Brazen Takeover Leading Up To Inauguration Day
By James Fitzgerald This was to be an article about the transition team of Joe Biden in the run up to his possible inauguration. However, the unfolding events over the past few days cast new light on the nature of the presidential election and added credence to claims that the sitting president has been subject to an attempted coup on many levels. It would be unjournalistic and naive to echo the fait accompli of the corporate media about who will take the presidential podium on January 20th without first charting the staggering developments in the corporate media. It has been postulated that the social and political schematics we see on TV “is all a movie”. Well, this week on Capitol Hill the movie plot moved into its third act, and the bi-partisan audience held its breath as an unexpected but inevitable showdown took place amid the corridors of power. Protests…
You Talkin’ To Me, Pal? – The Dos and Don’ts of Digital Discourse
By James Fitzgerald It felt like all eyes were on him as he sat there pondering his last words — an utterance that had come from his heart, and which he thought would take the dull, cruel conversation in another, healthier, direction. But the silence was deafening, as if he had just walked into a saloon in the old Wild West and the piano had just stopped playing. What should he do now, he pondered, withdraw and find another outlet, or pull his proverbial gun out one more time, and blast these sycophants between the eyes? “John98765354” wasn’t really in a western bar, but he was in Bandit Country — a focal point of cyberspace we have come to know as social media. He had interjected in a thread about mask wearing under Covid conditions, and had challenged the status quo of the group by suggesting that masks might be…