The Solution Series

    BIG WIN! Protecting Children One State at A Time

    This week, Alabama passed a bill through the Senate that will protect children under the age of 19 from gender-affirming treatments, including performing vasectomies, castrations, hysterectomies, or prescribing puberty blockers, even with parental consent. This makes it a Class C felony, punishable by up to 10 years. In a 22-3 vote, the Republican-led Senate passed the Vulnerable Child Compassion and Protection Act which now moves to the state’s House of Representatives where it is expected to pass. This is the most incredible news, because what they are doing to children is criminal! I have spent countless hours bringing awareness to this manufactured industry and produced a 4-part extensive report back in November 2019, on how it all emerged, who is pushing the agenda, and who is profiting from it. Most people don’t realize that Planned Parenthood is the second largest provider of “gender affirming” hormones in the nation. Whereas some…


    History Was Made: They Hijacked Our Health, But It’s Not Lost

    Those ruling the healthcare industry have hijacked our health, but it’s not lost. The Rockefellers spearheaded the healthcare industry, policies, institutes, and eugenics over a century ago. From vaccine cocktails to fertility suppression and control over agriculture, it was a mad scientist’s dream. The Gates Foundation served to further these agendas, and before long, mankind became the greatest experiment. Bigger than that, was the need to control minds by way of perpetrating narratives that read like a heroic novel, with scientists and doctors ensuring ones health and wellbeing, creating the illusion of saviors for all of eternity. By no means did they want people being aware of their innate, natural healing abilities, our robust immune systems, the value of body, mind, and spirit, or taking a holistic approach to health. Flooding the markets with sugar was a surefire way to camouflage the necessity for nutrition. They have hijacked minds, and…

  • History Was Made: They Hijacked Our Health, But It’s Not Lost – Bookshop

    Those ruling the healthcare industry have hijacked our health, but it’s not lost. The Rockefellers spearheaded the healthcare industry, policies, institutes, and eugenics over a century ago. From vaccine cocktails to fertility suppression and control over agriculture, it was a mad scientist’s dream. The Gates Foundation served to further these agendas, and before long, mankind became the greatest experiment. Recently, in South Dakota, Bill HB1235 to remove student vaccination requirements and allow parents to decide what medical interventions they wish for their children, was debated in an intense livestream. It was an historic, first-of-its-kind bill in the U.S. Learn what happened, and how the healthcare industry operates as a whole – who really runs it?


    Is AIDS U.S. $90B Taxpayer Dollars A Global Slush Fund? Chpt 2: The Global Fund

    This is one of the largest, potential global slush funds happening right in your backyard! Through television, radio, products, events, and executive orders, the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria is using their factions to prey on the weak at heart to donate your hard-earned money to a cause that sounds miraculous, while the government kicks in your taxpayer dollars as well. It is a $25 billion a year industry. The Global Fund itself has generated over $45 billion, ninety-five percent of which comes from taxpayer dollars through government funding from multiple countries, with the U.S. being the largest contributor to the tune of $18 billion thus far. Overall, the U.S. has contributed over $90 billion dollars to date through PEPFAR, to allegedly treat HIV in other countries. But how much of this money is really going towards fighting AIDS and who are they really helping – or…

  • AI - Artifical Intelligence,  BIG TECH,  GLOBAL,  HEALTH & SCIENCE

    The Cancer Within Modern Medicine Part 5: Transhumanism

    There is a cancer within the world of modern medicine eating away at the very heart of its original design. Rather than healing humanity, this cancer seeks to destroy us from within. In this final part of our series, we will explore how transhumanism has shaped modern medicine from the mid-20th century to today. Special thanks to pathologist and friend, Dr. B, for contributions to this report. Read Parts 1–4: The Cancer Within Modern Medicine By The Sharp Edge Transhumanism: Eugenics Redefined The term originated from biologist and eugenicist, Julian Huxley, who wrote an essay entitled “Transhumanism” in 1957.  Huxley was the first Director General of UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization) in 1946, President of the British Eugenics Society from 1959 to 1962, and President of the British Humanist Association from 1963 to 1965. In the post-World War II era, Huxley sought to “reform eugenics” by separating…

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