The Solution Series: Family Preparedness and Building a Survival Community with Stefan Verstappen
“What I am recommending now is for someone to join an existing community…. You’ve got to meet people in your neighborhood. So, that means joining the neighborhood watch program, or the block parent program, or join a service club like the Rotarians, the Lions Club, or certainly your local church.” ~ Stefan Verstappen Preview Full episode Download the full transcript in PDF. By Corey Lynn and James White Have you ever known someone who was good at just about everything, knew a lot about everything, and spoke with a confidence and wisdom that only comes from many years of experience? If you’ve never met anyone like that before, this Solution Series episode will, no doubt, be quite a treat for you. The man whose attributes we have just so aptly outlined is Canadian author, researcher, and adventurer Stefan Verstappen. With volumes and volumes of books inside his head and years…
15 BIG SOLUTIONS to Survive and Thrive Through Tyranny
“No more fun and games” is how the old saying goes – I say…. bring it on! Let’s go all fun and games and let’s create, build, and manifest the most incredible communities together! Stop with the distractions and all of the noise and intimidation, and do what’s important for your family by building a foundation with financial security, food and energy security, healthcare, housing, and community, while brilliantly navigating and protecting your family from the Globalists’ system. How do we do this? Through intention, determination, heart, and soul. We are powerful, we are intuitive, we are creators, and we are warriors. Own it! 15 Big Solutions to Survive and Thrive 1) Loosen your grip on technology by following some of these tips, tricks, and techniques to navigate, protect yourself, and be aware of technology’s role. It’s a lengthy list, so chip away at it over time. 2) Protect your…
5 Ways to Financial Security While Building Thriving Communities Outside The System
Tyranny seems to be the main entree on the menu these days, but there are so many wonderful appetizers and other dishes to generate the fuel you need to succeed during a time that requires a lot of faith, intention, and determination. Together, we can build a future that provides abundance, financial security, and a thriving community, outside of the system the globalists are trying to create for us. The first step begins with accepting that things are changing, as perception is the key to getting you through it. There is a big opportunity right now to take advantage of this transformative time and shift it to our benefit. Don’t get caught up in the distractions chipping away at your time – keep your eyes on the prize – communities that thrive all on their own. In order to build a better future for our families, it’s going to require…