Laundering with Immunity: The Control Framework – Part 1
A band of criminals got together a century ago and decided they were going to own the world, hold all of the power, create and hoard all of the money, and keep everyone on a constant spin cycle to fool them. Not only were they going to construct it as they saw fit, but they were going to build the most elaborate enslavement system this world has ever seen – one that gives them full immunity, allows them to operate outside the law entirely, and they were going to do it without anyone realizing it until it was too late. These self-imposed “rulers” believe themselves to be untouchable, have created documents stating as much, and are laughing at humanity as people move about their lives unaware of this elaborate scheme. This is the story that needs to be shared with the world and with every state legislator who should move…
The Global Landscape on Vaccine ID Passports Part 2: How Your Digital Identity is Moving to The Blockchain for Full Control Over Humans
The battle for digital identities is well underway, and vaccine id passports is only one entry point they are utilizing to move everyone onto the Blockchain. This isn’t about a virus or a vaccine passport, it is a means to create everyone’s digital identity. Some people are aware of the “digital identity” future that central banks and corrupt organizations are implementing, to connect everyone into the smart grid, smart cities, and digital currency, for full power and control over everyone’s lives, but few understand their full intentions and just how large this operation is, while they create other distractions in the world. This multi-part report will break down the operation of creating the digital identities and reveal specifics as to who is carrying out which portion, how far along they are, and where it is headed, so that people won’t be blindly led into their traps, can make educated choices,…
Hunting The Hunters Part II: Digging Into Foundations
You have a hunch that something feels very off about an organization, foundation or individual, but you are not sure how to begin digging. You know that something just doesn’t feel quite right, but where do you start? How do you make those connections, and what resources do you use to find the connections? How do you organize it all and make sense of it all? Part II of ‘Hunting The Hunters’ offers a basic guideline on how to begin digging and organizing your finds. This will be based on hunting a foundation being as that is quite a theme these days, since so many have turned out to be frauds and fronts. Keep in mind, this may not always be the exact order or method to how you might dig into a foundation, but it offers a general guideline to reference. Also note that when hunting organizations or individuals,…
- Child Trafficking, Drug Trafficking, Hunting The Hunters, Investigations, LEARN HOW TO..., Money Laundering
Hunting The Hunters: Inside The Minds of Elite Corrupt
There are many kinds of hunters, but they all operate from similar playbooks, and once you recognize the “elites” corrupt strategy, symbolism, and what they are ultimately after, the game can be turned…and you become the hunter. The following will break down how to track the NESTS and WEBS. These are two very different things, but the games they play are similar in nature, so the research strategy just shifts a bit to a larger scale. All of this can be done through open source research without any access to paid databases or boots on the ground, though if one has access to those, your search would be significantly sped up and you may garner additional information, especially a good background search database. Hunting NESTS Nests are localized fronts that portray themselves as saviors of children. It is a group of people working together to build a nest in their…