The Gates of Hell: Remove The Gatekeeper & Seal The Doors
Bill Gates is the gatekeeper to many gates. Whereas he may not hold the keys, he is the host and the central bank that provides access behind each closed door. He is at the heart of every major agenda. The level of control spans much farther than the United States of America, though a vast amount of the funding originates here. These heavily guarded gates are direct access to manifest, control, and monopolize some of the largest and arguably most important industries to man. Controlling these gates means control of wealth, policies, priorities, population, health, narratives, minds, land, industries, and everyone’s future, if it is not stopped. Corey’s Digs has reported on Gates’ interests and operations for years, to paint a fuller picture of everything he is involved with, because it is far more extensive than most people realize. Timelines, maps, business relationships, investments, incoming funding and outgoing grants, tax…
PIH, Bobby Rush, and The Truth Behind Contact Tracing Surveillance
Contact tracing seems to be all the rage lately, but is it really just “contact tracing,” and how many laws are being broken while they surveil the country going door to door with the threat of isolation? Is this about preventing spread or is it to gather data, instill more panic, or create a false need for mail-in ballots? How far are these people willing to go, and who was instrumental in getting this rolling? How far are you willing to go to fight for your rights? • H.R.6666 (TRACE) Act was introduced by IL Rep. Bobby Rush for a $100 billion grant to NGOs and organizations to carry out contract tracing throughout the U.S. just months after attending the Aspen Institute’s conference in Africa which was paid for in part by Bill Gates, Rockefellers, and the Democracy Fund. • Dr. Paul Farmer of Partners in Health was also at…
PIH, Bobby Rush, and The Truth Behind Contact Tracing Surveillance – Bookshop
Contact tracing seems to be all the rage lately, but is it really just “contact tracing,” and how many laws are being broken while they surveil the country going door to door with the threat of isolation? Is this about preventing spread or is it to gather data, instill more panic, or create a false need for mail-in ballots? How far are these people willing to go, and who was instrumental in getting this rolling? How far are you willing to go to fight for your rights? H.R.6666 (TRACE) Act was introduced by IL Rep. Bobby Rush for a $100 billion grant to NGOs and organizations to carry out contract tracing throughout the U.S. just months after attending the Aspen Institute’s conference in Africa which was paid for in part by Bill Gates, Rockefellers, and the Democracy Fund. Dr. Paul Farmer of Partners in Health was also at the Aspen…
The War With COVID-19, Terrorists, and Drug Cartels
By The Sharp Edge The war we are facing against drug cartels connected to the Maduro regime may be much more than it seems. General Milley succinctly described it like this: “We’re at war with COVID-19, we’re at war with terrorists, and we are at war with the drug cartels as well.” Deeply entrenched in drug trafficking and terrorism operations within Venezuela, Iran’s proxy, Hezbollah, may have had plans to exploit the Coronavirus outbreak and carry out operations against the United States and our interests in the region. The threat to US national security that the narco state and its allies poses, amidst the backdrop of the worldwide Coronavirus outbreak, has led the Trump Administration to announce enhanced counter narcotics operations in the Western hemisphere – targeting criminals, cartels and terrorists tied to the Maduro regime. By halting drug trafficking through Venezuela, the United States will essentially strangle the supply…
Exploiting Transgenders Part 4: Manufacturing a Reality $$
From unwitting or negligent parents to the education system, billionaire funders to big pharma, the CIA to Hollywood, NGOs and legislatures, the manufactured transgender industry has been pushed for several decades, and increased fourfold from 2000 to 2014. In fact, there are already over 50 youth gender clinics in the U.S., with hundreds of locations providing services for those of all ages. The social engineering and medical engineering origins have long been established, and were covered in part one and part two of this report. The funders and profiteers of this agenda were covered in part three. Despite the fact that 40 percent of transgenders attempt suicide, more often after transition surgery, the funders and profiteers continue this manifestation under the guise of “glamor,” “feeling whole again,” and “reproductive rights.” Part four summarizes the sales and marketing phase we are currently in, showing just who is doing the brainwashing to…