The Solution Series

    You Were Lied To – You Do Exist

    From the moment you came out of your mother’s womb, you were still connected to light, to God, to the universe, to everything. Where the mind couldn’t process, all of your senses were working overtime. Love filled your heart and curiosity consumed you. Then it began. Life took hold, and with every breath, a new word, a new idea, and a new perception were thrusted into your mind. They weren’t your own, but you digested them as best you could. The teachers played their roles, parents followed what they were taught, the radios buzzed with noise, and televisions blasted you with imagery to fill your databank. Before long, you were doing as told, obeying the rules, staying on everyone else’s schedule, and studying what you were told to learn. By the time you began forming deep thoughts of your own, you had been stripped of your senses, primarily your sixth…


    The Shape of Madness

    What does madness look like exactly? Does it have a shape, a body, extensions, labels? Is it a state of mind or a state of being? Or, is it merely ones perception of what they assess to be madness? What happens when much of the world appears to be in a state of madness, a sort of chaos that resembles the last known crazy person we wish we’d never met? Do we peel it down to its core, carve it out, explore it, analyze it, then push it to the side hoping it goes away? Does that make us feel more comfortable with its existence? Do we disregard it, live with it, or run from it? Can we sit in a room with it, simply observing the dynamics of its inner-workings? Can we coexist with it? Is that what drives the fear – the fact that most feel they cannot…

  • LAW & ORDER,  The Haiti Files,  TRAFFICKING

    5 Florida Judges Reprimanded in $500 Million Child Welfare Agency Conflict

    Five Florida judges were recently reprimanded for favoring one child welfare agency over another in a $500 million state contract, which is now before the Supreme Court. Our Kids Miami-Dade Monroe Inc. was the agency of choice, who has held the contract with the state since former Governor Jeb Bush doubled funding for privatized foster care. This tight knit group of “child advocates” spearheaded the efforts to airlift hundreds of Haitian children to Florida in the immediate aftermath of the 2010 earthquake, but that’s just the tip of the iceberg. • The judge who penned the letter to DCF favoring Our Kids in a bid for a $500 million contract, also went to bat for them back in 2004. • Foster children in Miami-Dade and Monroe counties have been moved as many as 10-20 times, and 25 children were moved to more than 80 foster homes. • Just one week…

  • LAW & ORDER,  U.S.

    Rudy, RICO, and Clinton Inc. Racketeering

    By The Sharp Edge In October of 2016, Wikileaks released a treasure trove of emails revealing the inner workings of the Clinton Crime Family, otherwise known as “Clinton Inc.” Within the 20,000 page archive of Podesta emails, the pieces came together to form a network of organized criminal activity, which long-time Clinton aide, Doug Band, referred to as “Bill Clinton, Inc.” Among the 20,000 page Wikileaks dump, a 12 page memo detailed how the Clinton aide, who played a key role in the formation of the Clinton Global Initiative, Clinton Foundation, and Teneo Holdings, used his position as a gate-keeper for Bill Clinton, intermingling a tangled web of charity vs. for-profit as well as personal business vs. official business. Rudy Giuliani, an expert on RICO, as the first prosecutor to use RICO in a major federal case, has stated in numerous interviews that this evidence, as well as other pieces…

  • interview with Zach Vorhies

    INTERVIEW: Google Whistleblower Zach Vorhies

    Google whistleblower Zachary Vorhies joined us in this week’s ‘Dig It! Podcast’ to discuss the 950 documents he turned over to the DOJ and Project Veritas. We covered several of the tactics Google has been using to manipulate the elections, bury search results, and alter people’s minds with suggestive mind control. In Corey’s Digs report ‘Controlling Minds, Narratives & Elections: Google, YouTube, Facebook & Twitter,’ it documents evidence of the level to which these companies have gone to control the minds of millions. Roughly eight years ago, Google altered its algorithms to derank smaller-scale ecommerce stores, while favoring and pushing big corps to the top of search results. This resulted in putting thousands of both ecommerce and brick and mortar stores out of business, making Amazon untouchable. Vorhies, an 8-year senior engineer at Google, witnessed Google coming out of the closet in 2016, in a desperate attempt to control the…

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