The Solution Series

    Brazen Takeover Leading Up To Inauguration Day

    By James Fitzgerald This was to be an article about the transition team of Joe Biden in the run up to his possible inauguration. However, the unfolding events over the past few days cast new light on the nature of the presidential election and added credence to claims that the sitting president has been subject to an attempted coup on many levels. It would be unjournalistic and naive to echo the fait accompli of the corporate media about who will take the presidential podium on January 20th without first charting the staggering developments in the corporate media. It has been postulated that the social and political schematics we see on TV “is all a movie”. Well, this week on Capitol Hill the movie plot moved into its third act, and the bi-partisan audience held its breath as an unexpected but inevitable showdown took place amid the corridors of power. Protests…


    Historical Hypocrisy & Psychological Warfare

    This is an important pictorial book illustrating the psychological warfare taking place across America, with the same playbook being implemented in other countries, while hypocrisy is at an all-time high masquerading as fulfilling agendas. The majority of images depicted throughout are hyperlinked to direct articles, tweets, and videos. This complete book can be downloaded in pdf format in the Bookshop with hyperlinks intact. Feel free to screenshot and meme any portion of this book. Yet, physicians, celebrities, mainstream news, and Democrats all convinced them to take to the streets in packs of herds for Black Lives Matter. Despite thousands upon thousands of people protesting elbow to elbow, and this large enclosed funeral, the majority of states remain under COVID-19 restrictions with limited gatherings, churches and funeral homes are still closed or only groups of 10 allowed, and “non-essential” businesses are not allowed to open or can only do so with…

  • research government and NGO secrets


    Care to do some digging of your own? Just click on the headers below, and Dig In! If you are looking for specific documents that have been released, you may find them in The File Drawer. If you are new to digging or just looking for some additional tips, here are 3 helpful articles I’ve put together:Hunting The Hunters: Inside The Minds of Elite CorruptHunting The Hunters: Digging Into FoundationsMust-Have Tools for Digging, Videos, Websites & Podcasts Be sure to use a Virtual Private Network when surfing the internet, for both privacy and security. Subscribe to Corey’s Digs so you don’t miss a Dig! Corey’s Digs Library Catalog: Volume 11 A catalog list of articles and investigative reports by Corey’s Digs, backed with evidence and source links. Many of the resources on this page were utilized in these investigations. It also includes a section on SOLUTIONS and Consciousness. This file…

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