The Solution Series
  • Eugenics, Infertility & Population Growth Crisis Part 6 End Game

    Eugenics, Infertility & Population Growth CRISIS Part 6

    Are they trying to heal the world OR shape the world? READ Parts 1–5 first: Part 1: Eugenics, Infertility & Population Growth Crisis (extensive historical timeline) Part 2: The Rockefeller Foundation’s Plan to Sterilize Through Anti-fertility Vaccines & Crops Part 3: DNA Collection and Biotechnology Companies Part 4: Population Control on Multiple Fronts Part 5: GMOs, Big Tech & Geoengineering’s Role in Eugenics End Game Are they trying to heal the world OR shape the world? Because, for all of their efforts and investments in “saving lives,” statistics show the percentage of women dying during giving birth have increased, premature babies have increased, autism has significantly increased, the rate of sperm count in men has decreased to a staggering 50%, AIDS is still prevalent (according to those funding it), cancer has not been cured, diabetes is off the charts, the government has paid out $4.1 billion for injury and death…

  • DNA Collection and Biotechnology Companies

    Eugenics, Infertility & Population Growth CRISIS Part 3

    Since the dawn of eugenics, they’ve tried to trace the pedigree and traits of human beings so as to control the masses. Through DNA, they have not only accomplished this, they have extended a branch to the population to show off their ancestral trees. Much like in the days of pedigree fairs, people had no idea what they were signing up for. • Bill Gates funded scientists to study 40,000 DNA samples from 23andMe and assessed genes having to do with preterm labor and God knows what else. • Billionaires, government and big pharma are investing in biotechnology companies that transform cells and rewrite DNA, amassing the world’s largest stores of “usable” designer genetic code. • 30 million Americans have already voluntarily submitted their DNA to the likes of 23andMe, Ancestry, MyHeritage, Genomelink and several others. READ Parts 1 & 2 first: Part 1: Eugenics, Infertility & Population Growth Crisis…

  • Eugenics, infertility & population growth crisis part 1

    Eugenics, Infertility & Population Growth CRISIS

    Over 60,000 Americans were sterilized in the U.S., in the name of eugenics, but it didn’t end there. The phenomenon of men’s sperm declining by 50% and infertility in females rapidly rising – stumps no one – they just won’t tell you the truth. • Over 60,000 Americans were sterilized in the name of eugenics and the Supreme Court law wasn’t repealed until the 1970s. • The U.S. population growth hit a historic 80-year low in 2018 due to less births, while immigration continues to grow – projected to be the primary contributor after 2030. • Nearly every western country has a historic low birth rate – media is silent. • The Rockefellers worked with scientists, WHO, UNFPA, USAID, multiple governments, and others, to create anti-fertility vaccines that would sterilize both men and women on a mass scale, with research evolving into crops as well. • DNA databases you voluntarily…

  • Bill Gates,  Clinton Foundation,  HEALTH & SCIENCE,  Vaccines & Pharmaceuticals

    Measles, Masterminds & Millions Part 4

    In this 6-part Measles, Masterminds & Millions investigative report, it shows how the vaccine industry operates, it delves into the lawsuits, new legislation, reveals over 100 statistics the mainstream news doesn’t report on, and breaks down how it’s ultimately being funded. The Clintons have played the long game in the vaccine industry, beginning with the free mandatory Vaccines for Children program back in 1994, and partnering with pharmaceutical manufacturers before, during, and after Hillary’s time as Secretary of State. Exceeding all of her rivals with big pharma donations during the 2016 presidential campaign, Merck alone has donated $250,000 – $500,000 to the Clinton Foundation. But it’s not just the Clintons, nor is it just Merck, the pharmaceutical industry has lobbied politicians on both sides of the fence for a long time, with pay-to-play schemes. • In 2015 Big Pharma doled out $951,018 to 2016 presidential candidates, with Hillary Clinton toppling…

  • vaccine industry and compensation fund
    HEALTH & SCIENCE,  Vaccines & Pharmaceuticals

    Measles, Masterminds & Millions Part 3

    The measles “outbreak” is about a lot more than just measles. In Part I of this 6-part investigative report, we covered the masterminds behind the Vaccines for Children program, which was created by the Clintons back in 1994. Part 2 broke down the discrepancies and misrepresentations in reporting, as well as provided over 100 statistics extracted from the CDC, WHO and HHS reports. Part 3 will detail how the vaccine compensation program works, vaccine safety, Obama’s involvement, and more staggering statistics. • The group that controls the vaccine industry narrative is funded by pharmaceutical companies • Obama signed the 21st Century Cures Act on December 13, 2016, which included several amendments to the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act of 1986, by adding additional vaccines for pregnant women to the Vaccine Injury Compensation Trust Fund – for starters • Between 2006 to 2017 over 3.4 billion doses of vaccines were distributed…

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