Dig It! with Special Guest Catherine Austin Fitts
This week on Dig It! we brought my dear friend Catherine Austin Fitts on to discuss where the globalists are at with their Central Bank Digital Currency agenda, the overall financial and economic system, where we are heading, ways we can stop it, how to protect ourselves and build our communities, and so much more. You won’t want to miss this episode! WATCH HERE: Be sure to go to Catherine’s site and explore a wealth of information, tools, and resources at The Solari Report. Bookmark her handy silver and gold calculator. Dig It! Podcast also available on:GabTV: https://tv.gab.com/channel/CoreysDigsTheFoxHole: https://thefoxhole.app/#/homePilled: https://pilled.net/#/profile/86538Rumble: https://rumble.com/c/CoreysDigsBitchute: https://bit.ly/2uvHSHqOdysee: https://odysee.com/@CoreysDigsiHeart Radio: https://ihr.fm/2uw6bEMStitcher: https://bit.ly/2TN0MEaSoundcloud: https://bit.ly/37irTuFSpotify: https://spoti.fi/36o2QoOTuneIn: https://bit.ly/2GmEjpiYouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/CoreysDigs Subscribe to Corey’s Digs so you don’t miss a Dig!
100th Episode of Dig It! Podcast
This is our 100th episode of our Dig It! Podcast, with myself, The Speaker, and The Sharp Edge. Two full years, a heck of a lot of censorship, and we are still standing – 100 episodes later! A huge thank you to all of our patriot friends and supporters! You keep our spirits high, and we wouldn’t be here without you. We rolled in some good laughs, positive notes, covered Corey’s article on the Global Landscape on Vaccine ID Passports Part 1 (which also has some positives), her semi-comical article on America’s Multiple Personality Disorder, the Patriot Shopping Club, plus some other important news topics, and a big shout out to all of our fellow patriots. Kick back, give a listen, and have a safe and Happy 4th of July everyone! Dig It! Podcast also available on: GabTV: https://tv.gab.com/channel/CoreysDigs TheFoxHole: https://thefoxhole.app/#/home Pilled: https://pilled.net/#/profile/86538 Odysee: https://odysee.com/@CoreysDigs iHeart Radio: https://ihr.fm/2uw6bEM Stitcher: https://bit.ly/2TN0MEa…
Dig It! Podcast #14: Epstein, Klopfer, Five Eyes, McCabe, Buck, Spacey & More!
This week we discussed Edge’s dig into the Humpty Dumpty Institute in connection with Mark Epstein (Jeffrey Epstein’s brother), and many others, as well as Corey’s thread on the abortion Dr. Ulrich Klopfer who had 2,246 preserved fetuses in his garage, plus hot news topics of the week on Andrew McCabe, Ed Buck, Kevin Spacey’s accuser, Five Eyes & Canada, Kavanaugh, PA Senator charged & More! Links to Digs we discussed in the podcast: The Humpty Dumpty Institute Connections by Edge Abortion Dr. Ulrich Klopfer’s Connections by Corey’s Digs Dissecting Criminal Nests & Webs by Corey’s Digs Check out archived podcasts #1-8 on H1veM1nd Check out podcasts #9-14, and all future podcasts, on Corey’s Digs