The Solution Series

    Truth is Erased by The Racial “Whitewash”

    By James Fitzgerald I have to admit that my skin color has been a problem for me throughout my life: it’s pale, prone to blushing and gets incinerated by the sun in the blink of an eye. I envy anyone who has a complexion that isn’t reactive and can handle sunlight. All other things being equal, my friends of Kenyan and Caribbean origin really have it easy. Some of the most wholesome and selfless women I have met have had Caribbean, Indian and South American roots: generous, warm and caring to such an extent that you enter a private reality in their presence — of safety and nurture and self-worth. That’s not to say that I haven’t had negative experiences with people of other ethnicities: I had a Nigerian flatmate once who hated me on sight, because no doubt he took me for a middle class white boy who was…


    Attorneys Fight for Constitutional Rights Against Tyranny

    First, they wanted everyone masked and stocked up on hand sanitizer, then came the toilet paper mania, and in short time states were mandating stay-at-home quarantines and “non-essential” business closures due to COVID-19. What began as a two-week quarantine, turned into weeks and months, and by May they had crashed the entire economy. Everything was blown out of proportion, including the potential death rate, sending a lightning bolt of panic through the country. With each week, more freedoms were stripped away, people’s constitutional rights were stomped on, unjustified fines and arrests were being implemented against people who couldn’t wear masks, those who attempted to open their business so they could feed their families, or those who wished to pray at church. In a matter of a few short months, the country was turned upside down and governors were abusing their authority. Eventually, class action suits began in multiple states, citizens…


    What Are You? What Are You Really?

    By John Paul Rice The following was given to me by a Hollywood Veteran of 40+ years.

 “We are made in God’s image and have within us a microcosm the same forces, aspects of our nascent Unity. When we balance the aspects of God within us by daily prayer and meditation, judgement and mercy are reconciled in Christ and we become shepherds ourselves. What we guard against, are the powers and principalities, the Kings of Edom, the unbalanced forces active within us. The powers men call gods have been shaped by rituals and nourished over millennia by blood sacrifice to produce entities which appear and act “real”. They are conceived by us and they live in our imagination, not in watery metaphoric sense, but as autonomous psychic content. Moloch, Ba’al and the rest of the Y-head demon brands are represented by families of associated interconnected symbols, sigils and glyphs. These…


    Let’s Get Real Before Real Gets Us

    The number one question in the U.S. right now is who is going to stop all this lawlessness from coast to coast? This is a multipronged approach at destabilizing our country to take it over. And whereas there are definitely some well overdue changes needed in this country, lighting a path for its destruction is not one of them. It’s time to get real before real gets us. If it’s not already crystal clear that what is being orchestrated on a global scale is an attempt for the UN to carry out their one world governance plan, then you’ve missed the writing on the wall. Recently, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres tweeted, “as we mark the 75th anniversary of the UN Charter, we must reimagine the way nations cooperate. We need an effective multilateralism with scale, ambition and teeth.” As Breitbart reported, Guterres claimed in the 21st century, governments are no…

  • U.S.

    US Space Force Must Trip The Light Fantastic

    By James Fitzgerald Social and political affairs on Earth may currently be heated and divisive, but spare a thought for the US Space Force cadets who will soon be venturing into a place where “no one can hear you scream”. President Trump signed an Executive Order early last year that created a sixth branch of the US Armed Forces, to “marshal its space resources to deter and counter threats in space”. It seems America’s historic technological advantage may be under threat from China or Russia, or other private commercial interests. The global space industry already generates annual revenues of $350 billion, according to Morgan Stanley, with those figures set to reach $1.1 trillion by 2040. The first crewed space launch from US soil in a decade was hosted by SpaceX in May this year. Elon Musk has already posited 60 500-pound satellites in orbit, creating the controversial Starlink array for…

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