The Solution Series

    TAKE ACTION: Steps to Secure Financial Freedom

    By The Sharp Edge From the looming financial crisis to the threat of global war, not to mention the potential release of ‘Disease X,’ or the weaponization of governments against the people as we head into elections… this year has promised to be a wild ride.  The relentless attacks on our sovereignty are coming from every angle, making it easy for the public to get divided, disoriented, and distracted.  However, this is not the time to deviate from our critical mission.  It is precisely the time to focus on the central planners’ end game, which is totalitarian control of the people through a ‘Great Reset’ of the financial system. We the people have the power to cripple their tyrannical agenda by taking four simple steps in our daily lives: educating ourselves and others, engaging with lawmakers and leaders, investing in financial freedoms, and building on successes.  This report will outline…


    A Look at 10 Red States Leading the Charge Against Financial Tyranny

    By The Sharp Edge While dysfunctional D.C. battles it out over the debt ceiling to reign in uncontrolled federal spending, ‘Quid Pro Joe’ (who is under Congressional investigation for laundering bribes by foreign nationals) recently pledged hundreds of millions more in aid to corrupt Ukraine, which has been exposed for embezzling funds.  If that wasn’t enough, ‘The Big Guy’ committed another $250 million through USAID to the World Bank, which has the power to launder with immunity.  Meanwhile, the 2023 banking collapse is turning out to be worse than the 2008 crisis, and the Treasury Secretary is warning that more bank mergers may be around the corner, as wealth consolidates into a handful of woke megabanks, like JPMorgan Chase and Bank of America, which continue to target the regime’s political enemies.  According to 19 state attorneys general, JPMorgan Chase has repeatedly de-banked Christian and conservative organizations.  Furthermore, a House Weaponization…

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