The Solution Series

    Laundering with Immunity: The Control Framework Part 3 – World Economic Forum Protected

    The World Economic Forum (WEF) is protected by immunities and privileges in Geneva, Switzerland where secrecy clings to the hallways of its headquarters overlooking Lake Geneva in Cologny. Though WEF has offices in New York and San Francisco, it does not have immunities in the U.S. under the International Organizations Immunities Act, nor does it appear to have immunities in its offices located in Beijing, Tokyo, or Mumbai. According to their agreement with the Swiss government, it would seem that their archives are inviolable, affording them the ability to plan and organize the movement of funds throughout their network without transparency, among other privileges noted below. This is very important to draw attention to, as it was not previously covered in part 1 of ‘Laundering with Immunity: The Control Framework,’ which included 76 international organizations, along with the Bank for International Settlements and its 63 Central Banks, plus GAVI and…


    2030 Backcasting with Catherine and Solari Series Hosts and Allies

    I had the honor of participating in this 2030 backcasting exercise with a wonderful group of individuals who have brilliant minds, and big hearts. We had a lot of fun using our imaginations to show how 2023 was the pivotal year that thwarted the globalists 2030 agenda. Watch the full video at Solari and use your own imagination to manifest the turning of the tide. Catherine moderated this event and set the stage… By Catherine Austin Fitts of The Solari Report To launch the new year—a year that promises to be consequential in untold ways—the Solari Report offers subscribers and our public audience its first-ever backcasting. As defined by Wikipedia, backcasting is “a planning method that starts with defining a desirable future and then works backwards to identify policies and programs that will connect that specified future to the present.” For our purposes, the year is 2030, and this is…

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