The Solution Series
  • Trump 2020
    OPINION,  U.S.

    Democrats Have No Play, No Game & No Hope

    Unless the Democrats manage to rig the elections for 2020, Trump will serve a second term by a landslide, after playing them like a fiddle for the past year. As the candidates are picked off one by one, it’s quite clear – they have no play, no game, and no hope. Grab your popcorn, the show has only just begun. The Dropouts One of the most gratifying drop-outs to witness, was New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio, who cares little about his city, let alone his country. A man who prides himself with passing legislation for full-term abortions while releasing child rapists into the general population rather than turn them over to ICE, who turns a blind eye to the attacks on law enforcement officers while 9 have committed suicide this year, is a man who doesn’t belong running New York City, let alone this country. And let’s not…

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