Perspective – that’s really what everything boils down to. One can choose to see only gloom and doom, they can choose to see in a hopeful and positive light, or they may land somewhere in the middle. That’s me – right smack in the middle. I’ve seen too much, know too much, and intuit too much to simply settle into hope or sink into the dark abyss. But one thing I’ve come to realize is that by moving through this process I’ve reached a point of becoming fearless to whatever outcomes arise. Perspective is vital, as the mind will inform the body how to feel, the emotions how to react, and either provide or steal the stability and strength of ones spirit. Be fearLESS. I believe that together we will continue to witness and experience the attempted global destruction for quite some time, but how we spend that time, how…
Special Announcement: NEW Solution Series!
I am so excited to be making this announcement! We’ve all been working really hard to get this series launched. This Saturday will be a sneak peek of the first episode, which will launch Thursday, August 11th. The first episode is FREE! The Solution Series is exclusively available on coreysdigs.com and solari.com. Hosted by Corey Lynn & James White We are producing 24 episodes annually, to bring you solutions, resources, and tools from brilliant individuals. We are focused on areas such as food resources and how-tos, local community building, survival and preparedness, alternative resources, wellness and healthcare, financial tips, and so much more. This is all about solutions, not problems, so get in here! First episode is FREE and premieres Thursday, August 11th, with a sneak peek on Saturday, August 6th! We will also have a Resource page that will be added to on an ongoing basis, to provide you…
22 Ways To Stop Vaccine ID Passports in 2022 and Why We Must!
One day, when I was out of state, I ventured into a veterinarian’s office with my dog. Despite his need for immediate attention, the vet refused to see him without vaccination records to show he was “up-to-date” on his rabies shot. Weeks later I attempted to bring him to a dog groomer to have his nails trimmed and was faced with the same issue – no entry. When I returned back home, I had high hopes of taking my dog to a new 20-acre dog park, only to find that it required an annual pass for access, which of course was not possible without proof of the rabies shot. Sound familiar? What the corrupt establishment has done to our animals is what they are now rolling out for humans through the vaccine ID passport, only with far greater repercussions and control because they are heading straight for your bank account.…
5 Ways to Financial Security While Building Thriving Communities Outside The System
Tyranny seems to be the main entree on the menu these days, but there are so many wonderful appetizers and other dishes to generate the fuel you need to succeed during a time that requires a lot of faith, intention, and determination. Together, we can build a future that provides abundance, financial security, and a thriving community, outside of the system the globalists are trying to create for us. The first step begins with accepting that things are changing, as perception is the key to getting you through it. There is a big opportunity right now to take advantage of this transformative time and shift it to our benefit. Don’t get caught up in the distractions chipping away at your time – keep your eyes on the prize – communities that thrive all on their own. In order to build a better future for our families, it’s going to require…
History Was Made: They Hijacked Our Health, But It’s Not Lost
Those ruling the healthcare industry have hijacked our health, but it’s not lost. The Rockefellers spearheaded the healthcare industry, policies, institutes, and eugenics over a century ago. From vaccine cocktails to fertility suppression and control over agriculture, it was a mad scientist’s dream. The Gates Foundation served to further these agendas, and before long, mankind became the greatest experiment. Bigger than that, was the need to control minds by way of perpetrating narratives that read like a heroic novel, with scientists and doctors ensuring ones health and wellbeing, creating the illusion of saviors for all of eternity. By no means did they want people being aware of their innate, natural healing abilities, our robust immune systems, the value of body, mind, and spirit, or taking a holistic approach to health. Flooding the markets with sugar was a surefire way to camouflage the necessity for nutrition. They have hijacked minds, and…