The Cancer Within Modern Medicine Part 4: Manipulation of the Minds
There is a cancer within what we know of as modern medicine – eating away at the very heart of its original design. Rather than saving and healing humanity, this cancer seeks to destroy us from within. As we continue to dissect the cancer within, in this segment of the report, we will focus on the area of mind control and those who have shaped the minds of the masses since the turn of the 20th century. Special thanks to pathologist and friend, Dr. B, for contributions to this report. Read Parts 1–3: The Cancer Within Modern Medicine By The Sharp Edge Manipulation of the Unconscious Mind The study of the unconscious mind gained wide attention at the turn of the 20th century, through the research of Sigmund Freud, who popularized the concept that the conscious mind represents only the tip of the iceberg, while a vastly larger portion of the mind…
Exploiting Transgenders Part 3: The Funders & Profiteers
The transgender community has been exploited since the 1950s, to glamorize and propel a manufactured industry. In part one, it broke down the historical timeline and social engineering in creating this industry, and part two broke down the medical engineering origins, as well as puberty blockers now being used on children who are being told they have gender dysphoria. It is vital to read both chapters before moving on to the information below in part three. Just how big has this industry grown, right under your noses? From 2000 to 2014, a study by Johns Hopkins researches shows that gender-affirming surgeries have increased four-fold. By 2016, they were up another 19 percent from the previous year. Since the inception of the first youth gender clinic erected in 2007 by Boston Children’s Hospital, over fifty youth gender clinics have sprouted up. This doesn’t even include all of the facilities available to…
Exploiting Transgenders Part 2: Medical Engineering Origins
The manufacturing of an industry by those exploiting transgenders, far exceeds what most could have conjured up in their wildest imagination. A historical timeline and the social engineering is detailed in part one of this report, and is absolutely mandatory reading before continuing below. What is happening in our country and all around the world has already crossed into dangerous territory, with children as their target. This is a billion dollar industry growing at rapid pace, and if people don’t see the writing on the wall, there is no turning back. Puberty blockers are being used by physicians around the globe to transition children, which can lead to chemical castration and sterilization as well as a myriad of other side effects. This is the precursor to moving toward gender reassignment surgery. Where did these puberty blockers originate from, are they FDA licensed, and how did science play their role in…
Exploiting Transgenders Part 1: Manufacturing an Industry
How do you build an industry? How do you market it and provide support backing up your marketing? How do you exploit a community, while creating a glamorized trend throughout society, stemming from chaos and confusion? How do you grow your margins and take it all the way to the bank? How do you do all of this, and still sleep at night? The exploitation and manufacturing of the transgender “industry” kicked off in the 1950s with a mix of social and medical engineering, with a moving target on children. The manufacturing of this industry goes far beyond anyone’s wildest imagination, and if you dare question it, it is discrimination. The real discriminators are those exploiting a community who truly suffer from trauma, depression, and an attempted suicide rate of 40 percent. They are the ones who should be angrier than anyone about the atrocities these people have committed. They…
BE AWARE: Attempted Bills on Homeschooling
I recently did a report on children’s books in schools and how the so-called education system is indoctrinating children and filling their minds with false agendas, one-sided views, trying to break family units, and fear mongering. I proposed some suggestions at the end of the article, then took to twitter to see what “solutions” parents might have. It received an enormous amount of suggestions, from removing it from Federal control and putting it under the States, to disbanding teachers unions, and parents communicating more with their children and getting involved with the schools. The most widely suggested idea was to homeschool. With homeschooling growing at an estimated rate of 2% to 8% per annum just over the past few years, and over 1.6 million children being homeschooled, I knew that this would eventually hinder their indoctrination agenda, and suspected that states might attempt to instill new laws and crack down…