The Solution Series

    The Future is Now

    Whereas the one-eyed “Madame X” version of Madonna likes to preach “not everyone is coming to the future,” while cinching her robe to flash her upside down cross accompanied by a serpent on the other side, here’s what I believe… I believe the future is ours for creation, and it’s time to start creating. Forget about what you think is possible, realistic, or an option – just fantasize for a moment. Create the world you want to exist in, see it, feel it, manifest it. This is where it begins. This is the fun stage, followed by incredible manifestation, action, and what often times feels like small miracles. Let it percolate, take on its own shape, and see the vision very clearly in your mind. Don’t get hung up on all the little details for now. And remember, anything is possible. Just imagine a future where we don’t pay unjust…

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