Austin Fitts and Carolyn Betts Many subscribers and readers of the Solari Report have asked how they can stop the implementation of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) in the U.S. and other countries. It is important to recognize that there is a great deal that each one of us can do to take action. In a highly leveraged financial system such as we have, a single individual counts for a lot. Here are actions that each of us can take: (1) USE CASH whenever possible—and let everyone know why you are using cash. Walk out on establishments that refuse to accept cash. When using remote facilities where cash is not possible, use checks if you can. We understand from one subscriber that check companies are scrambling to fill…
Truckers Lane: What Happened to the Diesel Shortage? Plus Updates on California’s AB5 Law
By Robin Peterson Are We at Risk of Running out of Diesel Fuel? Back in November, the buzz around trucking was that the stockpile of diesel fuel was dangerously low with only a 25-day supply. This was concerning to me, so I looked around for signs of the fuel shortage. Here’s what I found… I saw a few videos saying there were diesel shortages at truck stops, but these videos didn’t give any locations and didn’t name any truck stops. I chalked them up to YouTube click-bait. On Twitter, I saw tweets that showed a sign that read, “Allentown Plaza – No Diesel”. I looked at the comments below the tweets and found drivers saying that these signs were up last year during a road construction project. Apparently, someone had taken an old photo and made it into a viral tweet, scaring people that the Allentown pumps had dried up.…