The Floodgate is Open on Fauci’s Emails
“The tide is turning…The dam is about to burst…This is going to be a bad day for Dr. Fauci,” predicted Senator Paul in a statement last week. Little did we know a floodgate of Fauci’s emails would burst open to the public this week. Rand Paul’s statement couldn’t be more accurate, and based on the emails, it appears that Dr. Fauci has many more bad days ahead of him. The trove of Fauci emails released to the public, which came by way of a FOIA request by Buzzfeed, reveal patterns of cover-ups, censorship, coordination and control. Among the 3,234 pages, key insights have been gained, but there are surely more to come in the near future. Here are some of the findings from Fauci’s opened floodgate so far: The Cover-Up January 31, 2020 From: Kristian G. Anderson To: Anthony Fauci “The unusual features of the virus makes up a really…
Family Financial Disclosure Form for Covid-19 Injections
The Solari Report put together this brilliant financial disclosure form to assist families. It is an invaluable tool for everyone. From the Solari Report Disclaimer: This form is provided to facilitate effective family due diligence, communication, and planning. It is essential that each person and each family take responsibility to identify and access the information they believe to be most relevant to their situation and decisions, and take responsibility to assess and manage their individual and collective risk as they believe best. Introduction The goal of this Family Financial Form is to ensure that an adverse event or death of one family member does not translate into long-lived or permanent financial destruction for the entire family. This form was created to assist families to communicate regarding and to prepare for the family-wide financial impact of adverse events, if any, resulting from a Covid-19 injection. Examples of adverse events from Covid-19…
What The Plandemic Can Do For Our Evolution
By James Fitzgerald I was never labelled as a conspiracy theorist because my position as a newspaper editor gave me license to call out the consensus reality — and my stock market advice always made people money, which gave my other musings credence. That said, I am no longer a conspiracy theorist because the people in the stores with plastic bags over their heads and the ones jogging in the countryside wearing formaldehyde and Teflon-infused surgical masks have superseded me in the crackpot stakes. This plandemic saved my life. I had been commuting 60 miles a day; getting up at 4am and returning home at 10pm. When you’ve sat on a cramped and stuffy coach for three hours in heavy traffic for the second time that day, after a long spell in an office, you start to entertain notions of spontaneous Ascension or becoming a dry-stone waller. After the first…
Bribing, Incentivizing, and Threatening Termination Over Covid Vaccines: Is It Legal?
The question of the day: is it legal for companies and universities to be bribing, incentivizing, and downright threatening termination if someone doesn’t get the Covid-19 vaccine? Pushing the envelope doesn’t even begin to portray how these bought and paid for agencies are undermining our constitutional rights, skirting the law, and passing the buck to big corp. First, the Covid vaccines weren’t going to be mandatory. In fact, they are not even approved or licensed by the FDA, and are technically “investigational” with an emergency use authorization (EUA). Not only are they forcing these experimental vaccines on students, employees, and civilians if they want to keep their job or be a part of society, they are bribing and incentivizing you to get one. Step right up for your free vaccine and get a free sugary donut, $100 gift card, paid time off work, tickets to an NBA game, or enter…
Citizens Told Entry Into Society Requires A Pass
By James Fitzgerald These are testing times — and not just because of the hysteria and hypocrisy over the “pandemic”. Our familiarity with dystopian literature is also being brought to the fore, as the draconis horribilis scenario races ahead. Those of us who have read Nineteen Eighty-Four, Animal Farm, Logan’s Run, A Handmaid’s Tale, The Matrix, Fahrenheit 451, Brave New World, Gattaca or Soylent Green will perceive the tell-tale indicators of the despotic mind at work — illogical, murderous and self-congratulatory. We were plied with these narratives at school and now the authority figures hope we will skip along with the long-mooted plans for our enslavement, having passed our English literature exams long ago. A situation that started out as a worry has quickly morphed into a real pain in the ass, as the medical technocratic machine seeks to mask or probe every biological orifice. The “ID” in Covid is…