Bribing, Incentivizing, and Threatening Termination Over Covid Vaccines: Is It Legal?
The question of the day: is it legal for companies and universities to be bribing, incentivizing, and downright threatening termination if someone doesn’t get the Covid-19 vaccine? Pushing the envelope doesn’t even begin to portray how these bought and paid for agencies are undermining our constitutional rights, skirting the law, and passing the buck to big corp. First, the Covid vaccines weren’t going to be mandatory. In fact, they are not even approved or licensed by the FDA, and are technically “investigational” with an emergency use authorization (EUA). Not only are they forcing these experimental vaccines on students, employees, and civilians if they want to keep their job or be a part of society, they are bribing and incentivizing you to get one. Step right up for your free vaccine and get a free sugary donut, $100 gift card, paid time off work, tickets to an NBA game, or enter…
Citizens Told Entry Into Society Requires A Pass
By James Fitzgerald These are testing times — and not just because of the hysteria and hypocrisy over the “pandemic”. Our familiarity with dystopian literature is also being brought to the fore, as the draconis horribilis scenario races ahead. Those of us who have read Nineteen Eighty-Four, Animal Farm, Logan’s Run, A Handmaid’s Tale, The Matrix, Fahrenheit 451, Brave New World, Gattaca or Soylent Green will perceive the tell-tale indicators of the despotic mind at work — illogical, murderous and self-congratulatory. We were plied with these narratives at school and now the authority figures hope we will skip along with the long-mooted plans for our enslavement, having passed our English literature exams long ago. A situation that started out as a worry has quickly morphed into a real pain in the ass, as the medical technocratic machine seeks to mask or probe every biological orifice. The “ID” in Covid is…
COVID-19 Pt. 3: Nursing Homes and Long Term Care Facility Deaths “With” OR “From” Covid Facts
It has consistently been reported that nursing homes and long-term care facilities account for 40% of all Covid-related deaths, but how do these numbers actually breakdown? Is the general population aware that they are including these deaths in the total mortality data if they test positive but it’s not the cause of death, as Dr. Deborah Birx from the White House Covid-19 Task Force has stated, and as the CDC disclosed? Hospitalization data has also been distorted and is incredibly misleading, which was covered in part 1 of this report, including the fact that the 2017-2018 flu season far exceeded Covid hospitalizations, and the CDC is grouping pneumonia, influenza, and covid (PIC) for death totals, which was covered in part 2 of this report. Both contain critical data points put out by the CDC and the Covid Tracking Project to understand the real numbers. Perhaps the worst part to all…
EXCLUSIVE: Seamus Bruner Provides Comprehensive Roadmap to Biden Family Corruption and Documents How VP Joe Biden Compromised U.S. National Security While Biden Family Profited from Deals with America’s Enemies
By Seamus Bruner Executive Summary of Seamus Bruner’s revelations below: This report is a one stop shop for all Biden Inc. email revelations. This roadmap to Biden corruption is full of information you won’t find in a single article anywhere else and contains brand new emails provided EXCLUSIVELY to Corey’s Digs Documents Reveal New Details Proving Biden Inc’s Cozy Ties with Chinese Communist Party Leadership Via Chinese Billionaires New messages show Joe Biden son’s expletive-laced rant that his lucrative Ukrainian pay was in jeopardy after father left office. Biden: “I was fighting for the only income I have left” Insider Documents Reveal How Hunter Biden Associates Helped Chinese Military Contractor Acquire Michigan Dual-Use Manufacturer Under a Secret Project the Chinese Code Named “Project Hanson” Biden Defector’s Emails Reveal Hunter’s Associates Viewed Direct ‘Pipeline’ to Obama-Biden Administration as ‘Currency’ ‘This is China, Inc.’: Emails Reveal Hunter Biden’s Associates Helped Communist-Aligned Chinese…
Investigations & The Battle for A Vaccine: Where is This Headed?
The view from within ones’ home looks much like the apocalypse, as the economy spirals in turmoil while people heed their governor’s orders to “stay home.” Venturing out to the grocery store or for a stroll in nature brings about a surreal feeling of being in the twilight zone as people keep their distance while sporting masks and gloves. They have managed to sink the population into fear and despair, while battling it out over the “cure” for this virus that has swept the nation, or so they say. It’s hard for most people to see past their fears, their financial situation, and trying to cope in a situation everyone was forced into, not to mention the elevated anger everyone is feeling from freedoms being unnecessarily stripped away. But, this is about much more than a “cure” for COVID-19. There is a shift, a shake-up, and a dismantling taking place…