The Solution Series

    What Are You Doing?

    What are you doing? Do you find yourself doing these things? Even if you don’t, this is an important read. Did you just circulate that article because of the headline, without reading the actual article? Or, are you the one who suggested Hillary Clinton is dead and we are witnessing her clone walking around? Maybe you are the one saying someone was “arkancided” as quickly as the unfortunate news of their death hit, without even fully knowing who that person was? Why? Do you understand the ripple effect this has while simultaneously fueling their agendas? Did Critical Thinking Leave The Room? Is it possible that Hillary Clinton could in fact be a walking clone of Hillary Clinton? Let’s think about this for a moment. We know that science has made huge leaps with cloning and have the ability to clone animals. Is it possible they are cloning humans? Could be.…

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