TAKE ACTION: Financial Takeover & Your Bank Account – BlackRock, Envestnet/Yodlee, and The Federal Reserve
Ever hear of Yodlee? Neither had I, until I discovered it was aggregating my data in my bank account, and likely selling it to third parties. This quickly became a personal dig, until I found staggering connections that I realized the public needs to be made aware of. Before you determine this has nothing to do with you, I urge you to review this article in its entirety and pay close attention to the timeline actions, because this affects ALL OF YOU, and it’s being rolled out in multiple countries. Then, I encourage you to check with your bank and find out exactly which third parties are wrapped up in your accounts, and consider the option of moving your funds to a smaller local bank. This isn’t just about spying and data aggregating, this is a structural setup to move us into the social/climate score system and beyond, and Biden…
ALERT: They Are Using ‘Smart’ Devices to Entrain Your Children
By James Fitzgerald Children represent the great hope of any civilization, imbued as they are with a natural curiosity and awareness of the truth and charged with energy and vitality. In almost all indigenous traditions, the natural world represented the gateway to the cosmos, or higher realms of wisdom, and so new-borns were quickly offered exposure and freedom to explore this lush meta-physical inheritance. In the Americas, some communities would even allow giant eagles or condors to take toddlers on flights of wonder above the canopy of trees — the exaltation and awe induced by these experiences would open psychic gateways in the child’s brain that imbued it with a life-long connection to the ecological neural network of the planet. The technocratic custodians of history have of course recast these initiations as myths about giant birds abducting young children in a former wilderness that was laden with dangers in every…
The Floodgate is Open on Fauci’s Emails
“The tide is turning…The dam is about to burst…This is going to be a bad day for Dr. Fauci,” predicted Senator Paul in a statement last week. Little did we know a floodgate of Fauci’s emails would burst open to the public this week. Rand Paul’s statement couldn’t be more accurate, and based on the emails, it appears that Dr. Fauci has many more bad days ahead of him. The trove of Fauci emails released to the public, which came by way of a FOIA request by Buzzfeed, reveal patterns of cover-ups, censorship, coordination and control. Among the 3,234 pages, key insights have been gained, but there are surely more to come in the near future. Here are some of the findings from Fauci’s opened floodgate so far: The Cover-Up January 31, 2020 From: Kristian G. Anderson To: Anthony Fauci “The unusual features of the virus makes up a really…
Get Crafty with 10 DIY Projects for Self Reliance and Fun
By James Fitzgerald The lockdowns across the western world had people scratching their heads and pacing their carpets threadbare — but the enforced seclusion and introspection has also produced a flurry of creativity and artistry as personal values are reassessed and commute times evaporate. The increased transparency over corporate agendas and the questionable ethics of some retail supply chains means that leisure pursuits can be practical ways to disengage and gain more autonomy from the “connected” world of smart tech and draconian social mandates. As someone once said, Rome wasn’t built in a day — although that may be just the imperial behemoth we are trying to escape. Here we list a handful of pursuits that will stimulate the grey matter and soothe the soul, while offering domestic and social applications. A Stitch in Time — Leather Goods While visiting a saddle-maker a couple weeks ago, my ten-year-old daughter got…
Remove The Dark Lenses and Let in Some Light
I find it intriguing how some folks automatically see through a set of dark lenses, as if their entire existence depends on them finding the negative in everything. It’s almost as though they are in competition to spot more evil than everyone else. Someone could share a funny story, a photo of their dog, or a beautiful tale of their adventure through nature, and the dark lenses will instantly transpose it into some dystopian feature film, as though there is absolutely no good in this world and you’re not allowed to be joyous. Are they a glass half empty kind of person or did they go so far down the rabbit hole they lost site of humanity all together? Has love, laughter, and compassion been programmed out of them? How can one begin to move forward, to transcend the evil that does surround us, and co-create with others to build…