The Solution Series

    Feeding The Enemy Instead of Feeding The Soul: You Are Being Played

    Though I’ve remained rather quiet as of late, I’ve still been making observations. While I focus my energy on internal work and new information I would like to share in upcoming pieces, I can’t help but feel compelled to point out some of the observations I’ve made. Some may seem insignificant and small in scale but they pack a punch, while others are larger campaigns that are rifling their way through some of the most critical thinkers out there. Social media has become a war zone and remains an entirely different battlefield altogether. What I’m seeing transpire, primarily on social media, is a loop – a constant feeding to the enemy while people neglect their soul. Goal #1: Programming Mind conditioning and programming have always been the game. I could write an entire report just on the letter “X” and how it’s been used to condition minds. Instead, I’m just…


    Rogue Food Conference: Don’t Miss This Event on May 17-18 at Polyface Farms!

    I’ve personally attended two of the Rogue Food Conferences and found them to be very informative and beneficial, plus it is excellent for networking with others working toward food independence. It’s educational, fun, and inspiring all in one! The Rogue Food Conference offers real solutions to rebuilding a vibrant food system despite the reckless government regulations. From buying clubs, creative exemptions, PMAs, food churches, shared ownership arrangements and labor contracts, to charities, building financial freedom, how to beat the government, fabulous vendors and books, and so much more – Rogue Food Conference is all about ‘How To Go Rogue.’ Rogue Food Conference Virginia will feature Joel Salatin, John Moody, Catherine Austin Fitts, Congressman Thomas Massie, Michael Kilpatrick, Morgan Phelps and others! This 2-day event includes a tour of Polyface Farms, plus a fantastic pastured breakfast and lunch at Saturday’s main event. Get Your Tickets Now!May 17-18Polyface Farms – Swoope, VA Find…



    I have been reprogramming my mind and reconditioning it to how it once functioned prior to doing all of this deep research, intuiting, and writing over the past eight years. It’s actually more of a “rewiring” to sever and rebuild neural pathways I built along the way so that I can get back to a state of being in the moment, creating, and manifesting in a powerful and positive manner. It is a state that I always existed in, so this is a first for me to have to rewire these pathways. I’m moving much quicker than I anticipated, as I’m already back to my state of observation with a sense of detachment and no emotional reaction aside from remaining in a state of peace, calm, and sometimes joy. I’m still working on the joy part, as it’s been a bit of a rough year for me personally. I don’t…


    Visa & Mastercard: The Real Threat To The Digital ID Control System

    By Corey Lynn and The Sharp Edge The question isn’t whether Visa and Mastercard are at the forefront of the Digital ID control system, the question is whether Visa, Mastercard and central banks will be able to pull it off without the implementation of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). A “Digital ID” may sound convenient and harmless, but the intention behind it is far reaching – compiling and connecting data and biometrics while removing every form of privacy in order to control how one spends their money, achieves access to services, and ultimately takes control over all assets. This will have an impact on all areas of life, including education, healthcare, food, agriculture, transportation, real estate, and technology, which of course will all be controlled through the Digital ID connected to banks, and a person’s social credit score. This isn’t an imaginary scheme. These intentions are well documented by the…


    TAKE ACTION: Steps to Secure Financial Freedom

    By The Sharp Edge From the looming financial crisis to the threat of global war, not to mention the potential release of ‘Disease X,’ or the weaponization of governments against the people as we head into elections… this year has promised to be a wild ride.  The relentless attacks on our sovereignty are coming from every angle, making it easy for the public to get divided, disoriented, and distracted.  However, this is not the time to deviate from our critical mission.  It is precisely the time to focus on the central planners’ end game, which is totalitarian control of the people through a ‘Great Reset’ of the financial system. We the people have the power to cripple their tyrannical agenda by taking four simple steps in our daily lives: educating ourselves and others, engaging with lawmakers and leaders, investing in financial freedoms, and building on successes.  This report will outline…

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