The Solution Series

    Sarah Westall & Others Suing Google for Censorship, Reach 9th Circuit Then Intend to Appeal to Supreme Court

    Fifteen plaintiffs are suing Google, the parent company of Youtube, for blocking their channels during the 2020 election cycle. The plaintiffs listed by their Youtube channel names are: JustInformed Talk, SGT Report, X22 Report, SpaceShot 76, TruReporting, RedPill78, Edge of Wonder, Praying Medic, Amazing Polly, Woke Societies, Daniel Lee, Deception Byes, InTheMatrixxx, Destroying the Illusion and Sarah Westall. Attorney Cris Armenta argued at the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals on behalf of the plaintiffs on October 17, 2022.  Armenta stated, “I represent the plaintiffs who are conservative commentators and journalists, who for years published their works on Youtube – more than 15,000 videos, almost 800 million views, more than most mainstream media channels.  That is until October 15, 2020, when they were summarily erased on that day.” Armenta compared Google’s censorship of free speech to the “dystopian society” described in the novel Fahrenheit 451, in which “firemen, instead of putting…


    The Death of George Floyd: The Real Timeline

    In a False Flag operation, no one ever truly knows the extent of the orchestration, but the suspicions never die. On May 25, 2020, the mainstream media reported to the masses that a black man in Minneapolis by the name of George Perry Floyd, 46, was killed during an arrest after a store clerk called 911, alleging Floyd had passed a counterfeit $20 bill. George Floyd’s death was the pivotal first domino used to transition us from virus to violence, manufacture a race war, and usher in a Color Revolution. To quote Jack Posobiec, author of Antifa: Stories From Inside the Black Bloc, his death “was the spark that lit the fuse.” The Floyd psyop was instrumental in carrying out the events that followed, in order to bring total destruction to America.  The events on May 25, 2020 changed the world forever, but the complicit media withheld the full story…


    Rogue Food Conference Tennessee is All About Food Freedom, Don’t Miss This Event on December 9-10!

    With rapidly rising food prices, billionaires buying up farmland, and “bug-based protein” entering the food supply, problem solvers from all aspects of the food system are coming together to make a difference for food freedom across the country.  Rogue Food Conference offers real solutions to rebuilding a vibrant food system despite the reckless government regulations.  From buying clubs, creative exemptions, PMAs, food churches, shared ownership arrangements and labor contracts, to charities, educational entities and so much more – Rogue Food Conference is all about ‘How To Go Rogue.’ Rogue Food Conference Tennessee will feature one of America’s largest raw milk dairy farmers (Bradley Bleasdale), one of the nation’s most influential food freedom advocates (Shawn Day), discussion on the uses of PMAs (with Michael Kilpatrick), the nation’s top rogue off-grid beef and chicken raising politician (Thomas Massie) and more.  This is a call to all who love liberty!  Join the exciting…


    Why Self-Driving Cars Are NOT The Future

    By Zack Pack It seems like self-driving cars have always been the hot item for disruptive innovators in the auto industry. The image of sitting back, Minority Report style, in a sleek new vehicle with an AI-powered robot that effortlessly guides your car across town has bewitched many starry-eyed investors. In fact, over $100 billion dollars have been invested in self-driving technology since it was first seriously proposed. But what have these hopeful investors received for their money besides some flashy tech showcases? Why have self-driving cars been so difficult to go mainstream? Critics point to the technology as being deficient. It’s nearly impossible for computers to understand all the real-world nuances that human drivers must interpret each time they take the wheel. Poorly paved roads, unpainted lines, a fallen tree… for human beings these are things we can quickly recognize and adapt to. For even the most sophisticated AI…

  • Sheriff Richard Mack

    The Solution Series: Building a Local Force with Your Sheriff with Sheriff Richard Mack

    “The solution for liberty, and to restore our Constitution today and make the federal government’s corruption irrelevant in the lives of our citizens, is for sheriffs to do what they already promised to do when they took their oath of office.”~ Sheriff Richard Mack Preview Full episode Download the transcript in PDF. By Corey Lynn and James White The history of the sheriff goes back some 1200 years, but the first Sheriff’s office in America wasn’t established until 1641, in Maryland. Either way you slice it, the office of the Sheriff—which means keeper or chief of the county—is a long-standing, widely recognized position. Although some counties have administratively reduced the Sheriff’s role to that of a ticket-writer, for the majority of America’s counties, the Sheriff is still the highest-ranking elected official in the county. For that reason, having a Sheriff who recognizes and honors our founding documents—and specifically the U.S.…

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