The Solution Series

    Weeding Out Distractions & Maintaining Focus: 4 Key Focal Points

    Those wishing to destroy America, take away our freedoms, and bring us to our knees, are carrying out multiple agendas simultaneously, while creating mass scale distractions as they change policies and legislation in the shadows. It is critical that people learn to weed out the distractions and maintain focus on the key areas in which they can take action. It’s very easy to get lost while following these distractions up stream, downstream, and around the bends, into a never-ending flow of disinformation that they dangle to intentionally suck you in. Controlling emotions while maintaining focus will cut a more concise path. Whereas it’s infuriating to witness the destruction, hear the lies, and feel this level of deception and betrayal, some of what is taking place is completely out of our control. This of course is not in reference to the nighttime protests that are providing cover for the riots. This…

  • LAW & ORDER,  U.S.

    Protesters Provide Cover While The Country Bleeds

    Take a step back, now take a look in the mirror – did you fall prey to their game, again? This is it – this is their master class. This is psychological warfare, all rolled out with a grand form of synchronicity, that most didn’t even see coming, or take a breath to see what’s happening before their very eyes. While the country burns, and the country bleeds, thousands are willingly providing cover for those carrying out acts of violence and bloodshed during these protests over George Floyd’s death, and others are succumbing to their pent-up anger as bait is dangled in front of them. What has become of humanity that so many could be so blind? The young are out of their minds with boredom and desire to get a little crazy after being in lockdown for nearly three months. Adults want to stick it to the man, stick…


    Welcome To A World of Smoke & Mirrors

    By James Fitzgerald The Great Awakening, eh? That term gets thrown about social media these days. First time I saw it, I immediately tried to place myself among it; as someone who might be more awakened; someone who has been exposed to more hidden narratives or whistleblowers, or who has met more central bankers and CEOs than most. That’s certainly how the ego complex would view it; as a tangible and competitive advantage. From a spiritual or even quantum perspective, the impulse to place myself in some kind of order of “awakeness” would seem pretty immature and parochial. Afterall it would involve weighing up other people’s “awakeness” to reach a conclusion about my own status. And, as a wise soul once said, “judge not others, lest ye be judged yourself.” So, with me more confused these days than awakened, let me share with you a few anecdotes about people and…

  • GLOBAL,  HEALTH & SCIENCE,  LAW & ORDER,  Uncategorized

    The Gates of Hell: Remove The Gatekeeper & Seal The Doors

    Bill Gates is the gatekeeper to many gates. Whereas he may not hold the keys, he is the host and the central bank that provides access behind each closed door. He is at the heart of every major agenda. The level of control spans much farther than the United States of America, though a vast amount of the funding originates here. These heavily guarded gates are direct access to manifest, control, and monopolize some of the largest and arguably most important industries to man. Controlling these gates means control of wealth, policies, priorities, population, health, narratives, minds, land, industries, and everyone’s future, if it is not stopped. Corey’s Digs has reported on Gates’ interests and operations for years, to paint a fuller picture of everything he is involved with, because it is far more extensive than most people realize. Timelines, maps, business relationships, investments, incoming funding and outgoing grants, tax…


    The Solution Has Always Been YOU

    The solution, the angle, the edge that everyone’s looking for to beat this tyranny has been here all along. People are always seeking answers, solutions, laws, or someone to lead the way, when the reality is, the solution has always been simple. It doesn’t even require critical thinking, analysis, or research. It only requires a moral compass and integrity. The solution is YOU. This battle for our freedom is a battle within ourselves. The smokescreens have everyone believing it’s a battle of “us against them,” but when you pull on that thread until you can’t pull anymore, and you look in the mirror, at the core of this, it is about resolution within oneself. It is letting go of all outside noise, telling you what to do, how to do it, and what to believe in. It is getting to the root of what prevents you from standing up for…

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