The U.S. Constitution vs The Communist Party USA Constitution Through The Eyes of a Teenager
This is the most critical time in U.S. history. Right here. Right now. Election and voter fraud have reached a level of criminality that we will never come back from if this battle is not won. The constitution is being stomped on by authoritarian governors and people are losing their freedoms, rights, businesses, and sanity over an alleged virus with a 98.1% survival rate overall. There is ultimately no risk left, because we’ve already unwillingly sacrificed so much, so now more than ever people must stand firm, speak up, blow the whistle, take action, and fight like your life depends on it – because it does. If the constitution is not upheld, the U.S. is headed for communism. That’s not conspiracy, that is fact, well laid out by the World Economic Forum for a one world governance. They themselves like to refer to it as the “New World Order” and…
COVID-19 Pt. 2: CDC’s New “PIC” and The Hidden Data
In part 1 of this 5-part report on Covid-19, Corey’s Digs detailed a necessary reality check due to the media creating a frenzy over hospitalizations, despite the fact that the 2017-2018 flu season was hit with 810,000 hospitalizations, far more than Covid, and no one heard a peep about it. There were no lockdowns, restrictions, hyperbole, or mandatory masks, and 61,000 people died that season. Most people aren’t aware that the CDC has lumped influenza together with Covid and pneumonia in death rates with a new name called “PIC.” This comes after the CDC confirmed that only 6% of Covid-related death certificates indicate Covid as the only cause, while 94% list other illnesses as the cause with an average of 2.6 comorbidities. In other words, if someone was in the hospital dying of heart disease and they tested everyone for Covid to separate them to other rooms or wings, Covid…
COVID-19 Pt. 1: Hospitalizations – Reality Check
Televisions, computers, radios, and cell phones are blowing up with the media sounding the alarm: “hospitals are reaching full capacity!” while governors slide back into their authoritarian lockdowns. Back in March we heard the same panic-stricken message and were flooded with images of people lined up to get into hospitals, shortages of beds and ventilators, freezer trucks lining the alleys, graves being dug, and hospital ships swimming their way to the coasts of New York and California. Yet, by April 21, the Comfort ship was leaving the port from New York because Governor Cuomo said he didn’t need it. Corey’s Digs reported on Inside The Hospitals & Why The Lockdown back in April to show the reality of the situation at that time, and now we have nearly 10 months of data accumulated, and it paints quite a picture. A Dose of Reality: Don’t Let The Numbers Fool You…
Dig It! Podcast: Elections, Covid & The Great Reset
We covered a lot of points in this podcast! Edge detailed what is taking place in each state with this election battle. Corey covered information regarding Covid and lockdowns. The Speaker talked about the Great Reset. And, we all chimed in on several other topics that we feel are on a lot of people’s minds. We are all in this together, and we love you all!
PA Election Analysis: HUGE Anomalies & Indisputable Data
Joe Biden had said that he would wait until all states certified votes, but instead claimed the title President-Elect with the green light from the “media” while votes were still being counted. While the world holds its breath over election shenanigans, President Trump’s legal team is working overtime, filing suits, gathering affidavits, speaking with whistleblowers, calling voters who may not have voted, pulling obituaries, and exposing the voter fraud to the American people. Simultaneously, multiple people are also breaking down the statistics, data points, and revealing the patterns of election fraud, whereby likely millions of votes were flipped from Trump to Biden through a multi-layered combination of hardware, software, algorithms, and firmware generally known as the Hammer, Scorecard, Dominion and other transfer points. The analysis below represents data points that Corey’s Digs has been working on to show how this all adds up, how the probabilities are impossible, and how…